Blazor chart improvements
Stacked Area
Axis label rotation
Shared tooltip - a single tooltip for all series
September 2022
DataGrid self-reference hierarchy, save/load settings, multiple cell selection and density.
DataFilter component.
CSS variables for all themes.
DropDown and DropDownDataGrid chips support.
July 2022
Ability to specify Tab position.
DataGrid column picker.
April 2022
Blazor BreadCrumb component added.
March 2022
MSSQL data source special infer settings persisted in the data source meta.
Blazor DataGrid improvements including Sort, Group, Filter and Page events, HideGroupedColumn property and ShowMultiColumnSortingIndex property.
February 2022
Blazor DataGrid Column Picker added.
Blazor DataGrid GroupRowExpand/GroupRowCollapse events added.
January 2022
Blazor DataGrid GroupRowRender event added with ability to collapse/expand groups.
Composite columns support added for Blazor DataGrid.
Blazor Pager HorizontalAlign property added.
Added Blazor DataGrid grouping support when virtualizing IQueryable.
December 2021
SQLite support added for Angular and Blazor with .NET5/6.
Blazor DataGrid IsNull/IsNotNull filtering support added.
Merged header/footer cells using HeaderCellRender and FooterCellRender events in Blazor DataGrid.
Blazor Tab component TabPosition property added.
Option to specify custom page names on data source infer.
Added RadzenLayout Blazor component.
November 2021
.NET 6 support added.
CellContextMenu event added for Blazor DataGrid.
DataGrid InLine edit template single row edit option added for server Blazor applications.
New Standard theme added for Blazor.
Added support for multiple values filter for Blazor DataGrid.
October 2021
Blazor Pager, DataGrid and DataList ShowPagingSummary and PagingSummaryFormat properties added.
DataGrid for Blazor GroupFootersAlwaysVisible property added.
Added DisabledProperty & VisibleProperty parameters and support for data parameter field binding for Blazor RadioButtonList.
Added Blazor Chart SeriesClick event.
September 2021
Group totals added to Blazor DataGrid.
Blazor Tabs will be switched using JavaScript when TabRenderMode is Client
August 2021
Blazor DataGrid columns reorder added.
Group by column added to Blazor DataGrid.
July 2021
Splitter component added for Blazor.
Blazor Badge component added.
Blazor DataGrid EmptyTemplate added.
Postgre generated columns support added for both Angular and Blazor.
DialogOptions AutoFocusFirstElement property added for Blazor.
Added option to disable EF query tracking for server-side Blazor applications.
June 2021
Tabs component for Blazor RenderMode property added.
Blazor DataGrid IsLoading property added.
ListBox, DropDown and DropDownDataGrid for Blazor virtualization support added.
Blazor DropDownDataGrid frozen columns support added.
Tree for Blazor CheckBoxes support added.
Blazor Pager, DataGrid and DataList PageSizeOptions property added.
Added SummaryTemplate to Fieldset and Panel Blazor components.
May 2021
Sorts and Filters added to Blazor DataGrid LoadDataArgs.
Added IsBusy property and spinning indicator to Blazor Button.
New DataGrid component (RadzenDataGrid) for Blazor added. Virtualization and frozen columns support, better sort and filter API and more!
April 2021
Client-side form validation with action for Blazor.
Ability to show busy dialog in Blazor applications.
Blazor Numeric value formatting support.
Exposed more stored procedures types that will return collection.
Parent cultures added to Radzen Internationalization settings.
March 2021
Blazor DataGrid LogicalFilterOperator added to specify and/or when filter by multiple columns.
ShowUpDown property added to Blazor Numeric component.
Overwrite existing pages option added to security settings.
Blazor DatePicker and DataGrid DateTimeOffset support added.
February 2021
DropDownDataGrid lookup columns support and filter by all string columns for both Angular and Blazor.
Blazor DataGrid column resizing support added.
Menu responsive mode support added.
MSSQL numeric fields precision and scale support added.
Blazor DataGrid multiple selection support added.
Items from data support added for Blazor CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList and SelectBar.
January 2021
Optimistic concurrency support added for Blazor applications.
Updated to Radzen.Blazor 3.0 with new themes.
Pager component added for Blazor.
Angular Switch component added.
December 2020
Blazor DataGrid merged cells support added using CellRender event colspan and rowspan attributes.
Application ignore list support for security meta json pages added for Blazor applications.
Blazor Upload support for custom HTTP headers added.
November 2020
Blazor Switch component added.
Angular security session refresh option added.
.NET 5 support added for Blazor and Angular applications.
Blazor WYSIWYG Editor component added.
Blazor ColorPicker component added.
Custom files support in Radzen.
October 2020
Blazor DataGrid FilterMode added. CRUD pages will use advanced filter mode by default.
Mask component for Blazor.
Swagger data source for Blazor.
Search and export support added for Blazor CRUD pages.
Fluent theme added.
September 2020
Blazor context menu added.
Tooltip added for Blazor.
Blazor Gauge component added.
Blazor Upload files preview added.
Added MouseEnter and MouseLeave events for all Blazor components.
August 2020
Confirmation dialog added for Blazor.
AzureAD authentication for Blazor WebAssembly applications added.
CRUD pages support for REST data sources added.
Export of MSSQL stored procedures support added for Blazor.
Blazor CRUD pages confirm to delete and built-in confirm dialog added.
July 2020
Blazor built-in multi-tenancy.
Windows Authentication.
MaterialDark theme.
Page Change event added for Blazor. Will be raised on every page or global property change.
June 2020
Material theme.
Ability to create properties available in all pages for Blazor applications.
Oracle data source for Blazor and Angular .NET Core 3.x.
Blazor Scheduler component added.
Security for Blazor WebAssembly applications.
May 2020
Blazor WebAssembly application type.
BarChart type added for Blazor.
GoogleMap component for Blazor
Azure AD and Azure AD B2C security support for Blazor applications.
Keyboard support for AutoComplete, DropDown, DropDownDataGrid and ListBox Blazor components.
DonutChart type added for Blazor.
Slider component added for Blazor.
April 2020
Fine-tune the database scaffolding.
RegexValidator component.
DataGrid filter menu localization support.
Blazor property binding picker.
TemplateForm auto-generate from schema.
March 2020
Deploy Angular and Blazor applications to Azure.
Blazor Chart component.
Blazor DropDownDataGrid columns support.
February 2020
Blazor FileInput MaxFileSize and Error event added.
Blazor https support during application development added.
Ability to overwrite Blazor component TItem and TValue using attributes.
January 2020
Step component for Blazor.
Blazor DataGrid cells and rows conditional styles.
Blazor popup validators.
December 2019
Blazor DataGrid column FilterTemplate.
OData data source for Blazor.
Blazor Active Directory security.
November 2019
Tree component added for Blazor.
Custom, reusable components for Blazor.
Custom attributes support for all Angular and Blazor components.
Save/load deploy settings.
Theme customization from Radzen Studio.
Upload component for Blazor.
October 2019
Excel and CSV export for Blazor.
DataGrid inline editing.
MySQL data source for Blazor.
September 2019
Blazor REST datasource added.
Blazor AutoComplete, CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList, SelectBar, SplitButton, Accordion, Rating and ProgressBar components added.
Blazor Internationalization (i18n) support added.
DataGrid with Form page template added.
August 2019
Blazor DropDownDataGrid, DatePicker and Menu components added.
Invoke custom method support added for Blazor.
Blazor DataGrid column filter as you type added.
DateFormat option added for auto-generated CRUD pages in Blazor applications.
July 2019
Blazor Master/Detail page templates.
Notifications for Blazor.
Blazor SQL Server Reporting Services viewer with proxy support.
Query builder for Blazor with multiple sorting and nested filters.
June 2019
Security for Blazor applications.
Multiple selection for Blazor DropDown component.
MSSQL data-source stored procedures support added for Blazor applications.
Native Blazor designer added for Radzen Studio.
Data annotation validation support added for Blazor applications.
Ignore list support added for Blazor applications.
May 2019
Signature component.
Specify what tables to scaffold and what to skip.
Pick what pages to generate per table - list, edit, add etc.
Deploy Blazor applications to IIS, FTP & ZIP.
Upgrade to latest Angular and PrimeNG.
April 2019
Oracle data-source.
New application themes.
March 2019
Property binding editor added.
February 2019
Query builder filter logical operator and hierarchy support added.
January 2019
SSRSViewer component support added to Blazor projects.
Query builder added for invoke data source method action for MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL data sources. Available for GET requests only with collection returned as response.
(Blazor) DataList, ListBox, Password, LengthValidator, CompareValidator and NumericRangeValidator new components added.
Implement invoke custom method.
December 2018
Ignore list added.
Blazor (server-side) experimental support added.
November 2018
Form design time support via new TemplateForm component.
Validator components (RequiredValidator, CompareValidator, LengthValidator, NumericRangeValidator).
New input components (Rating, FileInput, Password, DropDownDataGrid).
October 2018
Radzen Community Edition added.
September 2018
Optimistic concurrency support added for MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL data-sources.
Sparklines, Gauge and ProgressBar new components added.
Cut/Copy/Paste/Duplicate components added in design-time.
August 2018
GoogleMap component.
MSSQL Stored Procedures with Output parameters support added.
Export to Excel and CSV.
Support for Azure AD 1 authentication needed by Microsoft Dynamics.
July 2018
New Default and Dark application themes.
Windows authentication and LocalDB suppport for Microsoft SQL Server data-sources.
Improved DataGrid filtering UX.
June 2018
Master detail templates added.
Layouts and layout components (Body, Header, Footer, ContentContainer, Menus, etc.).
Multi-column Form component.
Application assets and Image component.
Icon, Link, Heading and Gravatar components.
May 2018
Visual Basic support added for .NET Core 2.x applications.
April 2018
Password reset implemented.
Angular apps are now PWA ready.
March 2018
Add support to run Radzen applications seamlessly from Visual Studio.
Composite primary key support for .NET Core 2.x projects.
Default SQL values support added.
Optional email confirmation during user registration.
.NET Core 2.x support added.
UI to download and install .NET Core from Radzen.
February 2018
Implement Steps (wizard) component.
Support for Google OAuth.
January 2018
PostgreSQL support added.
DataGrid grouping support added.
New data dialog and new CRUD page improved with settings for paging, sorting, filtering, etc.