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Chart (Blazor)

This article demonstrates how to use the Radzen Blazor Chart component. Check also the component guide and API reference.

Using in Radzen

We will create a simple column chart that displays the category sales from the Northwind database (via the Category Sales for 1997 view).

First make sure that you have a MSSQL data source for the Northwind database and it includes that view.

  1. Create a new page in an existing Radzen Blazor application.
  2. Drag and drop a Chart component.
  3. Click the “…” button next to the Series label in the Property Grid.
  4. Add a new series and set its Type to Column.
  5. Series need data. Open the Data dropdown and pick “new…”.
  6. Pick the getCategorySalesFor1997s operation from the Operations dropdown and click Save.
  7. The series has data. Set CategoryProperty to CategoryName. This means that the X axis of the chart (a.k.a category axis) will display the CategoryName property of the data items.
  8. Set ValueProperty to CategorySales. The Y axis (a.k.a. value axis) will use the CategorySales property of the data item.
  9. Finally set the Title property of the series to Category Sales.

That’s it! Radzen will display a column chart in design time and use some mock data to simulate the runtime appearance.

We can hide the legend since we have only one series. Expand the Legend section in the property grid and uncheck its Visible property. Also let’s display the Y axis (value) labels as currency. Expand the ValueAxis section in the property grid and set FormatString to $ {0}.

Here is how the final result should look like.

Using from code

The Radzen Blazor Chart can display data as column, line, area and pie series. The chart series needs data and configuration to tell it which property of the data item is the value of the series (Y axis) and which is the category (X axis).

All series have the following common properties:

  • IEnumerable<T> Data

Specifies the data source which the series should display.

  • string ValueProperty

The name of the property which provides values for the Y axis of the chart. The property should be of numeric type: int, long, float, double, decimal.

  • string CategoryProperty

The name of the property which provides value for the X axis of the chart. The property can be string, Date or numeric. If not set the Radzen Chart will use the index of the data item as its X axis value.

Basic usage

Here is a very basic example that creates a column chart with minimal configuration.

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue" />
@code {
  class DataItem
      public string Quarter { get; set; }
      public double Revenue { get; set; }

  DataItem[] revenue = new DataItem[]
      new DataItem
          Quarter = "Q1",
          Revenue = 234000
      new DataItem
          Quarter = "Q2",
          Revenue = 284000
      new DataItem
          Quarter = "Q3",
          Revenue = 274000
      new DataItem
          Quarter = "Q4",
          Revenue = 294000

The RadzenColumnSeries tag is used to specify that the chart has a column series. The Data property specifies the data source. The chart will render a column for every DataItem instance from the revenue array. The Y (value) axis displays the Revenue property and the X (category) axis displays the Quarter property.

Axis configuration

Min, max and step

By default the Radzen Blazor Chart determines the Y axis minimum and maximum based on the range of values. For example it finds the minimum and maximum values and uses the closes “nice” number. A nice number is usually a multiple of a power of 10: 0, 10, 100, 1000, 200000 etc. In the previous example the chart automatically uses 200000 as the minimum and 300000 as the maximum.

To override the defaults use the Min, Max and Step properties of the RadzenValueAxis tag.

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue" />
  <RadzenValueAxis Min="0" Max="400000" Step="100000" />

Format the values

The value axis displays values with default formatting (ToString()). This can be customized in two ways - via the FormatString or the Formatter properties.

FormatString supports the standard .NET Number formats.

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue" />
  <RadzenValueAxis FormatString="{0:C}"/>

Display grid lines

You can make the chart display grid lines for either the value or category axis. Add a RadzenGridLines tag inside RadzenValueAxis or RadzenCategoryAxis and set its Visible property to true.

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue" />
      <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" />
      <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" />

Set axis title

Use the RadzenAxisTitle tag to display text below the category axis or next to the value axis.

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue" />
      <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Revenue" />
      <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Quarter" />

Legend configuration

The Radzen Blazor Chart displays a legend by default. It uses the Title property of the series (or category values for pie series) as items in the legend. The legend is at the right side of the chart by default. You can change the position of the legend via the Position property.

Legend position

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue" />
  <RadzenLegend Position="LegendPosition.Bottom" />

Hide the legend

To hide the legend set the Visible property to false.

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue" />
  <RadzenLegend Visible="false" />


The Radzen Blazor chart displays a tooltip when the user hovers series with the mouse. The tooltip by default inclused the series category, value and series name.

Customize tooltip content

To customize the tooltip content use the TooltipTemplate setting of the series.

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue">
    <TooltipTemplate Context="data">
        Revenue for <span>@data.Quarter</span> 2020:

Disable tooltips

To disable the tooltips set the Visible property of the RadzenChartTooltipOptions tag to false.

  <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Quarter" ValueProperty="Revenue" />
  <RadzenChartTooltipOptions Visible="false" />



Name Type Description
ColorScheme ColorScheme Specifies the color scheme that the chart series will use. The available color schemes are: Pastel (default), Palette, Divergent, Monochrome.
Style string Set the inline CSS style. Use to specify width and height e.g. Style="width: 500px; height: 400px"


Name Type Description
Stroke string The stroke color of the axis.
StrokeWidth double The width of the axis in pixels. By default set to 1.
FormatString string Specifies the format string for the axis labels.
Formatter Func<object, string> Specifies the formatter function for the axis labels.
LineType LineType The line type of the axis. One of Solid (default), Dashed, Dotted.
Min object Specifies the minimum value of the axis.
Max object Specifies the max value of the axis.
Step object Specifies the Step value of the axis. If the CategoryProperty is Date pass a TimeSpan.
Visible bool Show or hide the axis. By default is true unless the chart contains only pie series.


Name Type Description
Stroke string The stroke color of the axis.
StrokeWidth double The width of the axis in pixels. By default set to 1.
FormatString string Specifies the format string for the axis labels.
Formatter Func<object, string> Specifies the formatter function for the axis labels.
LineType LineType The line type of the axis. One of Solid (default), Dashed, Dotted.
Min object Specifies the minimum value of the axis.
Max object Specifies the max value of the axis.
Step object Specifies the Step value of the axis.
Visible bool Show or hide the axis. By default is true unless the chart contains only pie series.


Name Type Description
Title string The title of the series. Displayed in the legend and tooltip. By default automatically generated in the form “Series X” where X is the 1 based index.’
TooltipTemplate RenderFragment<TItem> Specifies the custom tooltip template for that series.
CategoryProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the X axis (a.k.a. category axis) values.
ValueProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the Y axis (a.k.a. value axis) values.
Data IEnumerable<TItem> The data source of the series.
RenderingOrder int Controls the order in which the series will be rendered. Series rendered by ascending RenderingOrder.
Stroke string The stroke color of the series.
StrokeWidth double The stroke width of the series in pixels. By default set to 2.
LineType LineType The line type of the series. One of Solid (default), Dashed, Dotted.
Smooth bool Specifies whether the line will be smooth or not (default).


Name Type Description
Title string The title of the series. Displayed in the legend and tooltip. By default automatically generated in the form “Series X” where X is the 1 based index.’
TooltipTemplate RenderFragment<TItem> Specifies the custom tooltip template for that series.
CategoryProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the X axis (a.k.a. category axis) values.
ValueProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the Y axis (a.k.a. value axis) values.
Data IEnumerable<TItem> The data source of the series.
RenderingOrder int Controls the order in which the series will be rendered. Series rendered by ascending RenderingOrder.
Stroke string The stroke color of the series.
StrokeWidth double The stroke width of the series in pixels. By default set to 2.
LineType LineType The line type of the series. One of Solid (default), Dashed, Dotted.
Smooth bool Specifies whether the line will be smooth or not (default).
Fill string The fill color of the series. Used in the area below the line.


Name Type Description
Title string The title of the series. Displayed in the legend and tooltip. By default automatically generated in the form “Series X” where X is the 1 based index.’
TooltipTemplate RenderFragment<TItem> Specifies the custom tooltip template for that series.
CategoryProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the X axis (a.k.a. category axis) values.
ValueProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the Y axis (a.k.a. value axis) values.
Data IEnumerable<TItem> The data source of the series.
RenderingOrder int Controls the order in which the series will be rendered. Series rendered by ascending RenderingOrder.
Stroke string The stroke color of the series.
StrokeWidth double The stroke width of the series in pixels. By default set to 2.
LineType LineType The line type of the series. One of Solid (default), Dashed, Dotted.
Fill string The fill color of the series. Used as the background of the columns.


Name Type Description
Title string The title of the series. Displayed in the legend and tooltip. By default automatically generated in the form “Series X” where X is the 1 based index.’
TooltipTemplate RenderFragment<TItem> Specifies the custom tooltip template for that series.
CategoryProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the X axis (a.k.a. category axis) values.
ValueProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the Y axis (a.k.a. value axis) values.
Data IEnumerable<TItem> The data source of the series.
RenderingOrder int Controls the order in which the series will be rendered. Series rendered by ascending RenderingOrder.
Stroke string The stroke color of the series.
StrokeWidth double The stroke width of the series in pixels. By default set to 2.
LineType LineType The line type of the series. One of Solid (default), Dashed, Dotted.
Fill string The fill color of the series. Used as the background of the columns.


Name Type Description
Title string The title of the series. Displayed in the legend and tooltip. By default automatically generated in the form “Series X” where X is the 1 based index.’
TooltipTemplate RenderFragment<TItem> Specifies the custom tooltip template for that series.
CategoryProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the X axis (a.k.a. category axis) values.
ValueProperty string The name of the property of TItem that provides the Y axis (a.k.a. value axis) values.
Data IEnumerable<TItem> The data source of the series.
RenderingOrder int Controls the order in which the series will be rendered. Series rendered by ascending RenderingOrder.
Strokes IEnumerable<string> The stroke colors of the pie segments.
StrokeWidth double The stroke width of the segments in pixels. By default set to 0.
Fills IEnumerable<string> The fill colors of the pie segments. Used as the background of the segments.
X double? The X of the pie center. Not set by default. The pie is centered horizontally and vertically.
Y double? The Y of the pie center. Not set by default. The pie is centered horizontally and vertically.
Radius double? The radius of the Pie. Not set by default. The radius is calculated to fill as much of the chart size as possible.


Name Type Description
Position LegendPosition One of Top, Right (default), Bottom, Left.
Visible bool Specifies whether the legend is visible (default) or not.


Configure the ticks of RadzenCategoryAxis or RadzenValueAxis.

  <RadzenTicks Stroke="green" StrokeWidth="2" />
Name Type Description
Stroke string The stroke color of the axis ticks.
StrokeWidth double The stroke width of the axis ticks in pixels. By default set to 1.
LineType LineType The line type of the axis ticks. One of Solid (default), Dashed, Dotted.


Name Type Description
Style string Specify custom CSS style for the tooltip.
Visible bool Specifies whether to show tooltips (default) or not.


Enables and configures marker rendering for line and area series. Markers are shapes rendered for each item in the series data source.

<RadzenLineSeries Data="@revenue" CategoryProperty="Date" ValueProperty="Revenue">
  <RadzenMarkers MarkerType="MarkerType.Square" />
Name Type Description
Fill string The fill color of the marker. Used as the background.
Stroke string The stroke color of the marker. Used as the border.
StrokeWidth double The stroke width of the marker. By default set to 2.
Size double The size of the marker. By default set to 2.
MarkerType MarkerType One of None (default), Auto, Triangle, Diamond, Square. When Auto is used the chart will cycle between shapes.