Unleashing the Power of Themes in Radzen Blazor Studio

From global styles to local tweaks, Radzen Blazor Studio has you covered!

We’ve just released our latest version of Radzen Blazor Studio, with some exciting new Appearance features that will make styling your application easier and faster than ever. The new Appearance panel allows you to quickly and easily change the overall look of your application, with real-time in-app preview so you can see exactly how your changes will affect your app.


One of the standout features is the inclusion of Fluent and Material Dark themes, that provide a sleek and professional look for your app. And with dozens of predefined color swatches to choose from, it’s easy to find the perfect look for your application.


Additionally, the ability to import and export customizations allows for consistent use of styles across multiple apps, making it easy to maintain a cohesive look and feel across your entire application portfolio. This is a particularly useful feature for .NET and C# developers, as well as for citizen developers looking to create professional-grade applications.

To get started with the theme editing, simply select a theme and pick a color swatch. From there, you can adjust any of the additional styling options to suit your preferences. With the new Appearance panel and real-time in-app preview, it’s easy to create the perfect look for your application.

Now, go ahead and download Radzen Blazor Studio. Or if you have done so already, have a look at the Appearance docs.

Don’t forget to follow us for more Blazor goodness on GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

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by Vasil Yordanov

Free Material theme, new UI fundamentals, CSS variables and utility classes

The latest version of our open-source Radzen Blazor Components delivers major UI improvements across the board.
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