Security API | Angular (Angular)

When security is enabled Radzen will inject the Security Angular service to all pages. It is available as the security property.

Security methods

isAuthenticated(): boolean

Returns true if the user is authenticated (logged in); otherwise false;

Use it in Radzen as ${security.isAuthenticated()}.

isInRole(role: string | string[]): boolean

Returns true if the user is from the specified role(s) or Administrator; otherwise false;

Use it in Radzen as ${security.isInRole('Sales')}.

Security properties

get name(): string

Returns the name of the authenticated user.

Use it in Radzen as ${}.

get profile(): any

Returns the profile object of the authenticated user. Contains all claims associated with the user - name, role and custom ones.

For example to get a custom claim called country use ${}

Check Extend Application User for instructions about adding custom properties to the user.

get roles(): string[]

Returns the roles of the authenticated user.