Debugging (Angular)

Client-side debugging

Debugging Angular part of the Radzen application can be done using your favorite browser debugging tools, for example Google Chrome DevTools:

  1. Run application from Radzen:
  2. Open Chrome DevTools from the browser menu More tools -> Developer tools or using CTRL+SHIFT+I shortcut and select Sources tab:
  3. Expand webpack node in the sources treeview and open the file you want to debug:
  4. Set breakpoint in the code and perform the action in the app:

Server-side debugging

Visual Studio debugging

  1. Run application from Radzen:
  2. Open the application in Visual Studio:
  3. Set breakpoint in the code and attach to the running project:
  4. Perform the action in the app:

Visual Studio Code debugging

Debugging of the Radzen Blazor application can be done using Visual Studio Code and C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp):

  1. Run application from Radzen:
  2. Open the application in Visual Studio Code:
  3. Set breakpoint in the code and attach to the running project:
  4. Perform the action in the app: