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Tooltip (Blazor)

This article demonstrates how to use the Tooltip component. Check also the component guide and API reference.

  1. Register <RadzenTooltip /> in your application main layout.
  2. Register TooltipService in your application Startup or Program.
  3. Inject TooltipService in your page.
  4. Execute Open() method of the TooltipService.

Blazor declaration

@inject TooltipService tooltipService
<RadzenButton Text="Show tooltip with text" MouseEnter="@(args => ShowTooltip(args) )" />
<RadzenButton Text="Show tooltip with custom content" MouseEnter="@(args => ShowTooltipWithHtml(args, new TooltipOptions(){ Style = "color:#000", Duration = null }))" />
<button @ref="htmlButton" @onmouseover="@(args => ShowTooltip(htmlButton))">
    Show tooltip

@code {
    ElementReference htmlButton;

    void ShowTooltip(ElementReference elementReference, TooltipOptions options = null) => tooltipService.Open(elementReference, "Some content", options);

    void ShowTooltipWithHtml(ElementReference elementReference, TooltipOptions options = null) => tooltipService.Open(elementReference, ds =>
    Some <b>HTML</b> content
</div>, options);