
Cascading DropDowns with Angular, .NET Core and Microsoft SQL Server

This blog post demonstrates how to implement cascading DropDowns with Angular, .NET Core and Microsoft SQL Server without writing code.

Send an email with Angular, .NET Core and Radzen

This blog post demonstrates how to invoke POST request from an Angular 5 application to .NET Core 2.x Web API controller and send an email using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.

Connect to Google Drive using Angular, REST services, OAuth and Radzen

This blog post demonstrates how to create an Angular app with Radzen that will access Google Drive using OAuth authorization!

Master pages with Angular 5 for fun and profit

Checkout Radzen Demos and download latest Radzen!

Radzen 100th release by the numbers!

Wow time does fly, doesn’t it! We realised that this Monday we have reached an important milestone - release number 100 of Radzen. This lead us to gather some stats such as number of trial registrations, downloads, forum posts, support questions, new featur...