What's new

2.87.8- 2024-07-18


  • (Blazor) Fixed hasOwnProperty() of undefined error when reading data source with enums.


2.87.7- 2024-06-09


  • (Angular) Cannot pick certain themes when creating a new application.
  • (Angular) Cannot use properties to set the parameters of the PanelMenu items.


2.87.6- 2024-05-08


  • Fixed FK discoverability in foreign keys with different order.


2.87.5- 2024-04-25


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.30.2.


  • Fixed composite FK discoverability in foreign keys with different order.


2.87.4- 2024-01-11


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.23.8.


2.87.3- 2024-01-09


  • (Blazor) Do not generate data item argument for component event handlers inside FormField ChildContent.


2.87.2- 2023-12-14


  • (Blazor) Cannot translate the ‘!=’ on an expression of entity type ‘View’ because it is a keyless entity during export.


2.87.1- 2023-11-23


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.21.4.


2.87.0- 2023-11-17


  • (Blazor) Fix PanelMenu expand arrow position in item template.
  • (Angular) Allow the developer to disable the trimming of chart axis labels.
  • (Blazor) Cannot set the Orientation property of the Timeline component.


2.86.9- 2023-10-25


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.19.0.
  • (Angular) Allow the developer to disable the trimming of chart axis labels.


2.86.8- 2023-09-29


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.16.3.


  • (Blazor) Fixed page parameters not properly identified.


2.86.7- 2023-09-22


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.16.2.


2.86.6- 2023-09-21


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.16.1.


2.86.5- 2023-09-13


  • Fixed cannot read ‘components’ of undefined error.


2.86.4- 2023-09-12


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.15.12.
  • Query build raw sort expression input width set equal to raw filter expression input width.


2.86.3- 2023-08-24


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.15.7.


  • (Blazor) Premium themes fixed.


2.86.2- 2023-08-23


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.15.6.


2.86.1- 2023-08-11


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.15.4.


2.86.0- 2023-08-08


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.15.0.
  • Default .NET version for new application set to .NET 7.


2.85.5- 2023-07-25


  • System.Linq.Dynamic.Core reference fixed.


2.85.4- 2023-07-25


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.14.2.


2.85.3- 2023-07-03


  • (Blazor) Cannot set Start, End or Help of FormField.


2.85.2- 2023-06-29


  • Radzen.Blazor updated to 4.13.4.


  • (Angular) Multiple CompareValidators show when validating the same component.


2.85.1- 2023-06-09


  • (Blazor) Header background is missing in design time.


2.85.0- 2023-06-05


  • New Material 3, Material 3 Dark, and Fluent UI Dark premium themes.


2.84.10- 2023-06-05


  • (Blazor) DataGrid CellContextMenu event items Icon property exposed.


  • (Blazor) Uri.EscapeDataString() instead HttpUtility.UrlEncode() to avoid encoding space in parameter value.


2.84.9- 2023-05-30


  • (Blazor) Added RadzenCustomValidator.


  • (Angular) Fixed XlsDataContractSerializerOutputFormatter to use CreateUnknownElement() method.
  • (Blazor) Allow the user to set the style of FormField.
  • Fixed UrlEncode encodes percent symbol.


2.84.8- 2023-05-09


  • Fixed BlankTriggerAddingConvention added multiple times in case of multiple data sources.


2.84.7- 2023-05-09


  • Added support for database tables triggers in DbContext for .NET 7.
  • OpenXml used in ExportController upgraded to 2.20.0.
  • Radzen.Blazor updated to latest.


2.84.6- 2023-04-18


  • (Blazor) Add FormField component.
  • (Blazor) CheckBox ReadOnly property added.
  • (Blazor) Dialog focus trap added.
  • (Blazor) Improved FormField rendering and styles.
  • (Blazor) RadzenText can create anchors via the Anchor property.
  • (Blazor) Add ability to customize OData string by column.


  • (Blazor) Fix border radius of ColorPicker value.
  • (Blazor) Close all context menus on dispose.


2.84.5- 2023-04-06


  • (Blazor) Added NavLinkMatch property to RadzenMenuItem.
  • (Blazor) DropDownBase support for ICollection<> added.
  • (Blazor) Updated confirm/alert methods to virtual in the dialog service to allow for mocking in unit tests.
  • (Blazor) Added MarkupString support for RadzenRadioButtonListItem Text and RadzenCheckBoxListItem Text.
  • (Blazor) Added ShowColumnTitleAsTooltip DataGrid property for enabling/disabling column title tooltip.
  • (Blazor) Added NavLink-Match property to Link, MenuItem, PanelMenuItem and ProfileMenuItem.
  • (Blazor) RadzenMenuItem, RadzenPanelMenuItem and RadzenProfileMenuItem can have empty string as Path.
  • (Blazor) TooltipService Open with position overloads added.
  • (Blazor) RadzenDataList and Pager Density property added.
  • (Blazor) Numeric custom value convert support added.
  • (Blazor) Better handling of Scheduler YearView clicks and overridable MoreText event.
  • (Blazor) RadzenContextMenu Icon property added.
  • (Blazor) RadzenAutoComplete close popup if value is smaller than MinLength.
  • (Blazor) PanelMenu item click added.
  • (Blazor) Tree item label click should check the CheckBox.
  • (Blazor) DataList IsLoading property added.


  • (Blazor) Setting the font size or font does not work in HtmlEditor.
  • (Blazor) RadzenLoging does not post the value of the “Remember me” switch.
  • (Blazor) Changing PageSize in DataGrid with bound Settings causes an infinite loop.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid settings not loaded in there is a filtering that leads to empty collection.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid crashes when filter is applied to Decimal? field and loaded from Settings.
  • (Blazor) Changed ripple’s pseudo-element to avoid mouse event problems.
  • (Blazor) Microsoft.CSharp should be referenced for netstandard2.1 only.
  • (Blazor) Removed unnecessary curly brace in Link component.
  • (Blazor) Add milliseconds to column filter string for DateTime.
  • (Blazor) Removed styles that override the appearance of small button in a DataGrid cell.
  • (Blazor) Close all tooltips on dispose.
  • (Angular) The name of the logged in user is empty in .NET 7 applications.


2.84.4- 2023-03-16


  • (Blazor) Expose SpeechToTextButton component.


  • (Blazor) Change RadzenComponent.Element setter to protected internal.
  • (Blazor) The HtmlEditor view source button submits the parent form.
  • (Blazor) rz-helper-hidden-accessible should not use overflow hidden.
  • (Blazor) Fixed OData enum filtering.
  • (Blazor) Fixed setting the grid settings to null causes the selected column count to display a wrong number.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Tree parent item should not be part of CheckedValues if at least one child is unchecked.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will save in Settings only columns with defined Property.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid state will be updated after frozen column resize.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid column title not updated when changed runtime.
  • (Blazor) Dialog cannot be moved horizontally with CultureInfo “de-DE”.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid Query.OrderBy not populated with initial column sorting.
  • (Blazor) Fixed OData enum filter value should use single quotes.
  • Update windows authentication nuget packages for .NET 7.
  • (Blazor) Stored procedures string parameters mapped to correct types.


2.84.3- 2023-03-10


  • (Angular) Cannot submit a form with pressing enter.
  • (Blazor) Fixed sqlrunner for .NET 7 should not require .NET 6.


2.84.2- 2023-03-09


  • (Blazor) Add DataGrid HeaderTemplate property.
  • (Blazor) Add Density Parameter to DropDownDataGrid.
  • (Blazor) Improve Button focus state.
  • (Blazor) Scheduler SelectView property added to allow programmatically changing the selected view.


  • (Blazor) Fixed update OrderIndex for all columns after DataGrid column reorder.
  • (Blazor) Fixed ColorPicker disabled state.
  • (Blazor) Fixed ContextMenu click event.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Tooltip error during navigation.
  • (Blazor) Fixed SplitButton disabled state when Busy.
  • (Blazor) Fixed error with Tooltip and navigating to a page with a different layout.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid should not reset settings on Reset() if using LoadData.
  • (Blazor) Stacked bar and column charts added.
  • (Blazor) SplitButton IsBusy property added.
  • (Blazor) Added Density property to RadzenPager.


2.84.1- 2023-02-27


  • (Blazor) Added option to stop auto focus on filter input on DropDownDatagrid.
  • (Blazor) Added ClearSelection() method to RadzenTree.
  • (Blazor) MarkupString support added for DialogService Confirm and Alert.
  • (Blazor) Added RadzenTreeItem support for arbitrary attributes.
  • (Blazor) Added an autocomplete type parameter.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid KeyProperty added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed RadzenCheckBoxList AllowSelectAll doesn’t work when using Data property.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid column SecondFilterValue not set correctly when using FilterTemplate.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid is skipping to last page when PageSize option selected greater than data present.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataFilter error with DateTimeOffset.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column visibility out of sync with column picker when Visible changed runtime.
  • (Blazor) RadzenRequiredValidator firing on duplicate property names.
  • (Blazor) Missing ; after clip-path in bar charts.
  • (Blazor) SeriesClick event is sometimes not fired when clicking a marker.
  • (Blazor) Splitter cannot be expanded runtime if Collapsed set to true.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid frozen-cell hover and selection background colors.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid SaveSettings made awaitable.
  • (Blazor) Show PanelMenu item arrow icon when ChildContent exists.


2.84.0- 2023-02-13


  • (Blazor) New views added to Scheduler component.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid AllowFilterDateInput property added.
  • (Blazor) VirtualizationOverscanCount added to DropDown, DropDownDataGrid and ListBox.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid filter popup will not open after column Visible change.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DatePicker Kind getting lost when type is DateTime.


2.83.5- 2023-02-09


  • (Blazor) DataGrid ExpandRows() and CollapseRows() methods added.
  • (Blazor) Paste images as data URI if the UploadUrl property of RadzenHtmlEditor is not set.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid advanced filter mode will apply filter on enter key.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid VirtualizationOverscanCount property added.
  • (Blazor) DataFilter OData support added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGridColumn and DataFilterProperty FormatString logic.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid filter popup no working correctly after column Visible change runtime.
  • (Blazor) Fixed closing dialogs logic.
  • (Blazor) Tabs component select with RenderMode Client should not set display:block.


2.83.4- 2023-01-30


  • (Blazor) DataGrid FilterPopupRenderMode property added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed RadzenDataFilterProperty FilterTemplate context to be the underling Filter.


2.83.3- 2023-01-26


  • (Blazor) Added Template support for DropDown and DropDownDataGrid chips.
  • (Blazor) Added MarkupString support for Accordion item Text property.


  • (Blazor) Fixed popups will steal focus in some cases.
  • Fixed “Assignment to constant variable” error when JSON starts with Unicode BOM.


2.83.2- 2023-01-23


  • (Blazor) Added more series colors to Chart.
  • (Blazor) DataList AllowVirtualization property added.


  • (Blazor) DropDownBase select all should exclude disabled items.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid will not populate pickable columns if AllowColumnPicking is initially false.
  • (Blazor) RadzenColumn Gap and RowGap set as px if specified just as number.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid will render rz-state-disabled class for disabled items.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid AllowColumnReorder ignored when AllowGrouping is true.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Autocomplete steals focus.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid columns order not reset when Settings set to null.
  • (Blazor) Fixed popups positioning in old and new Edge browsers.
  • (Blazor) Fixed unwanted changes in layout caused by new components/styling.


2.83.1- 2023-01-19


  • (Blazor) RadzenPanelMenu Multiple property added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid simple filter with menu will not update settings on column filter operator change.
  • (Blazor) Chart legend font size fixed.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid Separator property fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid expand/collapse should not select the row.
  • (Blazor) DropDown/DropDownDataGrid Chips remove button should not be triggered by Form submit on enter.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns fixed.


2.83.0- 2023-01-12


  • (Blazor) Add Text property to RadzenAlert.
  • (Blazor) RadzenDropDownDataGrid AllowFilteringByWord property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid AllGroupsExpanded property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid ShowCellDataAsTooltip property added.
  • (Blazor) Label ChildContent property added.


  • (Blazor) The category axis of a bar chart is not visible when the Visible property of the value axis is set to false.
  • (Blazor) Check for Edge updated.
  • (Blazor) Fix side dialog width + title.
  • (Blazor) Fix font-size in Scheduler slots.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDownBase exception if ValueProperty is named after system type.


2.82.10- 2023-01-03


  • (Blazor) Fixed expressions in attributes not interpolated.


2.82.9- 2023-01-03


  • (Blazor) Update Material Icons font.
  • (Blazor) Add support for different icon fonts via –rz-icon-font-family.
  • Oracle data source enabled for .NET 7.


  • (Blazor) Prevent text selection during DataGrid column resizing and grouping.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will save Settings on Reset().
  • (Blazor) Fixed Numeric will throw exception on value change with empty string as Format.
  • (Blazor) Fixed incorrect culture handling in RadzenDataGridColumn.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid EmptyTemplate not shown when AllowVirtualization is true.


2.82.8- 2022-12-12


  • (Blazor) Custom attributes fixed.


2.82.7- 2022-12-12


  • (Blazor) Scheduler SelectedView made public.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column HeaderCssClass not applied to header cell.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column LogicalFilterOperator not saved in Settings.
  • (Blazor) Fixed self-reference hierarchy does not work in LoadData.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Pager AlwaysVisible wrongly exposed in property grid as PagerAlwaysVisible.
  • (Blazor) Fixed ‘data’ removed from style attribute during code generation.


2.82.6- 2022-12-08


  • (Blazor) Avoid empty keys generation in resx files.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Pager not rendered in designer.
  • (Blazor) Security Add page getRoles valueType defined.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Dialog el.computedStyleMap is not a function.
  • (Blazor) DropDown multi select item inline style removed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed disabled DatePicker can be cleared.
  • (Blazor) FormSubmit sometimes does not trigger when the model is a record type.
  • (Blazor) Fix DropDown alignment in Chromium 108.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropdownBase.SelectItem Invalid Cast Exception when using Value Property.
  • (Blazor) Check for null elements to focus.
  • (Blazor) Fixed virtualized DataGrid sort null ref. exception with bound Settings and LoadData.


2.82.5- 2022-12-05


  • (Blazor) Allow set language for speech recognition.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDown item can be selected using ENTER key even if disabled.
  • (Blazor) Fixed nested DataGrid footer background color.
  • (Blazor) Support members that differ only in casing.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid EmptyText causes ParameterView instance exception in MAUI.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid will not display data if EmptyText is set.
  • (Blazor) Avoid duplicated keys generation in resx files.


2.82.4- 2022-12-01


  • (Blazor) Added GroupFooterTemplate to context migration.
  • (Blazor) Reset DropDown list after selection.
  • (Blazor) Input should not change font-size under 768px max-width.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Radzen.closeAllPopups() ‘Cannot read properties of undefined’ error.
  • (Blazor) Fixed packaged .css disables horizontal scroll on mobile browsers.


2.82.3- 2022-11-30


  • (Blazor) DropDownBase will use Display attribute of Enum.
  • (Blazor) Stand alone speech to text component added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid GridLines property added.
  • (Blazor) Added interpolation in RadzenLineSeries to make rendering more generic.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid filter popup closes on scrolling of DataGrid placed in column FilterTemplate.
  • (Blazor) ColorPicker throws NullReferenceException if it cannot parse its value as a valid color.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid with ‘AllowColumnPicking’ and ‘AllowColumnReorder’ always allows groupings.
  • (Blazor) Added DataGrid GroupHeaderTemplate context name migration.


2.82.2- 2022-11-24


  • (Blazor) Added CSS class “rz-group-row” to DataGrid group rows.
  • (Blazor) SplitButton AlwaysOpenPopup and item Disabled properties added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed focus lost with DropDown/DropDownDataGrid with AllowFiltering.
  • (Blazor) Fixed scrollbar disappears when zoomed in on chromium browsers.
  • (Blazor) DialogService.OpenAsync will not execute Radzen.openDialog() when options ChildContent is set.
  • (Blazor) Menu child items cannot be opened with click once closed when ClickToOpen=false.
  • (Blazor) Fixed e.target.closest is not a function exception with DropDown.
  • (Blazor) Fixed cannot set the style of RadzenAccordion.
  • (Blazor) Fixed specifying property name in various components doesn’t allow access of array members.
  • (Blazor) HtmlEditor not focused in dialog with AutoFocusFirstElement.
  • (Blazor) Menu ClickToOpen behavior fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed cannot use template context in DataGrid column GroupFooterTemplate/GroupHeaderTemplate.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid columns keys not generated properly in culture resx files.


2.82.1- 2022-11-15


  • (Blazor) Menu ClickToOpen property added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed the argument of the ResetPassword event.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDown error on KeyPress “Delete”.
  • (Blazor) Fixed possible exception with SelectBar in .NET 7.
  • (Blazor) Fixed showing tooltip on RadionButtonListItem and CheckBoxListItem.
  • (Blazor) Fixed class attribute should not override default CSS class for Accordion, CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList items.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid group row expression fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid second filter in advanced mode.
  • (Blazor) DropDown item select in multi select changed from SPACE to ENTER key to allow entering space during filter.
  • (Blazor) Add parameter in RadzenDropDown to clear search input after selection.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid load settings fixed with filter and paging.
  • Added section to reserved words.
  • (Blazor) Cannot hide the Chart tooltip.
  • (Blazor) Fixed double tabs opened on run with .NET 7.


2.82.0- 2022-11-09


  • .NET 7 support added.
  • (Blazor) Added click event support to the popup Notification Message.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker current day “rz-datepicker-currentday” CSS class added.


  • (Blazor) Added click event support to the popup Notification Message.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker AM/PM buttons style fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid ignores sort order when data takes long to load.
  • (Blazor) Fix quotation marks for alert component
  • (Blazor) Fixed onmouseenter incompatibility with .NET 7.0.


2.81.1- 2022-11-03


  • (Blazor) DialogService Alert dialog added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid Save/Load settings with enum filtering fixed.
  • (Blazor) Close all popups on dialog open.
  • (Blazor) Dialog Draggable=true fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column FilterPropertyType not initialized properly when bound to collection of interfaces.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid self-ref hierarchy filtering fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid ungroup with virtualization fixed.


2.81.0- 2022-10-31


  • (Blazor) DropDown/AutoComplete PopupStyle property added.
  • (Blazor) Alert component added.


  • (Blazor) Setting Stroke of RadzenGridLines has no visual effect.
  • (Blazor) RadzenLogin does not fire the Login event.
  • Fixed design-time error IReadOnlyRadzenDictionary<> could not be found.


2.80.8- 2022-10-27


  • (Blazor) Implement AllowRememberMe functionality in RadzenLogin.
  • (Blazor) Improve dialog responsiveness and refactor styles. Custom theme must be updated with edit and save application settings.
  • (Blazor) Member access of interface properties fixed.


  • (Blazor) Fixed data context not named properly in DropDownDataGrid ValueTemplate.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid Groups not loaded properly from settings.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDownBase SelectItem() will not work properly in case of IEnummerable with nullable element type.
  • (Blazor) Fix Switch hover outline in material theme.
  • (Blazor) DataFilter re-subscribe to FilterValueChange on property change.
  • (Blazor) Fix chart axis font-size.
  • (Blazor) Remove absolute position of rz-messages-error and width of components in rz-form.


2.80.7- 2022-10-24


  • (Blazor) RadzenSelectBarItem Disabled property added.
  • (Blazor) Add ability to customize the scheduler week view header text.
  • (Blazor) Tabindex depending on Disabled property.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid PageSizeChanged event added.


  • (Angular) Exception is thrown after using the Query Builder in a Tree event handler.
  • (Blazor) DropDown binding and rendering optimized.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid raising twice RowClick/CellClick/RowSelect on double click.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid numeric filter will not save settings.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Tree will not hide expand/collapse icon when HasChildren changed runtime.
  • (Blazor) Change DropDown display to inline-flex.
  • (Blazor) DataFilter FilterTemplate fixed.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid chips rendering improved.
  • (Blazor) Use correct label padding CSS variable in DropDown.


2.80.6- 2022-10-17


  • (Blazor) RadzenSelectBarItem Disabled property added.


  • (Blazor) Fix PanelMenu expand/collapse with ripple.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid paging with Settings when bound with LoadData.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid save settings in case of column FilterTemplate.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid second filter value not saved properly in Settings.
  • (Blazor) Fixed virtualized DataGrid bound with LoadData not scrolled to top on sort.
  • (Blazor) Add borders to DataGrid composite cells.
  • (Blazor) Fix gutter width in dark theme.
  • (Blazor) Fixed OnAfterEntityCreated partial method not called in WASM when there are no foreign keys.


2.80.5- 2022-10-13


  • (Blazor) Delay added to TooltipOptions.


  • (Blazor) Show up down arrows in Numeric with text-align.
  • (Blazor) Fixed collection was modified exception in DropDownDataGrid.
  • (Blazor) Fix icon alignment in Fieldset legend.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid groups not saved properly in Settings.
  • (Blazor) ButtonSize code not generated properly.


2.80.4- 2022-10-06


  • (Blazor) Update validation styles in Login component.
  • (Blazor) Added Chips support to DropDownDataGrid
  • (Blazor) Tree Collapse event added.
  • (Blazor) CheckBoxList AllowSelectAll and SelectAllText properties added.
  • (Blazor) Added Text-Align to RadzenNumeric.
  • (Blazor) Added ExtraSmall button size.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Density property added.
  • (Blazor) Button and SplitButton ButtonStyle, Variant & Shade properties exposed.
  • (Blazor) Button, SplitButton and SelectBar Size property exposed.
  • (Angular) Expose ValueTemplate option of the DropDown component.


  • (Blazor) Fix numeric input right padding.
  • (Blazor) Numeric CSS classes fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid filtering by bool column will not save settings.
  • (Blazor) ContextMenu will execute ContextMenuService.Close event when clicking outside.
  • (Blazor) Tooltip will execute TooltipService.Close when closing on outside click or duration.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid simple filter row frozen cells class fixed.
  • (Blazor) OData service bound boolean parameters fixed.


2.80.3- 2022-09-29


  • (Blazor) DropDown/ListBox AllowSelectAll property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid AllowPickAllColumns property added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid self-ref items indent with multiple parent items on same level fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Tree AllowCheckParents behavior.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid exception fixed on select/deselect all columns from column picker.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid settings saved on column filter clear.
  • (Blazor) Fixed cannot edit DatePicker time parts.
  • (Blazor) Fix sidebar z-index.
  • (Blazor) Fixes Menu styling.
  • (Blazor) Reduce top item x-padding in material menu.
  • (Blazor) Scope grid alternating rows to tbody only.
  • (Blazor) Update css selectors for DataGrid selection.
  • (Blazor) Make dropdown label right padding as smaller as possible.
  • (Blazor) Set bootstrap grid-gutter-width value to 2rem.
  • (Blazor) Fix tabs padding in material theme.


2.80.2- 2022-09-27


  • (Blazor) DataFilterProperty GetFilterOperators() made virtual and example added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid simple filter mode with nullable enums improved.
  • Show custom theme generation errors.


  • (Blazor) Cannot drop components in an empty Card.
  • (Blazor) DataFilter avoid null ref. exception on string filter.
  • (Blazor) Fixed touch keyboard closes popup in Windows.
  • (Blazor) Fix steps widget content overflow.
  • (Blazor) Fix alignment of menu top items and reorder scss variables.
  • (Blazor) Fix background of menu top items with material theme.
  • (Blazor) Fix Pager selected button padding.
  • (Blazor) Fix selectable grid row hover styles.
  • (Blazor) Fixed cannot upgrade custom themes in some cases.


2.80.1- 2022-09-26


  • Applications that use the Material theme do not render in design time and their settings page is empty.
  • (Blazor) Fixed MSGraph data source cannot be compiled with latest definitions.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid load settings fixed.


2.80.0- 2022-09-26


  • (Blazor) Update demos to use Bootstrap 5 layout CSS classes.
  • (Blazor) DataFilter component added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid self-reference hierarchy support added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid AllowAlternatingRows property added.
  • (Blazor) Save/Load DataGrid runtime settings added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid multi sort column index indicator now is Badge.
  • (Blazor) GoogleMap component Options property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid CellClick/CellDoubleClick events and example for cell selection added.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker and ColorPicker PopupRenderMode property added.
  • (Blazor) SplitButton will close popup on default action.
  • (Blazor) CSS variables support added to all themes. Material theme added to free themes.
  • (Blazor) Updated sizing in all themes with respect to component’s specifics, such as ease of use and accessibility.
  • (Blazor) RadzenDataGridColumn GetFilterOperators() made virtual.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column ShowTimeForDateTimeFilter() virtual method added.
  • (Blazor) Enable possibility to add custom CssClass to dialog.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid self-reference filtering improved.
  • (Blazor) DataFilter should filter on operator change.
  • (Blazor) Scope base themes to style Radzen components only.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column text-align fixed.
  • (Blazor) GoogleMap component should not reset zoom and center on marker update.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column picker not updated when setting column Visible property with code.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDown SelectAll InvalidCastException when bind-Value is IList.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DateTime operators order in DataGrid simple filter mode.
  • (Blazor) DropDownBase HasValue will check if value has items in case of multiple selection.
  • (Blazor) Update Login component CSS classes and styles.
  • (Blazor) Fix link text decoration in Panel, SplitButton and Steps with -base themes.


2.70.8- 2022-09-12


  • (Blazor) SSRSViewer Load event added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid pager not recalculated properly when using Page event.
  • (Blazor) Pager GetPage() code fixed.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid AllowRowSelectOnRowClick behavior fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed binding expressions support in $select and $exпand parameters.


2.70.7- 2022-09-08


  • (Blazor) RadzenSelectBarItem Template property added.
  • (Blazor) Numeric AutoComplete set to false by default.
  • (Blazor) DataGridColumn FilterPropertyType made public.
  • (Blazor) Expose chart data labels and trends.
  • (Blazor) Dialog Style option added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed RadzenAutoComplete with IEnumerable of strings.
  • (Blazor) DropDown and DropDownDataGrid popup cannot be opened when nested in label.
  • (Blazor) DropDown item selection check improved.
  • (Blazor) DropDown/AutoComplete scroll to selected item improved.
  • (Blazor) Added ‘page’ to reserved words.


2.70.6- 2022-09-05


  • (Blazor) AutoComplete Template property added.
  • (Blazor) Upload ParameterName property added.
  • (Blazor) AutoComplete Multiline property added.
  • (Blazor) SelectBar item Icon and Image properties added.
  • (Blazor) Allow specifying the width of column series.


  • (Blazor) Fixed ProgressBar Template.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid should be reset to first page on data change.
  • (Blazor) Fixed virtualized DropDownBase not refreshed on data change.


2.70.5- 2022-08-29


  • (Blazor) DialogService Close() method made virtual.
  • (Blazor) ProgressBar Template property added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed big number exception in Numeric with nullables.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid clear button should not open popup.
  • (Blazor) WASM localization client project merge fixed.


2.70.4- 2022-08-25


  • (Blazor) Added CloseTooltipOnDocumentClick to TooltipOptions.
  • (Angular) Add Template support for the TreeGrid column.
  • (Angular) The TreeGrid column supports nested properties.
  • (Blazor) DropDown supports chips in multiple selection mode.


  • (Blazor) Loading indicator appears below the headers of an empty DataGrid.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid width is wrong in responsive mode.
  • (Blazor) AutoComplete popup will not open on Android.
  • (Blazor) Fixed data-binding the Path property of the Link component.


2.70.3- 2022-08-17


  • (Blazor) Clear filter button added to DataGrid string columns in simple filter mode.
  • (Blazor) Added support for IList value binding in DropDownBase.
  • (Blazor) Added optional forceReload argument to PagedDataBoundComponent GoToPage() method.
  • Oracle data source proxy user/pwd support added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed missing attributes in RadzenSplitterPane.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid frozen columns not properly stacked.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid IsEmpty/IsNotEmpty filter expression should use double quotes.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid pager not recalculated properly after Count change.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Tooltip cannot be opened on first button click.


2.70.2- 2022-08-15


  • (Blazor) Added RadzenUpload cancel functionality.


  • (Blazor) Fixed changing application culture in WASM.
  • (Blazor) Pass the formatted text to the Chart axis tick template.
  • (Blazor) AutoComplete should open popup only on keypress not on focus.
  • (Blazor) DropDown aria-label fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid advanced filter popup when Property is not set.
  • (Blazor) Fixed possible exception with tooltip on dispose.
  • (Blazor) Fixed FileInput reference not updated on Visible change.
  • (Blazor) Fixed RadzenDropDownItem behavior on older versions of the blazor.js.


2.70.1- 2022-08-04


  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid string SelectedValue should not treated like IEnumerable.
  • (Blazor) Fixed FileInput value cannot be cleared.


2.70.0- 2022-08-04


  • (Blazor) DropDown ReadOnly property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid PickedColumnsChanged event added.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid multiple selection with LoadData improved. SelectedValue can be used to load selected items not part of Data.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid column HeaderTemplate exposed.


  • (Blazor) Fixed Chart tooltip is not displayed for area and line series with a single value.
  • (Blazor) Fixed RadzenNumeric does not allow certain numbers to be entered when min and max are set.


2.69.4- 2022-07-28


  • (Blazor) Change to DatePicker to optionally pad the time picker hour, minute or seconds components with leading zeros. Corresponding new boolean parameters are PadHours, PadMinutes and PadSeconds.


  • (Blazor) Fixed validators not working in DataGrid in-line edit with grouping.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid virtualization not working properly in Firefox.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Mask component will not apply mask initially.
  • (Blazor) Fixed PagedDataBoundComponent FirstPage() method logic with forceReload.
  • (Blazor) Fixed invalid filtering expression with Master/Detail templates when sorting is added for child data method.
  • (Angular) Cannot show custom methods in some cases.
  • (Blazor) DbContext type used with fully qualified name in WASM controllers.


2.69.3- 2022-07-07


  • (Blazor) DataGrid FilterCleared instead Filter event will be raised on clear filter from column filter menu.
  • (Blazor) Expose the Type property of DataGrid columns.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid column Type property not initialized correctly in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Fixed FileInput not showing file name and size if not image.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DatePicker months and years drop downs not update on Min/Max change.


2.69.2- 2022-07-04


  • (Blazor) DataGrid Filter event will be raised on clear filter from column filter menu.
  • (Blazor) DropDown ValueTemplate property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column methods for get/set filter values and operators made public.
  • (Angular) ShowDataLabel property exposed for Bar and Column charts.


  • (Blazor) ListBox/DropDown select all CheckBox checked logic improved.
  • (Blazor) Fix grid cell border-bottom in nested grids.
  • (Blazor) Toggling the Visible property of a form component breaks validation.
  • (Blazor) Do not attempt to filter collections with non valid comparison.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Reset() method should respect FilterOperator for string and IEnumerable columns.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Numeric value change with percent format.


2.69.1- 2022-06-24


  • (Blazor) Fixed “Delegate to an instance metthod cannot have null ‘this’” design-time error with DropDownDataGrid.


2.69.0- 2022-06-23


  • (Blazor) Added TopRight and BottomRight position to TabPositon.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid CellRender and RowRender events added.
  • (Blazor) Improve Chart tooltip positioning. Reduce the number of roundrips required to display a tooltip.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid clear filter added to the filtering menu.
  • (Blazor) ListBox/DropDown multiple selection fixed with virtualization enabled.


  • (Blazor) Removed duplicated code from SCSS, Changed positionCSS.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Chromium browsers will crash on popup open from frozen cell.
  • (Blazor) Fixed collection was modified exception with async data binding of ListBox/DropDown.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDownDataGrid will not clear selection when set @bind-Value to null.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid will not clear all filters on Reset().
  • (Blazor) Get total item count after loading the data into the DataGrid.
  • (Blazor) Fixed spaces between $expand parameter commas will lead to exception.


2.68.15- 2022-06-16


  • (Blazor) Possible to set placeholder for HtmlEditorFormatBlock.
  • (Blazor) Possible to set placeholder for HtmlEditorFontSize.
  • (Blazor) Possible to set placeholder for HtmlEditorFontName.
  • (Blazor) Expose the EditContext property of RadzenTemplateForm as a parameter.
  • (Blazor) Various Dialog rendering improvements.
  • (Blazor) Database operations that returns collection now will have $select parameter by default.
  • (Blazor) Add/Edit page DropDownDataGrid filter improved in WASM.


  • (Blazor) Fixed RadzenDayView does not show appointments after 23:59.


2.68.14- 2022-06-09


  • (Blazor) Added option to specify CLR property name for REST data source schema.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid infinite loop with LoadData and virtualization.
  • (Blazor) Fixed links alignment in Breadcrumb.
  • (Blazor) Wrong return type when handling the SlotRender event of the Scheduler.


2.68.13- 2022-06-02


  • (Blazor) RadzenUpload Icon property added.
  • (Blazor) RadzenHtmlEditor sometimes does not allow specifying the text when the insert link tool is used.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDownDataGrid selection when AllowRowSelectOnRowClick is set to false.
  • (Blazor) Changing Tabs item visibility will reset selected tab to first in TabRenderMode.Client.
  • (Blazor) ValueGeneratedNever() should not be added for certain fields.


2.68.12- 2022-05-26


  • (Blazor) Fixed virtualized DropDownDataGrid not reloaded properly on clear filter when bound using LoadData.
  • (Blazor) Tree will not check parent checkbox if AllowCheckParents is false.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid boolean column filtering toggle fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDownDataGrid @bind-Value will not select item when bound using LoadData.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid group cannot be expanded when collapsed on first render in GroupRowRender.
  • (Blazor) Virtualized DataGrid will need double Reload() when using LoadData.


2.68.11- 2022-05-23


  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid sorting when grouped.
  • (Blazor) Scheduler slotRender event exposed.
  • Do not list schemas without properties in CRUD pages dialog.
  • AddRouteComponents() should be used only for database data sources.


2.68.10- 2022-05-19


  • (Blazor) Fixed GetDescription instead of Description for localization DataGrid enum filter.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDownDataGrid will not select item on initial value set using @bind-Value.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDownDataGrid selected item lost on paging when using LoadData binding.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Security.User.RoleNames not populated.


2.68.9- 2022-05-16


  • (Blazor) Made RadzenDataGridColumn.GetValue as virtual.
  • (Blazor) Add Display Attribute and localization for DataGrid Enum Filter.
  • (Blazor) Partial method OnDispose added to Page.


  • (Blazor) Fixed Guid columns not exported.


2.68.8- 2022-05-09


  • (Blazor) DataGrid enum filter enabled for Simple and SimpleWithMenu filtering modes. EnumFilterSelectText property added.
  • (Blazor) Enum support added for Swagger data source.
  • (Blazor) Fixed REST model property mapping for properties starting with underscore.


  • (Blazor) DatePicker TimeOnly parse fixed.


2.68.7- 2022-05-02


  • (Blazor) DataGrid Groups.Clear() will not restore column visibility if HideGroupedColumn=true.
  • (Blazor) Fixed AutoComplete e.target.closest is not a function error.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid group by column will use ascending sort order if column is not sorted.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid not set Property null ref. exception fixed.


2.68.6- 2022-04-27


  • (Blazor) DataGrid advanced filtering mode on enums added.
  • (Blazor) Step item Template property added.


  • (Blazor) Certain component styles (info) do not work in tr-TR culture.
  • (Blazor) Numeric Format not applied if value is deleted and changed to the same.
  • (Blazor) RadzenUpload cannot upload files larger than 2GB. Breaking change if using the UploadProgressArgs class.
  • (Blazor) Tooltip arrow render lag fixed.
  • (Blazor) Multi-tenant tenantsadmin user cannot login with Postgre database.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker date properties code generation fixed.


2.68.5- 2022-04-21


  • (Blazor) DatePicker Min/Max and InitialViewDate properties added.
  • (Angular) DataGrid goToPage(index: number) method added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid groups expand/collapse fixed when GroupFootersAlwaysVisible=true.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column picker not updated on column Visible change.
  • (Blazor) Fieldset should not render legend if not needed.


2.68.4- 2022-04-13


  • (Blazor) Allow the user to set the style of a splitter pane.
  • (Blazor) Fixed Numeric spinner icon hiding value partially.
  • (Blazor) Fixed TabIndex not properly working for RadzenDropDownDataGrid.
  • (Blazor) OData service will not submit DateTime keys in correct format.
  • (Blazor) Expose TimeFormat and MinutesPerSlot properties of scheduler day and week view.


2.68.3- 2022-04-13


  • Controllers OData route with keys fully qualified for .NET 6.
  • (Blazor) DropDown and ListBox items key set improved.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker YearRange behavior fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid group row expand state not persisted when set in GroupRowRender FirstRender.


2.68.2- 2022-04-11


  • (Blazor) BreadCrumb added.


  • (Blazor) Set bar and column series tooltip border to Fill or Fills if specified.
  • (Blazor) DropDown items re-initialization fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid string columns IsNull/IsNotNull filtering fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid not updated after column OrderIndex change runtime
  • (Blazor) Fixed CustomComponent cannot be used in layout.


2.68.1- 2022-03-31


  • (Blazor) DataGrid column GetVisible() made public.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid open on ENTER key added.
  • (Blazor) DropDown and DropDownDataGrid OpenOnFocus property added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed SelectBar will not select item with null value.
  • (Blazor) RadzenScheduler events do not take MinutesPerSlot into account.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker rz-datepicker-title inline style height removed.


2.68.0- 2022-03-17


  • DataGrid Sort, Filter and Page events added.
  • DataGrid Group event and HideGroupedColumn property added.
  • DataGrid ShowMultiColumnSortingIndex property added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed FileInput TValue not generated properly.


2.67.8- 2022-03-17


  • (Blazor) Added MarkupString support for Notification message.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker: Added support for DateTime Min and Max.


  • (Blazor) Tree CheckedValues exception fixed.
  • (Angular) Lookup properties not expanded on update operation in .NET 6.
  • (Angular) Application settings theme change fixed.
  • Fluent theme DropDown label height fixed.


2.67.7- 2022-03-11


  • UnescapeDataString() should not be used for non string keys.


2.67.6- 2022-03-10


  • (Blazor) REST service with string parameters fixed.


2.67.5- 2022-03-10


  • Added support for single quote values in parameters.
  • Escape OData string keys for .NET 6.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid DoesNotContainText exposed to property grid.
  • (Blazor) Export method arguments not interpolated properly.


2.67.4- 2022-03-07


  • MSSQL data source special infer settings persisted in the data source meta.


  • (Blazor) Numeric paste improved to accept numbers from string.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid with virtualization calls LoadData 5 times on initial creation.


2.67.3- 2022-03-03


  • (Blazor) DataGrid numeric columns LoadData Filter expression fixed for IsNull/IsNotNull.
  • (Blazor) The id attribute of RadzenDropDown is used when generating the id of its popup. Allows styling specific popups.


2.67.2- 2022-02-28


  • (Blazor) DataGrid FilterMode=SimpleWithMenu will disable inputs in case of IsNull/IsNotNull filters.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid FilterMode=SimpleWithMenu will apply style to filter icon in case of active filter.
  • (Blazor) Tree will not dispose children on collapse.
  • (Blazor) FileInput readFileAsBase64: set canvas size same as new image size.


2.67.1- 2022-02-24


  • (Blazor) Update Material icons font.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid simple filter with menu added.


  • (Blazor) DonutChart glitches in cultures that use comma as decimal separator.


2.67.0- 2022-02-21


  • (Blazor) DataGrid column OrderIndex property added.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid ValueTemplate property added.
  • (Blazor) RadzenFileInput MaxWidth and MaxHeight added.
  • (Blazor) Support for Remove/Clear to the RadzenUpload control.
  • (Blazor) RadzenDropDownDataGrid AllowRowSelectOnRowClick property added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid state not updated properly after column reorder in .NET 3.1.
  • (Blazor) DropDown, DropDownDataGrid and ListBox AllowClear when Value is not bound fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column Visible fixed when AllowColumnPicking is true.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid ColumnReordered event exposed in the property grid.
  • (Blazor) Global properties not retrieved from layouts during page update.


2.66.11- 2022-02-17


  • (Blazor) DialogOptions CloseDialogOnEsc property added.


  • (Blazor) DropDown, ListBox and DropDownDataGrid wrong selection on Data change fixed.
  • (Blazor) Disable the responsive mode of RadzenSidebar if it is not nested inside RadzenLayout.
  • (Blazor) Meta folder excluded from solution.
  • Oracle reference for .NET 6 projects fixed.
  • (Blazor) The sidebar leaves a gap in some applications when viewed on a smaller screen.


2.66.10- 2022-02-11


  • (Blazor) Add Responsive property to RadzenSidebar.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column MinWidth property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Column Picker added.


  • (Blazor) Invoke own StateHasChanged when the Refresh method of DialogService is called.
  • (Blazor) Update RadzenGrid simple filtering UI.
  • (Blazor) Fix light button colors.
  • (Blazor) DropDown and DropDownDataGrid multiple selected items label fixed.
  • (Angular) TimePicker buttons look off in Fluent theme.
  • (Blazor) MSSQL stored procedure DateTime parameters should be inferred without format.
  • (Angular) Wrong code generated for Open Dialog action - empty “left” or “top”.


2.66.9- 2022-02-09


  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid EmptyTemplate added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid simple mode filtering UI improved.
  • (Angular) Allow the user to disable dialog drag and drop.


  • (Blazor) LengthValidator not notified when DropDownDataGrid value is selected.
  • (Blazor) CRUD Pages should notify with error when unable to delete item in WASM.
  • Fixed wrong filter group deleted in query builder.
  • (Blazor) Add min-width to Pager’s page buttons and remove unnecessary paddings.
  • (Blazor) Set translateZ to rz-body in rz-layout.
  • Opening a layout in an application without pages distorts the UI.
  • Fixed .NET 6 download button.


2.66.8- 2022-02-03


  • (Blazor) DataGrid GroupRowExpand/GroupRowCollapse events added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid simple filtering should respect column FormatString or DataGrid FilterDateFormat.
  • (Blazor) DialogService Confirm AutoFocusFirstElement support added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid IsNull/IsNotNull filtering not working properly on columns bound to string property.
  • (Blazor) DropDown, DropDownDataGrid and ListBox Value binding improved.
  • Email like static strings should not treated like expressions in designer.


2.66.7- 2022-01-31


  • (Blazor) Insert additional header cell attribute “aria-sort” so that the screen reader recognizes the DataGrid sorting.
  • (Blazor) Enable sorting on RadzenDataGrid by keyboard.
  • (Blazor) Click on MenuItem.


  • (Blazor) Menu in DataGrid shows incorrectly due to z-index.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid has gaps on desktop browsers in responsive mode.
  • (Blazor) Fixed argument null exception in SecurityService.UpdateUser() with user without roles.
  • (Blazor) MSSQL stored procedure parameter will be sent from base64 string.


2.66.6- 2022-01-27


  • (Blazor) Error missing ) after argument list with REST service fixed.


2.66.5- 2022-01-27


  • (Blazor) AutoComplete will close popup when tabing out.
  • (Blazor) Sidebar expand logic improved.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Value property binding will use @bind-Value instead Value.
  • (Blazor) OnXXXResponse partial method added to REST service.
  • (Blazor) Added support for MSSQL stored procedure timestamp parameter.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid composite columns colspan logic fixed.
  • (Blazor) Frozen composite columns disabled.
  • (Blazor) Menu and ProfileMenu items should be over DataGrid header.
  • (Blazor) Dialog bottom option setting fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid grouping will not apply sorting if GroupDescriptor SortOrder is null.
  • (Blazor) Binding to property names or attributes with string data fixed.


2.66.4- 2022-01-24


  • (Blazor) DataGrid AllowRowSelectOnRowClick property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid GroupRowRender event added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid header not working properly with bootstrap modal.
  • (Blazor) Added missing PageSizeText parameter.
  • (Blazor) FileInput keyboard navigation improved.
  • (Blazor) Added Tab item tabindex depending on Disabled flag.
  • (Blazor) WASM OData service UpdateXXX method response fixed.
  • (Blazor) WASM Master/Details child grid not update after CRUD.


2.66.3- 2022-01-20


  • (Blazor) Allow the developer to set the slot size in day and week view of RadzenScheduler.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will render rows when binding using LoadData if paging is disabled and no Count set.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid GroupDescriptor SortOrder property added. Column SortOrder will be used when grouping.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid composite columns support added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid AllowCompositeDataCells property added.
  • (Blazor) Pager HorizontalAlign property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid, DataList and DropDownDataGrid PagerHorizontalAlign, PageSizeText and PagerAlwaysVisible properties added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid simple filter header cell tabindex=”1” removed.
  • (Blazor) RadzenPanelMenu always highlights an item with Path set to “/”.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid thead fixed to not scroll vertically.
  • (Blazor) Fixed type “nvarchar” does not exist with default security.
  • (Blazor) Legacy Grid StartsWith and EndsWith filter operators fixed.
  • Long text becomes blurry in event editor dialog.


2.66.2- 2022-01-13


  • (Blazor) Reverted fix for designer error with KeyValuePair[] property type.


2.66.1- 2022-01-13


  • (Blazor) Themes SASS with LibSassBuilder instead WebCompiler.


  • (Blazor) HtmlEditor does not allow pasting of plain text.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker input name attribute missing.
  • (Blazor) Steps exception when disposed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid group footer displays in wrong column.
  • (Blazor) Upload Choose button background-color cannot be applied.
  • Long text in the Path property of the Link component overflows.
  • Theme editor Upload settings typos fixed.
  • (Blazor) Edit CRUD page template item no longer available behavior fixed.
  • Vertical scrollbar grows indefinitely when the Height of a component uses vh units.
  • (Blazor) The BadgeStyle property displays wrong default value.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column SortOrder property exposed in the property grid.
  • (Blazor) Do not generate OData service methods for responses with no definitions or no properties (MSGraph singletons).
  • (Blazor) Fixed designer error with KeyValuePair[] property type.
  • (Blazor) MSSQL stored procedure numeric parameter types fixed.


2.66.0- 2022-01-10


  • (Blazor) Allow MarkupString to be used in Dialog Title.
  • (Blazor) Wrap EmptyText in DataGrid.
  • (Blazor) Added IconStyle Property to RadzenIcon.
  • Add dialog header color selector to all themes in theme editor.
  • Concurrency enabled for .NET 6 applications.


  • (Blazor) Fixed RadzenNumeric error with unsigned integer types.
  • (Angular) Empty string parameter for export fixed.


2.65.14- 2022-01-06


  • (Blazor) DataGrid grouping support when virtualizing IQueryable.
  • (Blazor) ValueGeneratedNever() added for numeric fields with default SQL value other than zero.


  • (Blazor) Cannot set the width of RadzenSplitButton.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will sort by grouped column.
  • (Blazor) Click on disabled date should not close the DatePicker.
  • (Blazor) CheckBox uses click instead of mouseup.
  • Fixed saving application settings adds empty access to meta json files.
  • (Blazor) Component events inside splitter pane will not be generated with additional event argument.
  • (Blazor) Application crash during resx file generation.


2.65.13- 2022-01-01


  • (Blazor) Security is not defined in Startup.cs error fixed for .NET 6 WASM projects.


2.65.12- 2021-12-31


  • Allow the user to collapse all actions in the event editor dialog.


  • (Angular) MSSQL stored procedures controller missing using in .NET6.
  • (Blazor) Fixed WASM OData service code generation error with entity named Client.
  • (Blazor) New Data wizard will created wrong value type when binding to Security data source.
  • (Angular) OData definitions in Startup.cs fixed for multiple data sources in .NET 6.
  • MSSQL stored procedures controllers OData Route attribute fixed for .NET 6.
  • Fixed OData security data source definition for .NET 6.


2.65.11- 2021-12-30


  • (Angular) Scheduler styles fixed.


2.65.10- 2021-12-30


  • Add responsive styles and icons to Scheduler nav views.
  • (Blazor) Single entity getByXXX operation $expand support added for WASM.


  • PanelMenu matches URL which contain “-“.
  • Slider will not calculate step properly when Min is set.


2.65.9- 2021-12-27


  • (Blazor) Fix validator top padding in standard theme.
  • (Blazor) ContextMenu should not show toggle button.
  • (Blazor) RadzenPanelMenu supports prefix matching.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker add cursor pointer to choosable dates.
  • (Blazor) Enable validation in the Profile security page.
  • (Blazor) Add TabPosition styles to material-dark theme.


2.65.8- 2021-12-23


  • (Blazor) DataGrid HeaderCellRender and FooterCellRender events added.
  • (Blazor) Option to specify if the edit action should be on row select or row double click for auto-generated CRUD pages.


  • (Blazor) Set tab panel border-radius with respect to TabPosition.
  • (Blazor) Update DataGrid loading indicator color and animation.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid PageSize is wrong when using PageSizeOptions and LoadData.
  • (Blazor) WASM client project service cannot be compiled if there are no tables in the database.
  • (Blazor) FileInput ImageStyle property value not generated properly.


2.65.7- 2021-12-20


  • (Blazor) Tab component TabPosition property added.
  • Added option to specify custom page names on data source infer.


  • (Blazor) Switch component Toggle method made public and executed on click.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DatePicker will raise exception with chars in time part.
  • (Blazor) Bar series render in the opposite order.
  • (Blazor) ProfileMenu opens behind DataGrid when RadzenLayout is used.
  • (Blazor) Tree AllowCheckChildren will not work when tree children are populated from RadzenTreeLevel settings.
  • (Blazor) Render navigation item link content wrapper when Path is null or empty.
  • (Blazor) Button Template will not generated data context properly.
  • (Blazor) Second scrollbar appears in long pages in design time.
  • (Blazor) Application user cannot be deleted runtime after edit.


2.65.6- 2021-12-16


  • (Blazor) Added RadzenLayout component.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid LoadData will not populate Filters properly.
  • (Blazor) Fixed virtualized DataGrid will raise exception with FilterTemplate.
  • (Blazor) Fixed CheckBox tri-state icon.
  • (Blazor) Fixed boolean filter checkbox background in DataGird
  • (Blazor) Dialog content does not always refresh when DialogService.Refresh is called.
  • Fixed cannot infer data source when only .NET 6 is installed.


2.65.5- 2021-12-13


  • (Blazor) Add rz-label CSS class to RadzenLabel component.
  • (Angular) Expose TimeZone property of the Scheduler component.


  • (Blazor) Remove typography styles for html elements from base themes.
  • (Blazor) Do not add Upload header without a name.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid AllowColumnResize exposed in the property grid.


2.65.4- 2021-12-09


  • SQLite support added for Angular and Blazor with .NET5/6.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid AllowColumnResize property added.


  • (Blazor) DatePicker will select wrong year when selecting days across years.
  • (Blazor) Tabs RenderMode.Client will cause exception on browser refresh.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Responsive not working for themes generated by Radzen.
  • (Blazor) Intellisense not working in .NET6 projects.
  • Wrong .NET version suggested for install if .NET6 not available.


2.65.3- 2021-12-06


  • (Blazor) Upload Disabled property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Responsive property added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid and DropDown virtualization fixed to work properly in Firefox.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid reordering columns issue.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will show EmptyText/EmptyTemplate only if Count is 0 and Data is not null.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid will not go to the first page if the last item is deleted on the second page.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid grouping will check if the group key is null.
  • (Blazor) AllowVirtualization properties not exposed in property grid for .NET6 projects.
  • (Blazor) Missing Newtonsoft.Json added for WASM.
  • Make the resolution picker selection more prominent.
  • (Blazor) Fixed ‘Group’ is ambiguous in WASM OData service.


2.65.2- 2021-12-01


  • (Blazor) DatePicker CurrentDateChanged event added.
  • (Blazor) Update Material icons font.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid IsNull/IsNotNull filtering support added.
  • (Blazor) ExportXXXController now will execute service methods to get data instead accessing DbContext sets in server Blazor apps.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid column resizing will use integer values only.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid simple filter popup for dates shown at wrong position.
  • (Blazor) Fixed code generation for .NET6 WASM with multiple data sources.


2.65.1- 2021-11-25


  • (Blazor) Added a Focus method on the RadzenNumeric control.


  • (Blazor) Move standard theme background gradient to body.
  • (Blazor) GlobalService should not be used in MultiTenancyUserStore for WASM.
  • (Blazor) User ApplicationTenant should be populated after authenticated.
  • (Blazor) ApplicationUsersController Authorize attribute for roles moved to methods.
  • (Blazor) ContextMenu event arguments not generated properly.


2.65.0- 2021-11-24


  • (Blazor) Standard theme added.
  • (Angular) Add PopupClass property to DropDown.
  • Default .NET version of new applications set to .NET 6.


  • (Blazor) User cannot be updated when multi-tenancy is enabled.
  • (Blazor) Cannot list custom methods in .NET 6 applications.
  • (Blazor) Fixed authorization with user in multiple roles in WASM applications.
  • (Blazor) Do not use redirectUrl if it is not set.
  • (Blazor) Security.User.ApplicationTenant not populated.


2.64.3- 2021-11-22


  • (Blazor) Mask CharacterPattern property added as positive alternative of Pattern.
  • (Blazor) Implement Trim property in RadzenTextBox.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid OData support added for multiple values filter.
  • (Blazor) MarkupString can be used in tooltip options Text.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid ShowExpandColumn property added.
  • TemplateForm auto-generate fields from schema confirm dialog added.
  • (Blazor) Implement redirectUrl in default security. The user will be redirected to the originally requested page after login.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid EmptyText truncated.
  • (Blazor) AzureAD authentication fixed for .NET6.
  • (Blazor) Required .NET version check fixed.
  • Publish success message fixed.
  • Double tabs opened in browser if only .NET 6 is installed.
  • (Blazor) Security service user entry reloaded in GetUserById() with multi-tenancy enabled.


2.64.2- 2021-11-18


  • (Blazor) Designer will resolve properly .NET 6.
  • Added “code” to reserved words for class and property names during infer.


2.64.1- 2021-11-15


  • (Blazor) Close popups on mousedown instead of click.
  • (Blazor) Prevent HtmlEditor tools from getting keyboard focus.
  • (Blazor) Gravatar fixed for .NET 5 and 6 WASM.
  • (Blazor) Export with filtering from the DataGrid improved.
  • (Angular) Security service user name fixed for .NET 6.
  • (Blazor) Gravatar will be added to profile menu for .NET 5 and 6 WASM.
  • (Blazor) Fixed NETSDK1148 error on deploy of WASM NET5 application.


2.64.0- 2021-11-11


  • .NET 6 support added.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid ShowPagingSummary and PagingSummaryFormat added.
  • Scroll to the selected component in Outline view.
  • (Blazor) Query parameter $select added for WASM database method invokes.


  • (Blazor) Stop navigating when the toggle icon of a RadzenPanelMenuItem is clicked.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid GroupFooterTemplate position fixed.
  • (Blazor) Profile menu should not have Logout() for Windows security.
  • AuthController Redirect changed to “/”.
  • (Blazor) Add try catch block to prevent IdentityNotMappedException when Windows security is enabled.


2.63.9- 2021-11-04


  • (Blazor) DataGrid CellContextMenu event added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid InLine edit template single row edit option added for server Blazor applications.


  • (Blazor) Multi-Tenancy roles not working properly in WASM.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker HourFormat exposed in property grid.
  • (Blazor) Tabs SelectedIndex not working properly in RenderMode.Client.
  • (Blazor) Chart will detect changes in the count of the series data and refresh.


2.63.8- 2021-11-01


  • (Blazor) DataGrid and DataList ShowPagingSummary and PagingSummaryFormat properties added.


  • (Blazor) DatePicker should not reset time when changing the day.
  • Fixed OData data source paths are empty in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Wrong event properties displayed for the RowDoubleClick event of DataGrid.
  • (Angular) Absolute image paths that contain “assets” are considered as built-in assets during deployment.


2.63.7- 2021-10-22


  • (Blazor) Code generation of array item type for REST/Swagger models fixed.
  • SQL database infer command timeout set to no limit.


2.63.6- 2021-10-21


  • (Blazor) Sidebar with DataGrid frozen columns fixed.
  • (Blazor) Clicking ProfileMenu items does not close it.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DatePicker TimeOnly with ShowTimeOkButton false will not update after change.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker changing months should not show a different selected date than is actually selected.
  • (Blazor) CreateXXX method code generation fixed.
  • (Blazor) Roles cannot be assigned to user in multi-tenant applications.
  • (Blazor) Improved support for database boolean fields with default value true without mapping to nullable bool.


2.63.5- 2021-10-19


  • CRUD Edit page parameters fixed
  • (Blazor) DatePicker will select wrong month when choosing date from previous/next month.
  • (Blazor) RadzenCheckBox does not post its value.
  • (Blazor) Fixed CreateXXX when attempting to add already available item.
  • (Blazor) Wrong property type generated for array of boolean in REST/Swagger.


2.63.4- 2021-10-18


  • (Blazor) Added functionality (DialogOptions.CloseDialogOnOverlayClick) to close a dialog on clicking outside.
  • Database boolean fields with default value true will be mapped to nullable bool.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid sorting and grouping will raise exception when using nested properties with null.
  • (Blazor) EmailValidator should not validate empty strings.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDown items count with LoadData and enabled virtualization.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DatePicker month and year will be reset to selected value.
  • (Blazor) Clear or revert to previous date when entered disabled date in DatePicker.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker should not update selected date on navigation.
  • (Blazor) Ensure async-await task completion follows StateHasChanged calls in Chart.
  • (Blazor) Fixed website can be moved while slider handle is moved.
  • (Blazor) Fixed moving a slider handle to the left/right does not result in the minimum/maximum value.
  • Fixed composite keys should not be editable.
  • (Blazor) Fixed lookups cannot be updated when query tracking is disabled.
  • (Blazor) Button Click handler not generated properly when inside Splitter.


2.63.3- 2021-10-11


  • (Blazor) DataGrid GroupFootersAlwaysVisible property added.
  • Added option to infer AspNet* tables for MS SQL data source.
  • (Blazor) SingleResult GET partial method added to controller in WASM application.


  • (Blazor) Changing the Alpha value of the ColorPicker throws exception when the current culture uses “,” as decimal separator.
  • Page properties security role names should be unique.


2.63.2- 2021-10-07


  • (Blazor) Added RadioButtonList DisabledProperty & VisibleProperty parameters and support for data parameter field binding.


  • (Blazor) (Blazor) Fixed ‘FilterMode’ is an ambiguous reference between ‘Microsoft.Graph.FilterMode’ and ‘Radzen.FilterMode’.


2.63.1- 2021-10-05


  • (Blazor) Implement Chart SeriesClick.


  • (Blazor) Dialog render on drag improved.
  • (Blazor) Bugfix ColorPicker wrong CultureInfo.
  • (Blazor) Slider support for negative values added.
  • (Blazor) Fixed ‘Group’ is an ambiguous reference between.


2.62.8- 2021-09-16


  • (Blazor) DataGrid GroupFooterTemplate column property added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid row hover styles fixed with frozen columns.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDown closed immediately when you click in the lower right corner.
  • (Blazor) DropDown select all functionality improved.
  • (Blazor) Removed duplicate using of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect in Startup.cs.
  • (Angular) Fixed missing await next() after Request.Path in deployed multi-culture app.
  • (Blazor) Chart series Visible property can now be set as a parameter.


2.62.7- 2021-09-16


  • (Blazor) DataGrid and DropDownBase Virtualize exposed.
  • (Blazor) Tabs will be switched using JavaScript when TabRenderMode is Client.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker InputClass property added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed AutoComplete popup will not close on first item select.
  • (Blazor) OData service update method response message fixed.
  • (Blazor) Logs enabled for deployed server Blazor apps.
  • MSGraph getGroups is a duplicate operationId error fixed.
  • (Angular) Request.Path used instead Response.Redirect() when redirecting to index in case of 404 error in multi culture app.


2.62.6- 2021-09-09


  • (Blazor) Steps ShowStepsButtons and StepsCollection properties added. NextStep() and PrevStep() made public.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DatePicker throws exception when using DateTimeOffset and date is manually changed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid second level and below group items cannot be collapsed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed “Orientation does not contain a definition for Orientation” when changing Splitter Orientation.


2.62.5- 2021-09-06


  • (Blazor) DataGrid column resizer CSS class added.


  • Fixed security profile menu items value not populated.
  • (Blazor) Security profile menu events ignored during code generation.
  • (Blazor) Incorrect code generated for certain swagger data source methods.
  • (Angular) Better fix for Angular images from assets on deploy.
  • (Blazor) Master DataGrid not reloaded after edit in WASM.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column header drag will check if column is Groupable.
  • (Blazor) Numeric component will not allow decimal symbol for integer value.
  • (Blazor) Fixed dynamic LINQ exceptions in WASM.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid should not perform any internal sorting or filtering if bound with LoadData.


2.62.4- 2021-08-30


  • (Blazor) DataGrid/DataList null ref. exception fixed when pager is set to top.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column drag visual not positioned correctly when document scrolled.
  • (Angular) Image path from assets fixed on deploy for applications with cultures.


2.62.3- 2021-08-25


  • (Blazor) DatePicker AllowInput property added.
  • (Angular) Allow dialog size to be specified in percentage units.


  • (Blazor) Sometimes Radzen infers the Page type for the generic component argument.
  • OData parse EntityType elements fixed.
  • (Blazor) InsertRow() will be used again for DataGrid inline template with LoadData binding.
  • (Blazor) Switch mouse events not raised.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid and DataList pager Count not calculated properly.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid loading panel not working properly with frozen columns.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column null ref. exception fixed when SortOrder is bound to null.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid validation does not work.
  • (Blazor) Focused element lost after DropDown select.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid InsertRow() will break the pager if not on first page.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid InsertRow() fixed to work with LoadData binding.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDown LINQ expression cannot be translated with AllowFiltering and IQueryable.


2.62.2- 2021-08-18


  • (Blazor) DataGrid group by column added.
  • (Angular) Expose MaxSelectedLabels property for the DropDown component.


  • (Blazor) Export of lookups might cause “Ambiguous match found” if there a same property names in related tables.
  • (Blazor) Use oninput to prevent bypassing of the mask.
  • (Blazor) Fixed component cannot be focused after leaving DropDown.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDownDataGrid exception when filtering non string data.
  • (Blazor) Fixed reordering DataGrid columns with hidden columns is not working.


2.62.1- 2021-08-09


  • (Blazor) DataGrid column reorder added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid DoesNotContain not working properly with LoadData binding.
  • (Blazor) Tooltip dispose fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed current page selection after page size changed in Pager.
  • (Blazor) Fixed pager visibility.


2.62.0- 2021-08-03


  • (Blazor) Splitter component added.
  • (Blazor) Button Template/ChildContent design-time support added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed item select in DropDown bound to KeyValuePair throws exception.


2.61.7- 2021-07-26


  • (Blazor) DataGrid EmptyTemplate added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed bug for topandbottom pager at the same time. bottomPager was named topPager.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Single ExpandMode does nothing when RowExpand is not set.
  • (Blazor) Master/Detail clear filter and row selection fixed.


2.61.6- 2021-07-20


  • (Blazor) Badge component added.
  • (Blazor) Master/Details select after master DataGrid filter improved.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid column filter type logic fixed.
  • (Blazor) RowDoubleClick does not fire for cells in edit mode.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid boolean filter should be applied on Apply button.


2.61.5- 2021-07-13


  • (Blazor) Master/Detail template master grid will select first row if selected is not in filtered result.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid null reference exception fixed when accessing columns value from sub properties.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid boolean column second filter.
  • (Blazor) Fixed context menu throws exception.
  • (Blazor) Fixed delete with disabled query tracking.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Render event generated code fixed.


2.61.4- 2021-07-08


  • Postgre generated columns support added.
  • (Blazor) Expose the Expanded property of PanelMenu items.


  • (Blazor) Should not close popups when mobile devices keyboard is shown.
  • (Blazor) The default value of the DateFormat property of the DatePicker is wrong.
  • (Blazor) Cannot set FilterMode in design time.
  • (Blazor) Update with disabled query tracking fixed.
  • Wrong key used to select child data in master/detail page template.


2.61.3- 2021-07-05


  • (Blazor) Rating ReadOnly property.


  • (Blazor) ColorPicker does not show alpha value.
  • (Blazor) UseQueryTrackingBehavior added for Postgre, MySQL and Oracle data sources.


2.61.2- 2021-07-01


  • (Blazor) DialogOptions AutoFocusFirstElement property added.
  • (Blazor) Added option to disable EF query tracking for server-side Blazor.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid numeric column filter value not applied properly in some cases.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid date filtering fixed.
  • (Blazor) Added “internal” to invalid names.
  • (Blazor) Wrong DataGrid Render and CellRender event arguments generated.


2.61.1- 2021-06-28


  • (Blazor) Focus first focusable element on dialog open.


  • (Blazor) LoadDataArgs.Sorts is with incorrect order with multiple column sorting.
  • (Blazor) Focused element lost after popup open.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid cell z-index values lowered.
  • (Blazor) Setting style attribute in CellRender overrides the built-in style of a RadzenDataGrid cell.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DatePicker month selection will close calendar popup.
  • (Blazor) Reposition popup on filter.
  • (Blazor) Fixed no property Format for DataGrid column.
  • A page called Login is deleted after saving the application settings.


2.61.0- 2021-06-23


  • (Blazor) FileInput ImageStyle property added.
  • (Blazor) Tree CheckBoxes support added.


  • (Blazor) Chart tooltip throws exception when series data changes.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will keep last page when items are removed.
  • (Blazor) RadzenNumeric unable to convert currency formatted values.
  • (Blazor) Popup will be closed on any scroll.
  • (Blazor) DialogService.Close() method will not complete Task properly.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid virtualization not working with horizontal scroll.
  • Exception is thrown when pasting while the selection is empty.
  • Components are pasted in the opposite order in some cases.
  • (Blazor) InLine DataGrid insert fixed when bound with LoadData.
  • (Angular) Fixed property binding dialog error with custom pipe.


2.60.8- 2021-06-17


  • (Blazor) DataGrid non template columns cells will display data as tooltip.
  • (Blazor) Pager, DataGrid and DataList PageSizeOptions property added.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid frozen column footer cell z-index fixed.
  • (Blazor) Numeric Value will respect Min/Max change.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid InEditMode fixed in .NET 3.1.
  • (Blazor) Dialog fixed to work properly with DataGrid frozen columns.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid frozen column resize exception.


2.60.7- 2021-06-14


  • (Blazor) Added SummaryTemplate to Fieldset and Panel components.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid bool simple filter not aligned properly.
  • (Blazor) Legacy grid column sort order indicator with sub properties fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid frozen columns not working properly with in-line edit.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid insert row not working properly with enabled virtualization.
  • (Blazor) Components AllowVirtualization property should be applied runtime only.


2.60.6- 2021-06-10


  • (Blazor) Login component AutoComplete property added.
  • (Blazor) Legacy Grid component exposed in toolbox.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid border removed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed “Cannot read property addEventListener of null”.
  • (Blazor) Set the @ref of the RadzenDataGrid.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid sorting by sub property fixed.
  • Model FK property naming improved in self referenced table.
  • (Blazor) Master/Detail template RowDoubleClick code fixed.


2.60.5- 2021-06-07


  • (Blazor) Tabs component RenderMode property added.


  • (Blazor) Do not use JSInterop before OnAfterRenderAsync.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid sorting API fixed.
  • (Blazor) Scheduler day and week view overlaps events in some cases.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker time not updated properly on Ok click


2.60.4- 2021-06-04


  • (Blazor) DataGrid theme fixed.


2.60.3- 2021-06-03


  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid column type should not be generated.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid frozen columns data cells should have z-index: 0.


2.60.2- 2021-06-03


  • (Blazor) DataGrid IsLoading property exposed.
  • (Blazor) Property grid should not show style and events as properties.


2.60.1- 2021-06-03


  • (Blazor) Fixed invalid RadzenDataGrid column Type property value.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column FilterOperator code generation fixed.


2.60.0- 2021-06-03


  • (Blazor) ListBox, DropDown and DropDownDataGrid virtualization support added.
  • (Blazor) RadzenDataGrid instead RadzenGrid in CRUD templates and toolbox.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid frozen columns support added.
  • (Blazor) Increase the z index of the popup to 2000 to make it appear on top of Bootstrap modals.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid TItem changed to dynamic when there is a DropDownDataGrid in column EditTemplate.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid RowClick and RowDoubleClick event args code generation fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid RowRender event not executed properly.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid equals and not equals string filters fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid multi column sorting order fixed.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker null ref. exception fixed when TimeOnly is set to true.
  • (Blazor) Cannot close nested dialogs in some cases.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid and DataList changing PageSize should reload data.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid edit row should cancel insert.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker time update should not change the date.


2.59.6- 2021-05-27


  • (Blazor) Allow specifying individual item colors for bar and column series.
  • (Blazor) Button IsBusy property added.
  • (Blazor) Dialog improved.
  • (Blazor) Sorts and Filters added to LoadDataArgs.
  • (Blazor) Added IsBusy property and spinning indicator to RadzenButton.


  • (Blazor) Radzen hangs when editing a complex expression in Execute C# action.
  • (Blazor) “Code” added to reserved words to avoid compilation errors.
  • (Blazor) Application users data grid does not refresh after updating a user.
  • Excel exporting truncates fractions in some cases.
  • Cannot create array properties in REST data sources when a primitive type is picked.
  • Cancelled changes reappear in the Edit Application User page.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will raise LoadData for filter and sort even when column Property/Type is not set.
  • (Blazor) DropDown with multiple selection closes advanced mode DataGrid filter.
  • (Blazor) RadzenDataGrid AllowVirtualization should be available only for .NET 5.
  • (Blazor) ContextMenu position will respect bottom and right edges.


2.59.5- 2021-05-13


  • (Blazor) Invalid search as you type expression with property named parameters.
  • (Angular) Components not registered properly if inside Form field template.
  • (Blazor) Use decimals to improve precision in the category axis rendering and prevent endless loops.
  • (Blazor) Changing upload header value at runtime does not work.
  • (Blazor) GaugeBand is showing wrong values, when From/To are out of bound.


2.59.4- 2021-05-06


  • (Blazor) Register Application User page submit migrated to client-side validation.
  • (Blazor) Confirm delete added to application roles.
  • (Blazor) Add ability to link an image in the HtmlEditor.


  • (Blazor) Register Application User page validators and submit fixed.
  • (Blazor) Wrong code generated for search as you type with database field named xxx_parameters.
  • (Blazor) LanguagePicker removed from toolbox.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid footer cells not scrolling horizontally.


2.59.3- 2021-04-26


  • (Blazor) Register Application User page validators and submit fixed.
  • (Angular) Notification duration binding to variable fixed.
  • (Blazor) Infer correct type when the Data property of a template form is set to a constant.
  • (Blazor) AutoComplete not editable in a FilterTemplate.
  • (Blazor) Avoid try/catch block during validation. Components that do not have @bind-Value are valid by default.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid cannot collapse expanded item in DataGridExpandMode.Single.
  • (Blazor) Setting the class attribute in the CellRender event does not work.
  • (Blazor) AutoComplete not editable in a FilterTemplate.


2.59.2- 2021-04-21


  • (Blazor) Improve Scheduler monthly view event rendering to take advantage of remaining space.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid View exposed.


  • (Blazor) Deploy to IIS fixed.
  • (Blazor) Invalid code generated for CRUD pages with table name Base.
  • (Blazor) Setting a custom CSS class replaces the built-in one in gauge, chart, colorpicker, html editor and scheduler.
  • (Blazor) Submit the form when Action is set even if EditContext is unavailable.


2.59.1- 2021-04-19


  • (Angular) Radzen ng-cli build fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed OData service cannot read property ‘properties’ of undefined with MSGraph.


2.59.0- 2021-04-19


  • (Blazor) Validate form with action.
  • (Blazor) Login templates will use RadzenTemplateForm.
  • Parent cultures added to cultures.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid should not reset current page on sorting.
  • Fixed garbled text in Radzen Output on deploy.


2.58.17- 2021-04-14


  • More stored procedures that will return collection are inferred.
  • (Blazor) Numeric focus appearance improved.


  • (Blazor) Incorrect property type inferred in design time when using custom methods.
  • (Blazor) OData service methods for stored procedures with no return type should use HttpResponseMessage.
  • (Blazor) Selecting a tree item does not remove prior selection.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns will raise exception if some of the column values is null.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid pager not reset to first page after sort.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid selected item not respected if SelectedValue is set.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns should respect column Filterable property.


2.58.16- 2021-04-08


  • Start directly in community mode option added to Radzen first start.


  • Output window shows garbled characters in non-latin environments.
  • (Blazor) OData service ‘Task’ is an ambiguous error fixed.
  • (Blazor) SetCulture not working when not deployed in root.
  • (Blazor) Reset the Tree SelectedItem when Value is set to null.


2.58.15- 2021-04-05


  • (Blazor) Dialog Style property added.


  • (Blazor) Fixed array initialization expressions in attributes.
  • (Blazor) Refresh RadzenSteps and RadzenGrid when bound properties change.


2.58.14- 2021-04-01


  • (Blazor) Support Formatting in RadzenNumeric.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid selected, edited and expanded items not persisted properly when paging.
  • (Blazor) Fixed OData operation string parameters.
  • (Blazor) Startup.cs serverVersion is not defined code generation error.


2.58.13- 2021-03-29


  • (Blazor) Master/Detail and Hierarchy templates child DataGrid delete confirm added.


  • (Angular) Switch disabled property not working as expected.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid columns not aligned in some cases.


2.58.12- 2021-03-25


  • (Blazor) DataGrid LogicalFilterOperator added.


  • MySQL data source will not infer foreign keys properly for MySQL 8.x.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid pager hidden after CancelEditRow().
  • (Blazor) Refresh RadzenRadioButtonList when RadzenRadioButtonListItem Text property changes.


2.58.11- 2021-03-22


  • Allow setting the SidebarToggle hover background from theme builder.


  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid column width reset on other column resize if set initially.
  • (Blazor) Refresh RadzenGrid and RadzenSteps when Text property changes.
  • (Blazor) Slider will handle Min, Max, Range and Step change.
  • (Angular) Fixed unable to cast object of type ‘Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue’ to type ‘System.DateTime’ error when exporting to Excel.


2.58.10- 2021-03-15


  • (Blazor) ShowUpDown property added to RadzenNumeric.
  • (Blazor) WidthText and HeightText properties added to RadzenHtmlEditorImage.


  • (Blazor) Numeric value not updated properly sometimes when used in DataGrid column EditTemplate.
  • (Angular) UseRowNumberForPaging() should not be used in .NET 5 projects.
  • (Blazor) Radzen genertes wrong event args for the HtmlEditor Execute event.
  • (Blazor) The Icon property of the custom HtmlEditor tool is not available in the property grid.
  • (Blazor) User not loaded properly in profile page when multi tenancy is enabled.
  • (Blazor) Exported DateTime cell value improved.


2.58.9- 2021-03-11


  • Overwrite existing pages option added to security settings.


  • (Blazor) Deployed WASM app not working properly when accessing the url using IP.
  • (Blazor) Localization key for components with items not generated properly.
  • (Blazor) AccountController multiple user variable definition with multi-tenancy fixed.


2.58.8- 2021-03-08


  • (Blazor) MSGraph service method parameters type fixed.
  • (Blazor) Postgre security tables migrations fixed.
  • (Angular) AutoComplete does not trigger its Search event.
  • OData data source will not list entities without properties in the tree.
  • (Blazor) DataList LoadData arguments type fixed.
  • DataList new data wizard fixed when paging is disabled.
  • (Blazor) DropDown popup does not open after enabling.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DataGrid column headers misaligned with body in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Use only one DotNetObjectReference per component and dispose it.


2.58.7- 2021-03-04


  • (Blazor) DatePicker and DataGrid DateTimeOffset support added.


  • (Blazor) Order appointments in month view by their start time instead of start date.
  • (Blazor) Service dbContext field reverted to context.


2.58.6- 2021-03-02


  • (Blazor) Service dbContext field reverted to context.


2.58.5- 2021-03-01


  • Data source infer create process of CRUD pages improved with busy indicator and message.
  • (Blazor) Tree selection support via the Value property.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid RowClick event added.
  • (Blazor) DropDown SelectAllText property added.
  • (Blazor) Tree Value property added.


  • (Blazor) Full type name used for OData service parameters to avoid ambiguous reference.
  • (Blazor) Clear dropdown icon is misplaced in a filter template.
  • Oracle reference updated for .NET 5 projects to latest.
  • (Blazor) Service and CRUD pages compile errors with table named Context fixed.
  • (Blazor) ColorPicker set the type attribute of the button to prevent it from accidental form submission.


2.58.4- 2021-02-25


  • (Blazor) Context name not generated properly for complex expressions.


2.58.3- 2021-02-25


  • (Blazor) Property value not generated in some cases.


2.58.2- 2021-02-25


  • (Blazor) DropDown null ref. exception on delete fixed.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker Value not cleared properly.
  • (Blazor) OData service parameters type not generated properly for WASM applications if the parameter name is equal to a entity name.
  • (Blazor) Data not replaced properly with template context name in some cases.


2.58.1- 2021-02-22


  • (Blazor) Cannot logout when using Azure AD in a Blazor WASM application.
  • (Blazor) MSGraph model name used in service not correct fixed.
  • (Blazor) DropDown first item not highlighted if selected.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will use selected row style if Value is bound.
  • (Blazor) ContextMenu for nested containers fixed.
  • (Blazor) DropDown popup shown on parent clicks fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid second filter value not cleared on Reset().


2.58.0- 2021-02-18


  • (Blazor) Login component will raise Login event explicitly on password input enter key press.
  • (Blazor) CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList and SelectBar items from data support added.
  • (Blazor) Refresh() method and Refresh event added to DialogService.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid multiple selection support added.


  • (Angular) Property ‘grid0RowExpand’ does not exist error fixed for master/detail template.
  • (Blazor) DropDown selected item not scrolled into view initially fixed.
  • (Blazor) Slider not working as expected when disabled initially and enabled runtime.


2.57.9- 2021-02-15


  • MSSQL stored procedures and views precision and scale support added.
  • .NET 5 is now default for new applications.
  • (Blazor) Enable customization of RadzenFieldset display style.


  • (Blazor) Service methods names for export are not correct in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Click the Export button will trigger Excel export.
  • (Blazor) WASM security tables migrations fixed for non MSSQL database types.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid not reloaded runtime on column Visible change.
  • (Blazor) TreeNodes are sometimes reused after removing the corresponding data item.


2.57.8- 2021-02-11


  • MSSQL numeric fields precision and scale support added.


  • (Blazor) Security service will try to find the user by name if finding by email fails.
  • (Blazor) Data source name not correct in some cases in CRUD pages with optimistic concurrency.
  • (Blazor) Upload and DropDown Content Security Policy errors fixed.
  • Migrations will use HasDatabaseName() instead HasName() for .NET 5.
  • Build warnings fixed.


2.57.7- 2021-02-08


  • (Blazor) DataGird active filter icon color not applied.
  • (Angular) ViewChild component names not generated properly when the name starts with capital letter.
  • (Angular) Deploy fixed for .NET Core 2.0 and prior.
  • (Blazor) Update and create operations not working in deployed WASM .NET 5 app.
  • Icon editor breaks the property grid layout if the value is too long.
  • (Blazor) Cannot set the Width and Height of Inline DatePicker.
  • Do not allow “Db” as a data source name as it leads to a conflict with the DBContext type.


2.57.6- 2021-02-04


  • Menu supports responsive mode.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid ColumnWidth property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid AllowColumnResize property and ColumnResized event added.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid support for lookup columns added.


  • (Blazor) WASM application not deployed fully to ZIP for .NET 5 fixed.


2.57.5- 2021-02-01


  • AutoComplete MinLength property added.
  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns, FilterCaseSensitivity properties and support for lookup columns added.
  • (Angular) DataGrid FilterCaseSensitivity property added.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns property added.
  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid FilterOperator property added.


  • (Blazor) DataList displays the lesser number of PageSize and Count items in design time.
  • (Blazor) Steps not editable in design-time.
  • (Blazor) Numeric should restore previous input value if new value cannot be parsed.


2.57.4- 2021-01-28


  • (Angular) Switch component added.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker AllowClear property added.


  • (Angular) Application settings should not show version drop down for .NET 5.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker time numerics move on hover fixed.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker Hour numeric do not respect HourFormat settings.


2.57.3- 2021-01-25


  • (Blazor) DataGrid and DataList PagerPosition property added.
  • (Blazor) Image property added to Button component.


  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid obsolete defaultValue property removed from property grid.
  • (Blazor) Incorrect type inferred for ${result} in the Error event.
  • (Blazor) Optimistic concurrency will be available for .NET 5 projects only.
  • (Blazor) Runtime error on Edit page created with CRUD pages with concurrency and security enabled.
  • (Blazor) ProfileMenu looks off.
  • (Blazor) Source maps links removed from themes css.


2.57.2- 2021-01-20


  • (Blazor) Container components not editable in design-time.
  • (Angular) Duplicate variable “formData” is generated for some custom server methods.


2.57.1- 2021-01-20


  • (Blazor) Not upgraded custom theme error will be shown on deploy as well.


2.57.0- 2021-01-20


  • (Blazor) Updated to Radzen.Blazor 3.0 with new themes.
  • (Blazor) Pager component added.


  • (Blazor) Create entity with concurrency enabled fixed for WASM applications.
  • (Angular) AddTokenToHeader null ref. exception with enabled session refresh and admin login.


2.56.12- 2021-01-14


  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid Responsive property added.


  • (Blazor) CRUD Edit page lookup value preselected for WASM.
  • (Blazor) WASM DropDownDataGrid with OData data source fixed.
  • (Blazor) Search as you type will return DataGrid to first page.
  • (Blazor) Tooltip for CheckBox fixed.
  • (Blazor) Bar chart series do not work in some culture settings.
  • ApplicationUserManager FindByNameAsync improved to ignore case of the Domain.


2.56.11- 2021-01-11


  • (Blazor) Chart displays a design time error after data-binding.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid Count property exposed in property grid.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid LoadData arguments type generated code fixed.
  • (Blazor) WASM CRUD pages with sorting, filtering and paging for lookup data fixed.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid new data wizard for WASM fixed.
  • (Blazor) Numeric value allows bigger than max on second attempt fixed.


2.56.10- 2021-01-04


  • (Blazor) FileInput Title property added.
  • (Blazor) Optimistic concurrency support added.


  • (Blazor) Autogenerate columns does not work for nested DataGrid components.
  • (Blazor) Security service is not properly initialized on browser refresh.
  • (Blazor) Cancel button missing in in-line edit page template for WASM.


2.56.9- 2020-12-28


  • (Blazor) Code generation of data source namespaces fixed.


2.56.8- 2020-12-28


  • (Blazor) Ghost components appear for certain layout configurations.
  • (Blazor) Fixed application with empty data source cannot be compiled.
  • (Blazor) Set top margin of the Body component in a Menu layout.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid will no longer query all items on select.
  • (Blazor) RadzenContentContainer will no longer render wrapper div for children.


2.56.7- 2020-12-21


  • (Blazor) Improve design time support for expressions that contain math and boolean operators.
  • (Blazor) Display [Expression] in design time when the Text property of a component contains a method call.
  • (Blazor) Application ignore list support for security meta json pages added.
  • (Blazor) Support for oneOf property type added in swagger definition.


  • (Blazor) Stop replacing single quote with double quote during code generation. Strings should be used with double quote, chars with single quote.
  • (Blazor) Do not declare classes if already declared as enums in design-time.
  • Cannot destructure property ‘definitions’ of ‘e’ as it is undefined error fixed in designer with three level hierarchy DataGrid.
  • Customizing certain themes changes the default success color.
  • Menu layout looks off in Blazor applications.
  • (Blazor) Fixed REST data source query parameters not generated.


2.56.6- 2020-12-16


  • (Blazor) Label components sometimes appear empty or display errors in design time.


2.56.5- 2020-12-15


  • (Blazor) Using method call expression in the Text property of a Label leads to design time error.
  • Improve interpolation handling after the method invocation fix.
  • (Blazor) Chart throws Step must be a number exception when there are no date series.


2.56.4- 2020-12-14


  • MySQL for .NET 5 projects fixed.
  • (Blazor) Design time error when an expression contains a method call.
  • (Blazor) Design time errors when using MSGraph data source.
  • (Blazor) Editor supports upload headers.
  • Tables with no primary keys not checked on data source re-infer.


2.56.3- 2020-12-09


  • (Blazor) DataGrid CellRender colspan and rowspan attributes support added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column TextAlign will be set to header cells as well.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker month and year pickers reworked with DropDown instead select.


  • Cannot add custom theme css file to ignore list.
  • (Blazor) RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList not shown in the designer in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Wrong code generated for expressions used in the Path property of a Link component.
  • (Angular) Notification style removed from settings.
  • (Blazor) Improve the scale range calculation when there is only one series item.
  • (Blazor) Setting Min and Max of the ValueScale does not work correctly with Bar series.
  • (Blazor) Chart uses wrong scale when there is only one series item.
  • (Blazor) RadzenLink.MouseEnter not passing the ElementReference fixed.


2.56.2- 2020-12-03


  • (Blazor) Upload supports custom HTTP headers.
  • Navigation menu items visible property synced with security when populating from application.
  • Border editor improved.


  • (Blazor) Include() made first opeartion to avoid problems with Dynamic.Linq in NET5.
  • Do not display generated tab item text if its icon is set.
  • (Blazor) Security initializing after page load problems fixed.


2.56.1- 2020-11-30


  • (Blazor) Layout multiple sections/content containers support reverted.


2.56.0- 2020-11-30


  • (Angular) .NET 5 support added.
  • (Angular) Upload component Progress event added.
  • Application settings Title option added.
  • Update Material Icons font.
  • (Blazor) Layout multiple sections/content containers support added.


  • (Blazor) Missing curly bracket in execute action with condition fixed.
  • (Blazor) Stored procedure query parameters not generated properly fixed.
  • (Blazor) Time picking inputs are the same size as the Numeric component.
  • (Blazor) Fixed PWA settings not added to client project when project is merged.

2.55.5- 2020-11-24


  • Custom files support in Radzen.
  • (Blazor) CRUD pages wizard will respect included collection properties.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid filter DatePicker DateFormat will respect column StringFormat and DataGrid FilterDateFormat properties.


  • (Blazor) Tooltip and ContextMenu should be closed not destroyed on navigate.
  • (Blazor) The editor does not always update its content.
  • (Blazor) ProfileMenu not closed on outside click.


2.55.4- 2020-11-21


  • (Blazor) Expose Index and IsSelected of the RadzenTabsItem.


  • (Blazor) Various security issues introduced with 2.55.2.
  • (Blazor) Tooltip not properly closed fixed.
  • (Blazor) Clicking menu items does not close them.


2.55.3- 2020-11-19


  • (Blazor) RadzePanelMenu does not render nested items.


2.55.2- 2020-11-19


  • (Blazor) Allow same role names across tenants in multi-tenancy mode.
  • Navigation parameters added.
  • (Blazor) Custom security policy setting added to page properties.


  • (Blazor) Complex notification expressions fixed.
  • (Blazor) Switch component added to theme editor.
  • (Blazor) Wrong type inferred for checkbox when it is inside a nested DataGrid template.
  • (Blazor) Security services fixes for .NET 5.
  • (Blazor) RadzenMenu and RadzenPanelMenu conflict fixed.
  • (Blazor) Gravatar fixed for .NET 5 WASM.
  • (Blazor) DateTime properties not serialized if there is no complex property on the model.
  • (Blazor) Cannot read property ‘removeChild’ of null with tooltip fixed.
  • (Angular) Notification sometimes appears behind dialog overlay.


2.55.1- 2020-11-16


  • (Blazor) Compile time issue when a component has empty style property and non-empty style custom attribute.
  • (Blazor) Expressions in notification properties fixed.


2.55.0- 2020-11-16


  • (Blazor) WYSIWYG Editor component added.
  • (Blazor) ColorPicker component added.
  • (Blazor) Notification style option added.
  • (Blazor) CSS classes rz-notification, rz-notification-message and style added to notification.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid AndOperatorText and OrOperatorText properties exposed in property grid.


  • (Blazor) WASM application not deployed correctly for .NET 5.0.
  • (Blazor) Browser opened twice on run fixed.
  • (Blazor) Design time exception after using the Master-Detail hierarchy template.
  • (Angular) Do not redirect OData paths to index in case of 404 or 401.
  • (Blazor) Stop replacing “username” and “password” event args.
  • (Blazor) Gauge does not work with certain cultures.


2.54.10- 2020-11-13


  • (Blazor) .NET 5.0 download link fixed.
  • (Blazor) WASM application not deployed correctly for .NET 5.0.
  • (Blazor) Browser opened twice on run fixed.


2.54.9- 2020-11-12


  • (Blazor) .NET 5.0 support added.


  • (Angular) Numeric step down oddity with decimals.
  • (Blazor) Project launchSettings iisSettings windowsAuthentication set to true.
  • (Blazor) Optimize design-time performance for bigger pages.
  • (Blazor) Design time error “Invalid token null in class”.


2.54.8- 2020-11-09


  • (Blazor) Export of DataGrid lookup columns support added.
  • (Blazor) Merge style set as a custom attribute with the options set from the property grid.


  • (Blazor) Fixed compilation error with open dialog from context menu.
  • (Blazor) Cannot read ‘size’ of undefined on FileInput cancel fixed.


2.54.7- 2020-11-05


  • (Blazor) Switch component added.


  • Compilation error with table named Item/Items fixed.
  • (Blazor) Dialog without Then not awaited.
  • (Blazor) ContextMenu not positioned correctly inside scrollable containers.
  • (Blazor) Single file auto upload change fixed.


2.54.6- 2020-11-03


  • (Angular) Security session refresh option added.
  • (Angular) AllowClear property added to DropDownDataGrid.


  • (Blazor) Data-binding the Text of a Label shows error in design time.
  • (Blazor) Cannot use the Change event of some components if their Value property is set.
  • (Blazor) TValue is not generated for some components.
  • (Angular) Slider does not trigger its Change event when range mode is enabled.
  • (Blazor) FormatString editor is sometimes empty for numeric properties.
  • (Blazor) Cannot use Open dialog actions in layouts.
  • (Blazor) Design time error if a Dictionary property is used in an expression.
  • (Blazor) Gauge looks off in Dark theme.
  • (Angular) Design time crash when selecting a property from the Expression tab of the property editor.
  • (Blazor) Single file auto upload change fixed.
  • (Blazor) Tooltip crash in Dispose fixed.
  • (Blazor) DialogService Close should be called only if there are open dialogs.
  • (Blazor) Upload component manual upload cannot choose again removed file fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column dispose exception fixed.


2.54.5- 2020-10-26


  • (Blazor) Query builder raw filters with parameters and string literals fixed.
  • (Angular) Expanded child grids not reloaded on data change.
  • (Blazor) Export with filter fixed.
  • Change the column sizes of the main layout to not wrap on a small screen device.


2.54.4- 2020-10-22


  • (Blazor) PWA support added for WebAssembly.
  • (Angular) Use template forms for “Edit” and “Add” pages option added to CRUD pages wizard.
  • Allow support for default scrollbar styling.


  • (Blazor) Login page layout cannot be changed from page settings fixed.
  • (Blazor) Guid property not listed in property picker.
  • (Blazor) Query builder filter with quotes fixed.
  • (Blazor) CRUD pages wizard filter value removed for Blazor apps.
  • CRUD pages wizard custom page name fixed.
  • (Blazor) Mask MaxLength property fixed.
  • (Angular) Child grid not reloaded properly after add/update/delete.
  • (Blazor) Numbers in HTML should be culture independent.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid new item not added when there are no records.
  • (Blazor) Password AutoComplete fixed.


2.54.3- 2020-10-19


  • (Blazor) Filter parameters added for query builder filter. Query builder will use FilterParameters for SQL data sources.
  • (Blazor) OnAfterXXXUpdated/Deleted/Created partial methods added to data source service and controller.
  • (Angular) Use template forms option added when generating CRUD pages.


  • (Blazor) WASM CRUD pages fixed when search is not enabled.
  • (Blazor) Cannot read property ‘schema’ of undefined with swagger data source fixed.
  • (Angular) Changing the text of a PanelMenu item does not work.
  • Left margin added to form cancel button when converted to TemplateForm.
  • (Blazor) Steps Change steps event triggers even when validation fails.
  • (Blazor) Selected tab content is not rendered when its Visible property changes.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid and DataList next and last page buttons disabled on last page.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid header cells should not receive focus.


2.54.2- 2020-10-15


  • (Blazor) DataGrid search for CRUD pages option added.
  • (Blazor) Allow the user to manually infer the property type.
  • (Blazor) Components updated to .NET 5 RC2.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid SelectRow method added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid OrderByDescending method added.
  • CRUD pages will throw errors if add, update or delete functionality cannot be created.
  • REST data source wizard will allow PUT for update operation as well.


  • (Blazor) Invoke custom methods does not show any method if the project contains Ignored files.
  • (Blazor) Add button should not be generated for read-only CRUD pages.
  • (Blazor) Using ApiKey authorization sometimes generates duplicate HttpHandler classes.
  • (Blazor) Fixed day rendering bug in Scheduler Month view.
  • (Blazor) AutoComplete popup open on change fixed.
  • (Blazor) Tabs not refreshed properly fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid footer misaligned when Template is defined.


2.54.1- 2020-10-12


  • Fluent theme added.
  • (Blazor) Option to enable DataGrid export to Excel and CSV for CRUD pages.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid InsertRow(TItem) method and RowCreate event added. InLine edit page template updated.
  • Rest and Swagger datasource url is read from appsettings.json.


  • (Angular) Wrong code generated in service.ts with no default response.
  • (Blazor) CRUD pages Add/Edit form fields and DataGrid columns for binary type removed.
  • Cannot set the hover color of ProfileMenu items.
  • (Angular) Invoke server methods does not list the methods if only .NET Core 3.0 is installed.


2.54.0- 2020-10-06


  • (Blazor) Mask component added.
  • (Blazor) Swagger data source added.
  • (Blazor) RadzenPanelMenuItem Value property added.


2.53.7- 2020-10-02


  • (Blazor) Advanced filter menu styling is wrong in dark themes.
  • Panel menu items at third level look off in Dark theme.
  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid options not reloaded on selectedValue change.


2.53.6- 2020-10-01


  • (Blazor) DataGrid FilterMode added. CRUD pages will use advanced filter mode by default.


  • (Angular) RegexValidator does not trigger for Numeric whose value is 0.
  • (Blazor) Setting the Margin of a Gauge throws error in design time.
  • (Blazor) Setting a property to null causes a duplicate property with the same name to be generated.


2.53.5- 2020-09-29


  • Hidden DataGrid columns are visible in design-time.


2.53.4- 2020-09-28


  • (Blazor) Design time error “unexpected token null in class”.
  • Revert the design time fix which causes classes with null as a name to be generated.


2.53.3- 2020-09-28


  • (Blazor) Context menu added.


  • Do not allow data source name equal to application name.
  • (Blazor) Formatted values are not rendered in design time sometimes.
  • (Angular) Cannot add components to a tab item if some of its sibling items is invisible.
  • (Blazor) Numeric will not submit form on enter fixed.
  • (Blazor) Support for custom id attributed fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed DropDown disabled state.


2.53.2- 2020-09-23


  • (Blazor) Chart and Gauge resize and rendering improved.


  • (Blazor) Null parameter value should not be quoted.
  • (Blazor) Clear icon of the DropDown appears over its content in some cases.
  • (Angular) DataGrid column string format for date doesn’t work.
  • Invisible menu items stay visible when security is enabled.
  • (Blazor) TooltipService OnNavigate null ref. exception fixed.
  • (Blazor) Progressbar does not regard style when in indeterminate mode.
  • (Blazor) ProgressBar does not work when Max is less than 100.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid width fixed.


2.53.1- 2020-09-21


  • (Blazor) Improve design time support for Tree level template.
  • Deploy screen connection string input made bigger.


  • (Blazor) Design time stops working after reloading an application from external file change.
  • (Blazor) Chart tooltip background in dark themes is wrong.
  • (Blazor) Expressions support for export action file name and tooltip text.
  • (Blazor) Missing autocomplete in event handlers inside templates.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker input will receive focus on tab.


2.53.0- 2020-09-16


  • (Blazor) Gauge component added.
  • (Blazor) Upload files preview when Auto is false and Change event added.
  • (Blazor) SSRSViewer Reload() method added.
  • (Blazor) Upload file preview and Change event added.


  • Cascade delete not persisted correctly on infer.
  • (Blazor) Data source definitions required field names wrong on read fixed.
  • (Blazor) Generate code after all pages have been written to disk.
  • (Blazor) DropDown cannot change focus on tab.


2.52.5- 2020-09-14


  • (Blazor) Missing TooltipService for WASM fixed.
  • (Blazor) Null ref. exception when email confirmation is enabled and no user.
  • (Blazor) Slider change fixed.


2.52.4- 2020-09-12


  • (Blazor) MouseEnter and MouseLeave events added to all components.


  • (Blazor) Generate additional refs for tooltips only.
  • (Blazor) Tooltip will use MouseEnter and MouseLeave events instead @onmouseenter and @onmouseleave
  • (Blazor) The login component in the Login layout is sometimes shifted to the left.


2.52.3- 2020-09-11


  • (Blazor) Cannot read property ‘charAt’ of undefined fixed.
  • (Blazor) Generated refs are not unique.
  • (Blazor) Query filter not encoded during export.


2.52.2- 2020-09-10


  • (Blazor) Custom components should not have reference.
  • (Blazor) References type fixed.


2.52.1- 2020-09-10


  • (Blazor) Expressions support added for enum properties.
  • (Blazor) Tooltip added.


  • (Angular) NumericRangeValidator sometimes throws error in design time.
  • (Angular) The MultipleItemsSelectedText property is not localizable by default.


2.52.0- 2020-08-31


  • CRUD pages support for REST data sources added.
  • (Blazor) AzureAD security for WebAssembly applications added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column HeaderCssClass and FooterCssClass added.
  • (Blazor) DropDown and DropDownDataGrid Reset() method added.


  • (Blazor) Design-time error when using TValue with full type name fixed.


2.51.10- 2020-08-25


  • (Blazor) Panel Collapsed property added.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid PageNumbersCount and ShowSearch properties added.
  • ApplicationUsersController.OnUserRead partial method added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Value property exposed.
  • (Blazor) ProgressBar Max added.


  • (Angular) Update the validity status of the RangeValidator when the Min or Max property changes.
  • (Angular) Components defined in Tree level templates are not registered.
  • Remove empty sorts and filters from Query Dialog.
  • Customizing the Material theme removes the expand and collapse icons from the Tree component.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Reload await added to CRUD pages template.
  • (Blazor) Setting the Data property of the Scheduler does not infer the item type.
  • (Angular) Tree level leaf not respected in the themes.


2.51.9- 2020-08-18


  • (Blazor) Invalid code generated for export when filter or file name is specified.


2.51.8- 2020-08-18


  • (Blazor) Export of MSSQL stored procedures support added.
  • (Blazor) Tabs item Disabled property added.
  • (Blazor) The GlobalsService is now a partial class.
  • (Blazor) The SecurityService is now a partial class.
  • Enum design time editors display custom values.


  • (Blazor) Some components are not available in the theme editor.
  • (Angular) Property ‘token’ does not exist on type ‘SecurityService’ error when using custom methods and Windows Authentication.
  • (Blazor) Charts do not render in design time.
  • (Blazor) Fixed code generation error with DateTime expression in filter.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid item cannot be collapsed in single expand mode.


2.51.7- 2020-08-13


  • (Blazor) Image property added to Button component.


  • (Blazor) Design time error “X does not contain a definition for Y”.
  • (Blazor) The code generated for Invoke method is sometimes missing “await”.
  • (Blazor) Hide the Then event when the method specified via “Execute method” does not return a value.
  • (Blazor) Changing files in Visual Studio Professional is not immediately reflected in Radzen.


2.51.6- 2020-08-10


  • (Blazor) DataGrid ExpandRow method added.
  • (Blazor) ConfirmOptions added to Confirm dialog.
  • (Blazor) Export file name option added.


  • (Blazor) Exception when setting DataGrid Value to null fixed.
  • Second data-bind property button removed from CustomComponent Source.
  • (Blazor) WebAssembly applications with Windows Security fail at startup.
  • (Blazor) Visual designer Page.Globals Ambiguity warning fixed.


2.51.5- 2020-08-06


  • (Angular) Layouts support lazy modules.
  • Expose the steps selected title color setting in the theme editor.
  • (Blazor) Dialog options ShowClose added.
  • (Blazor) DialogService Confirm<bool?> task added.
  • (Blazor) CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList item Disabled added.
  • (Blazor) CRUD pages confirm to delete added.


  • Cannot set the Steps selected background from the theme editor.
  • Saving application settings sometimes resets the access of some pages.
  • Remove duplicate style settings from the theme editor.


2.51.4- 2020-08-03


  • (Blazor) Active Directory security IsInRole does not return correct result when multiple roles are used.
  • (Angular) Radzen does not list customer server methods when the user has only .NET Core 3.x installed.
  • (Blazor) Code generation of resource without response schema in REST data source fixed.


2.51.3- 2020-07-29


  • (Blazor) Fixed no property or field ‘i’ exists in type during export.
  • (Blazor) DataList added to components with @ref by default.
  • (Blazor) Changing the LineType of a RadzenLineSeries failes because Blazor cannot remove attribute of a SVG element.
  • (Blazor) Scheduler events are sometimes off by one day in month view.
  • (Blazor) Toggle of Slider disabled property fixed.


2.51.2- 2020-07-28


  • (Blazor) ApplicationIdentityDbContext cannot be found with AD security.
  • (Blazor) Active directory fixes.


2.51.1- 2020-07-27


  • (Blazor) GlobalsService not registered properly when security is enabled.
  • (Angular) Cannot find endsWith of undefined with Azure deploy.


2.51.0- 2020-07-27


  • Windows authentication added.
  • Material dark added.
  • (Blazor) Multi tenancy added to security.
  • (Blazor) Page Change event added. Will be raised on every page or global property change.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid ExpandMode and EditMode added.


  • (Blazor) Disallow pages used with a different set of parameters.
  • Pages called “Login” are deleted from the application when saving the settings.
  • (Blazor) Design time error when Dynamics OData data source is used.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker ReadOnly fixed.
  • (Blazor) Cannot set the Text of a scheduler view.


2.50.14- 2020-07-20


  • (Blazor) Expose the Visible property of the chart series.
  • (Blazor) Scheduler will render the appointment text as the title attribute.


  • (Blazor) Design time error if there is a class with property called DateTime.
  • (Angular) Upload and FileInput display text “close” instead of icon.
  • Binary database field type will no longer create file input for CRUD pages.
  • (Blazor) Scheduler events do not render correctly when they end on the first day of the week in month view.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid cannot sort and filter by property name equal to a system type name.


2.50.13- 2020-07-14


  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid Reload() method added.


  • Customizing a theme sometimes break the Tabs appearance.
  • Cannot change the font size in some themes.
  • Cannot find “find” of undefined error with OData with enums and functions naming fixed.
  • (Blazor) REST data source for WASM applications fixed.


2.50.12- 2020-07-09


  • Display the target framework in the My Applications screen.


  • (Angular) Parenthesis stripped from some expressions.
  • (Blazor) Design time error “invalid expression term )”.
  • (Blazor) Unexpected token error when using page parameters with a REST data source.
  • (Blazor) DropDown popup does not open in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Pie series with zero value do not render.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker throws exception on invalid input when using a non-nullable type.
  • (Blazor) Numeric does not always restrict user input according to Min/Max settings.
  • (Blazor) Steps does not allow user to go to previous page when it has validation errors.
  • TemplateForm generates editors for primary keys.
  • TemplateForm does not generate DatePicker components for date properties.


2.50.11- 2020-07-02


  • (Angular) Ability to set the legend position of the chart.
  • (Blazor) Support for global properties set in layouts.


  • Themes break FontAwesome icons.
  • (Blazor) Gravatar does not work.
  • (Blazor) TextBox and TextArea MaxLength type changed from int to long.
  • (Blazor) Operator ‘&&’ incompatible with operand types ‘Boolean’ and ‘Boolean’ fixed.


2.50.10 - 2020-06-25


  • (Angular) DataGrid column HeaderTemplate added.
  • (Blazor) Steps will be able go back to previous step even if not valid.


  • (Blazor) Path of link with parameters for local page fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed possible exception “Cannot read property endsWidth of undefined” with Azure deploy.
  • (Blazor) AutoComplete will open list on focus instead on click


2.50.9 - 2020-06-23


  • (Angular) SSRSViewer load() method fixed.
  • (Blazor) Security.User is always anonymous.


2.50.8 - 2020-06-23


  • (Angular) SSRSViewer load() method added.


  • (Blazor) Security.User should not be null.
  • (Blazor) Security.IsInRole fixed for WebAssembly applications.
  • (Blazor) Link url should not end with slash.
  • (Blazor) Nested DataGrid components in a scrollable parent DataGrid are invisible.
  • (Angular) Design time error if a pipe specifies a locale.
  • (Blazor) MSGraph types generated and used with original namespace.


2.50.7 - 2020-06-18


  • (Blazor) Cannot use expressions in the Path property of the Link component.
  • Cannot customize the Material theme from the theme builder.
  • Cannot customize the background of the Menu and ProfileMenu components from the theme builder.


2.50.6 - 2020-06-18


  • (Blazor) Cannot read property ‘items’ of undefined fixed.
  • (Blazor) Link parameters binding fixed.


2.50.5 - 2020-06-17


  • Cannot read length of undefined error fixed.


2.50.4 - 2020-06-17


  • Material theme.
  • (Blazor) Support for external url parameters added to Link component.
  • (Blazor) Global application properties added.


  • (Angular) Application not redirected properly when deployed with localization.
  • (Blazor) Link parameters code generation fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed exception with null Name for current user.
  • (Blazor) Code analysis does not refresh in all cases.


2.50.3 - 2020-06-15


  • (Blazor) MSSQL complex stored procedures for WebAssembly project type fixed.
  • (Blazor) Simple instead two-way binding for input components with complex value expression.
  • (Blazor) Fixed WebAssembly security for MySQL, Postgre and Oracle database.
  • (Angular) Prevent bogus service methods in Swagger data sources.
  • (Blazor) Compilation error when a database contains a table named Exception.
  • (Blazor) Security with email confirmation fixed.


2.50.2 - 2020-06-11


  • (Blazor) OData data source support added for WebAssembly applications.


  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid options not populated if no selection or value.
  • (Blazor) Steps next/prev will properly respect Visible property.


2.50.1 - 2020-06-11


  • Oracle support added for Blazor and Angular .NET Core 3.x projects.
  • Target property for Link, PanelMenu, ProfileMenu and Menu components.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker time made editable.


  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid resetFilterOnHide behavior fixed.
  • (Blazor) Scheduler add pages use the StartProperty instead of EndProperty.
  • (Blazor) Wrong HTML Content data context when bound.


2.50.0 - 2020-06-10


  • (Blazor) Scheduler component added.
  • (Blazor) Default security support added to WebAssembly projects.
  • DropDownDataGrid emptyText and searchText properties added.
  • Allow users to disable the responsive behavior of the DataGrid component.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column FilterOperator exposed.
  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid resetFilterOnHide property added.


  • OData service cannot be accessed in Radzen when behind Windows Authentication.
  • (Angular) Redirecting to login page does not work in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Code generation of string quotes in OData filter and parameters fixed.
  • (Blazor) WebAssembly application show files for page fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid cannot bind to properties of List type.
  • (Blazor) Complex attribute expression code generation error fixed.
  • (Blazor) Certain template content does not render in the TitleTemplate of Chart Donut series.
  • (Blazor) Analyze the WebAssembly project and models.


2.49.2 - 2020-06-1


  • Material icons font updated.


  • Non nullable boolean fields should not be required.
  • (Blazor) JSON serialization of complex properties fixed.
  • (Blazor) Slider touch event handlers made passive.
  • (Blazor) Chart smooth line series do not work with equal values.


2.49.1 - 2020-05-28


  • (Blazor) Improve code generation time for bigger applications.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker DateRender event added with ability to disable dates and set attributes.


  • (Blazor) Radzen sometimes crashes when there are multiple pages with code generation errors.
  • (Angular) RadioButtonList vertical orientation does not work in legacy themes.
  • (Blazor) OData services fixed to work with full type names to avoid collision with system types.
  • (Blazor) Code generation of methods with GUID parameters fixed.
  • (Blazor) Cannot add components to certain Accordion items in design time.
  • (Blazor) GoogleMapPosition Lat and Lng binding code generation fixed.
  • (Blazor) Item marked as unchanged if cannot be deleted.


2.49.0 - 2020-05-27


  • (Blazor) WebAssembly application type added.
  • (Blazor) Custom class attribute support for rows and cols.
  • (Blazor) ListBox Placeholder will be used for filter input placeholder or as select all checkbox label.
  • EnableQuery MaxAnyAllExpressionDepth=10 added to OData controllers.


  • (Blazor) SelectBar selection reworked to behave like ListBox and DropDown.
  • (Angular) CompareValidator does not work correctly with string values.
  • (Blazor) Operator added to forbidden keywords.


2.48.1 - 2020-05-21


  • (Blazor) GoogleMap Data property added.
  • (Blazor) Bar Chart series.


  • (Blazor) The TitleTemplate of Donut Chart series does not generate code in all cases.
  • Prevent errors when deleting a used page while the application is running.
  • (Blazor) Support for multiple selection of primitive types fixed for DropDown and ListBox.


2.48.0 - 2020-05-18


  • AzureAD support added.
  • (Blazor) GoogleMap component added.
  • (Blazor) Expose the Formatter property of the Chart axis configuration.
  • (Blazor) Donut chart TitleTemplate not displayed in design-time.


  • Access options not visible when Active Directory security is enabled.
  • A new Radzen instance does not keep the auto-update settings.
  • UI locks after displaying the message for duplicate component names.


2.47.4 - 2020-05-14


  • (Blazor) DatePicker HoursStep, MinutesStep and SecondsStep added.


  • Wrong property names used for complex keys if the property is renamed on infer.
  • Fixed compilation error for SP Int16 and Int64 parameter types.
  • (Blazor) Exception thrown when using “event” in the Page Load event.
  • (Blazor) Invalid code generated when Invoke data source method is used with a condition.
  • (Blazor) Design time error in projects using MSGraph.


2.47.3 - 2020-05-11


  • (Blazor) Slider component added.


  • Development only admin login with EnvironmentName check.
  • Compilation error when opening a dialog from the Then event of another open dialog action.


2.47.2 - 2020-05-08


  • Attribute added to reserved words.
  • Application is not defined error fixed when creating new page or from page properties.


2.47.1 - 2020-05-07


  • (Blazor) Donut chart series added.
  • Use a combobox in the set property action to suggest the available property names.
  • Infer settings added for MSSQL data source.
  • Add OnConfiguring / OnConfiguringServices partial methods.
  • (Blazor) CompareValidator compare operator support added.
  • (Blazor) AutoComplete, DropDown, DropDownDataGrid and ListBox items keyboard navigation added.
  • (Blazor) Line and area tooltip improvements.


  • (Blazor) Duplicate variable generated when multiple open dialog actions are used.
  • (Blazor) Tabs and Step Change event argument type fixed.
  • Fixed exception with new page wizard if security is enabled and later data source deleted.
  • (Blazor) Master/Detail child DataGrid Add button will be disabled if no master record selected.
  • (Angular) Gauge text is wrong size.
  • (Blazor) Close dialog event raised after task complete.
  • (Blazor) Collapse event of the FieldSet does not fire.
  • (Blazor) Popup position in Edge fixed.
  • (Blazor) Remove form components and grid columns when they are disposed.
  • (Blazor) Steps do not change when there are validation errors.
  • (Blazor) Expose the Radzen JS variable to the window object.


2.47.0 - 2020-04-30


  • Customize CRUD pages during data source infer.
  • (Angular) Login AutoComplete property added.
  • Query builder raw sort expression input width improved.
  • Add comparison operator support to the CompareValidator component.


  • (Blazor) Invalid property name in add and edit CRUD pages with C# reserved words.
  • (Blazor) Null reference exception on DataGrid row expand with hierarchical template.
  • (Angular) DropDown selected item not visible when placed in Panel header with some of the themes.


2.46.6 - 2020-04-27


  • (Angular) DataGrid locale property added to localize date column filter calendar.
  • Nested templates design-time improved.


  • (Angular) VB version of ReportController error fixed.
  • (Blazor) Pie chart cannot render single series.
  • (Blazor) Expand the children if the Value has changed.
  • (Blazor) Fieldset and Panel state lost.


2.46.5 - 2020-04-23


  • DataGrid filter menu localization support added.
  • (Blazor) Upload Complete and Error events, Auto property and Upload method added.


  • (Blazor) Type inference does not work in new pages.
  • (Angular) Showing a parent component does not enable validator.
  • (Blazor) Design time cast exception.
  • (Blazor) Do not attempt to render unknown properties in design time.
  • (Blazor) Menu image assets path fixed for deployed applications.


2.46.4 - 2020-04-22


  • RegexValidator component.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Render event added.
  • (Blazor) Tree level Text property exposed.


  • Cannot read property ‘data’ of undefined fixed.
  • (Angular) NumericRangeValidator does not trigger.
  • Handle autoupdate errors gracefully.


2.46.3 - 2020-04-17


  • (Blazor) Autocomplete shows wrong suggestions for the data implicit property in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Design time error “Cannot read property itemType of undefined”.
  • (Angular) Autocomplete shows wrong suggestions for the data implicit property in some cases.
  • Cannot delete the header component from a layout page.
  • (Blazor) Body left margin set to 0px for menu layout.


2.46.2 - 2020-04-16


  • (Blazor) Infer result of OData operations.
  • (Blazor) Template context name fixed.


2.46.1 - 2020-04-16


  • (Blazor) TemplateForm InvalidSubmit and Upload Progress events exposed.


  • (Blazor) Nested template context naming with Accordion fixed.
  • (Blazor) Set TItem of nested DataGrid components. Enable column auto generation of nested DataGrid components.
  • (Blazor) Child grid data setter context name fixed.
  • (Blazor) Infer the TValue of input components when setting their Value property from the Property Grid.


2.46.0 - 2020-04-15


  • (Blazor) Property binding picker added.


  • (Blazor) Nested components context name fixed.
  • (Blazor) Rating Change event argument type fixed.
  • (Blazor) Hierarchy template with OData data source fixed.


2.45.13 - 2020-04-14


  • (Angular) Improve support for ternary expressions and pipes.
  • (Angular) ReadOnly property added to various input components.
  • (Blazor) Support custom enums in design time.


  • (Blazor) Nested templates data context not properly named.


2.45.12 - 2020-04-13


  • TemplateForm schema picker with auto-generate button added.


  • (Blazor) IsInRole does not check if the user is member of any of the specified roles.
  • (Blazor) Design time error when a property uses ${result.ToList()}.
  • (Blazor) Design time error when using method calls in set property actions.
  • (Blazor) Design time error when an expression uses “parameters”.


2.44.11 - 2020-04-08


  • Implemented Click event for PanelMenu and Menu components.


  • Fixed dark theme text color.
  • (Blazor) Cannot use classes in custom namespaces.
  • (Angular) Invalid OData orderby value from Query Builder.


2.44.10 - 2020-04-07


  • Base themes (without Bootstrap).
  • (Blazor) Implement API for tree item selection.


  • Cannot set the text alignment of Column components for XS devices.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid PageNumbersCount property exposed.
  • Cannot read property ‘properties’ of undefined at resolveSchema fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid columns will inherit TItem attribute from the grid if set.
  • Custom filtering support for AutoComplete, DropDown, DropDownDataGrid and ListBox support added.
  • DropDown and DropDownDataGrid SelectedItemsText property exposed in property grid.
  • (Angular) Toggling the Visible property of validators does not enable them.
  • Keyword “lock” added to reserved names.
  • Deploy to IIS using password with quote fixed.
  • Null ref. exception fixed with report controller. -(Angular) Escape double quote when set as attribute value.


2.44.9 - 2020-04-02


  • Auto-update fixed.


2.44.8 - 2020-04-02


  • Dialog sizes increased.


  • (Blazor) Edit CRUD page update parameters type fixed.
  • (Blazor) Cannot infer the right TItem when custom classes are used.
  • ReportController not working properly on Azure.


2.44.7 - 2020-03-31


  • (Blazor) Common item properties and attributes of component items added to property grid.


  • (Blazor) Active directory security service Logout method fixed.
  • (Blazor) Accordion Expand/Collapse event argument type fixed.
  • (Blazor) Improve support for custom classes in design-time.
  • (Blazor) TValue propagated to SelectBar, CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList items and Change event.
  • (Angular) Cannot hide first level PanelMenu items in certain cases.


2.44.6 - 2020-03-27


  • MSGraph single entity navigations fixed.


2.44.5 - 2020-03-27


  • (Angular) Allow setting the DropDown empty filter message.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid columns support added.


  • (Angular) Cannot toggle the Visible property of second level PanelMenu items.
  • (Angular) ReportController fixed for .NET Core prior to 2.2.
  • (Blazor) DropDown filtering when bound to collection of primitive type.


2.44.4 - 2020-03-26


  • Pie chart for Blazor added.


  • Selecting the parent component in a template crashes Radzen.
  • SSRSViewer with proxy cannot load report properly if the report server is specified with lower case.


2.44.3 - 2020-03-23


  • Deploy to Azure added.


  • (Blazor) Not defined localization properties should be ignored.
  • Cannot read property ‘endsWith’ of undefined fixed.
  • (Blazor) Security service Logout method changed from void to Task.
  • (Blazor) Login not centered fixed.
  • (Angular) Parentheses are removed from certain expressions.
  • (Angular) The Change event of the AutoComplete fires twice.


2.44.2 - 2020-03-20


  • Data source name fixed to accept non alphanumeric characters.


2.44.1 - 2020-03-20


  • (Blazor) Design time error that component cannot render in certain pages.
  • (Blazor ) New data source type cannot be changed.
  • (Blazor) Expression interpolation fixes.


2.44.0 - 2020-03-19


  • Blazor is now default new application type.
  • (Blazor) Chart component added.
  • Ability to delete all pages added.


  • (Blazor) Missing DatePicker properties exposed in property grid.
  • Create New Page window is too large for the screen fixed.
  • SP Float parameter not generated properly.
  • Limit data source names to alphanumeric characters only, with no space and not starting with number.
  • (Blazor) Invalid Numeric properties removed from property grid.
  • DBNull.Value used for stored procedure DateTime parameters if the value is empty.


2.43.9 - 2020-03-09


  • (Blazor) RequiredValidator with DefaultValue=”0” added for non nullable numeric lookup fields.
  • (Blazor) Dialog options ShowTitle added.


  • (Blazor) Sidebar, Body, Footer and Header dimensions synced in design-time.
  • Cannot add columns to DataGrid that has not have Data property set.
  • OData/MSGraph containment types infer fixed.
  • (Blazor) Numeric Step parse will use InvariantCulture
  • (Blazor) Style removed from DatePicker input.
  • (Blazor) Popup is undefined error fixed.


2.43.8 - 2020-03-02


  • CRUD pages edit form simplified if no concurrency.
  • “Item no longer available” error message added to delete and update methods.
  • Use AppImage for Linux.


  • (Blazor) IISExpress https configuration fixed.
  • (Blazor) Tabs, Steps and Accordion selection fixes.


2.43.7 - 2020-02-28


  • (Blazor) Https support during application development added


  • (Angular) CRUD edit page template canEdit fixed.
  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid width fixed.


2.43.6 - 2020-02-28


  • (Angular) Replace is not a function error during application run fixed.


2.43.5 - 2020-02-27


  • (Angular) “Cannot read property match of undefined” design time error.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid filter ‘ge’/’le’ was not present in the dictionary error fixed.
  • (Blazor) Tabs SelectedIndex fixed.
  • DataGrid should hide column headers on small screens if responsive.
  • Attributes expressions interpolation fixed.


2.43.4 - 2020-02-26


  • (Blazor) Allow expanding the Tree from code.
  • (Blazor) FileInput MaxFileSize and Error event added.


  • (Blazor) TextBox value for role name not bound in add application role template.
  • (Blazor) Add/Edit roles/users pages cancel will close the popup instead navigate back.
  • (Blazor) Users/Roles delete button should not propagate click.
  • (Blazor) Recognize primitive types in design time.
  • (Blazor) Reload roles/users DataGrid after add new record.
  • Fixed Oracle TIMESTAMP(7) to DateTime.
  • (Angular) Cannot set some SSRSViewer properties from page parameters.
  • (Angular) Wrong type (csv instead xlsx) exported in .NET Core 3.1 application.


2.43.3 - 2020-02-18


  • (Blazor) Ability to overwrite TItem using attributes.


  • (Blazor) Design-time error data not found fixed.
  • (Blazor) Link parameters fixed.
  • Radzen cannot be started in some cases when in trial mode.


2.43.2 - 2020-02-15


  • Auto-update for Windows fixed.


2.43.1 - 2020-02-15


  • Code editor dialog content does not scroll.
  • Fixed Radzen crashes on macOS when installed from a downloaded DMG.


  • (Download links are removed because the release was broken)

2.43.0 - 2020-02-14


  • (Angular) Display build errors due to exceeded budget.
  • (Angular) Search property added to DropDownDataGrid LoadData event argument.


  • (Angular) FatalProcessOutOfMemory error during production build of large applications.
  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid popup width now equal to component width.
  • QueryBuilder filter operator not persisted properly.
  • Wrong type inferred in design time.
  • MaterialIcons format restored from woff2 to woff to support IE.


  • (Download links are removed because the release was broken)

2.42.10 - 2020-02-12


  • Material icons updated to latest.


  • (Blazor) SSRSViewer parameter binding to page parameters fixed.
  • (Blazor) Default export format fixed.
  • RadioButton width with long text fixed.
  • (Angular) Cannot read property ‘includes’ of undefined error fixed.
  • Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined at handleInsert error fixed.
  • Cannot read property ‘events’ of undefined at eventNameByHandler error fixed.
  • (Angular) Upload file authorization fails with 404 fixed.


2.42.9 - 2020-02-07


  • (Blazor) MaxSelectedLabels property added to DropDown and DropDownDataGrid.


  • Avoid “Invalid version” build errors.
  • (Angular) Fixed methods for Swagger data source for operation names starting with number.
  • (Blazor) Export controller expand and filter parameters fixed.
  • (Angular) Fixed next/prev month in DataGrid date column filter will close the popup.
  • (Angular) Oracle data-source security migrations cannot be compiled in some cases.


2.42.8 - 2020-02-05


  • DatePicker ability to select day from previous or next month.
  • (Blazor) Improve support for admin test user when Active Directory is enabled.


  • Write metadata files transactionally to prevent having corrupted or empty files.
  • (Blazor) Active Directory exception during security timestamp validation.


2.42.7 - 2020-02-03


  • (Blazor) Ability to overwrite TValue using Attributes.
  • (Angular) Stored procedures error handling improved.


  • (Angular) CompareValidator does not update when the ComponentToCompare changes.
  • Inline edit template lookup data not named properly in some cases.
  • (Angular) Fixed master/detail template add operation master record parameters always submitted as string when using navigation instead dialogs.
  • Runtime exception is thrown if the user tries to log with admin/admin when Active Directory security is enabled.
  • (Angular) Security token name set to application name.
  • Crash when the user right-clicks a tab item in the Outline view of the property grid.
  • (Angular) Radzen sometimes strips parenthesis from expressions that contain the not operator (!).


2.42.6 - 2020-01-29


  • (Angular) Query Builder enabled for Export action.
  • The whole event name is clickable in the property grid.
  • Add [AllowAnonymous] to authentication controller methods to support cases where Authorization is globally enabled.


  • (Blazor) Cannot invoke custom method in a layout.
  • (Blazor) Data cannot be found in DataGrid column template
  • (Angular) Lookup properties not created properly from page and data wizard.


2.42.5 - 2020-01-28


  • Numeric localization improved.


  • (Blazor) Bound component value type removed on application open.
  • (Angular) Chart tooltip dates are one day off.
  • (Blazor) Expressions in DropDown templates fixed.
  • Fixed propertiesToExpand is undefined error.
  • Read empty of files fixed.


2.42.4 - 2020-01-27


  • (Blazor) DatePicker first day of week support added.


  • (Blazor) Data not found in DataGrid EditTemplate fixed.


2.42.3 - 2020-01-24


  • (Blazor) DataGrid ColumnsCollection readonly property added.


  • Invalid appsettings connection strings fixed.
  • SQL data sources infer error messages improved.
  • (Angular) Export formatters for .NET Core 3.1 fixed.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker exception when changing year fixed.


2.42.2 - 2020-01-23


  • (Blazor) The call is ambiguous exception with templates fixed when casting to dynamic.


2.42.1 - 2020-01-23


  • Expressions support for component custom attributes.


  • (Blazor) Fixed template data context error if the type is unknown.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker exception when changing month fixed.
  • (Angular) OutputFormatters added at the end of the collection to avoid custom methods execution problems.


2.42.0 - 2020-01-21


  • (Angular) Added .NET Core 3.1 support.


  • (Blazor) Wrong autocomplete suggestions displayed in DropDown template.
  • (Blazor) Html component sometimes not visible in design time.
  • (Angular) Allow customization of the DropDown text when multiple items are selected.


2.41.5 - 2020-01-16


  • Fixed migrations with MySQL, Oracle and Postgre data source.
  • (Blazor) Custom component from page source not rendered properly with space in page name.
  • (Blazor) Invalid code generated when executing custom void methods.


2.41.4 - 2020-01-15

  • (Blazor) Steps component added.


  • (Angular) Fix the fullcalendar version.


2.41.3 - 2020-01-14


  • (Angular) ChooseText property added to Form FileInputField.
  • (Blazor) FileInput ChooseText property added.
  • (Blazor) Improve code indentation in the service classes.


  • (Angular) Prevent entering inline edit mode if the data item is already in edit mode.
  • (Blazor) SplitButton Click code generation fixed.
  • Fixed compilation error with composite FK and renamed PK.
  • (Blazor) Properties that contain “result” in their name get replaced sometimes.
  • (Blazor) Code generation error if notification detail or summary is not set.
  • (Blazor) System.Data.SqlClient will not be removed if added additionally.
  • (Blazor) Wrong property names with REST data sources.


2.41.2 - 2020-01-13


  • (Blazor) DataGrid RowRender and CellRender events added.


  • (Blazor) Property infer type does not work in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Cannot use custom type as TemplateForm data.
  • (Blazor) Accordion expanded state fixed.
  • CRUD pages wizard check for existing page name fixed.
  • (Blazor) TemplateForm throws exception if Data is not set.


2.41.1 - 2020-01-11


  • (Blazor) Popup validators.
  • Show components in tab and accordion items in the Outline.


  • (Blazor) DatePicker unable to select date fixed.


2.41.0 - 2020-01-09


  • MySQL and PostgreSQL design-time connectivity improved.
  • (Blazor) Added EmailValidator component.
  • (Blazor) Render validator style in design time.
  • (Blazor) Enabled validation for Inline DataGrid pages.
  • (Blazor) TabIndex property added to form components


  • (Angular) Fixed created result (HttpPost) for composite primary keys.
  • Input components outline restored to default.


2.40.7 - 2020-01-06


  • Saving application settings or security resets page access.
  • HTML components that contain a <div> element are not visible in design time.
  • (Blazor) Sub properties not included for GetXXXBy method.
  • (Blazor) Master/Details and hierarchy child data GUID filtering fixed.
  • (Angular) SelectBar Form field options not available in the property grid.
  • Fixed code editor hints hidden behind popup.
  • (Angular) Oracle FK infer fixed.

2.40.6 - 2019-12-21


  • (Blazor) Infer value type when saving events..


  • (Angular) Array properties are missing in REST data sources.
  • Cannot select HTML components in design time in some cases.
  • (Blazor) CheckBox and Numeric will render TValue if Change event is assigned.

2.40.5 - 2019-12-19


  • (Blazor) Custom component Source property replaced Page property. You can now specify custom component class name in the editor or select a page.


  • (Blazor) CRUD pages delete button should not propagate click event.
  • (Blazor) Adding Change event handler to Checkbox fails to compile fixed.
  • (Blazor) Property setters generated with object.Equals instead !=.
  • (Angular) DataGrid binding wizard fixed.
  • (Blazor) Fixed design-time exception with Master-Detail/Hierarchy template.

2.40.4 - 2019-12-17


  • Download .NET Core 3.1 for Blazor projects enabled.


  • (Blazor) Row template cell colspan with invisible columns fixed.
  • (Blazor) Design-time error with hierarchical DataGrid fixed.

2.40.3 - 2019-12-16


  • (Angular) Expose MapInit event for the GoogleMap component.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column FilterTemplate property added.


  • (Blazor) Conflict between System.Threading.Task and application model fixed.
  • (Angular) Production build error when using the HeaderTemplate of a Panel component.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid paging should not close popup.

2.40.2 - 2019-12-12


  • Edit DataGrid columns and Form fields in a popup editor.


  • (Blazor) Fixed OData service multiple path parameters.
  • (Blazor) Generated async void changed to Task.
  • (Blazor) MSGraph design time support fixes.
  • (Blazor) Missing CSS for DatePicker inline mode fixed.
  • (Blazor) Tree Expand event missing await fixed.

2.40.1 - 2019-12-08


  • (Blazor) Deploy uses older builds since the .NET Core 3.1 update.

2.40.0 - 2019-12-04


  • (Blazor) Updated to .NET Core 3.1.
  • (Blazor) OData data source added


  • Use relative paths in Active Directory security service.
  • (Blazor) Design time error: ‘Page.Guid’ does not contain a definition for ‘Empty’.
  • (Blazor) SplitButtonItem code generation fixed.
  • Code generation ignore list not taken into account during data source infer.
  • (Blazor) Design time error when editing the detail template of a DataGrid.
  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid does not highlight the clicked item.
  • (Angular) Do not create lookup column if property is not expanded.

2.32.4 - 2019-12-02


  • (Blazor) Active directory security support added.
  • (Blazor) ProgressBar Visible property added.
  • Increase the DataGrid column picker size and support column searching.
  • Navigate to layout generated files from the context menu.


  • (Blazor) Code generation error if the application project file is empty.
  • Cannot select disabled components in design time.
  • (Blazor) Generate code for layouts after a design time change.
  • (Angular) REST data source have wrong URL if Active Directory security is enabled and there is no database data source.
  • (Blazor) Cannot add components to Accordion items in design time.
  • (Angular)Dates begin with zero during DataGrid filtering.
  • Query builder filter and sort delete fixed.
  • Use relative paths for assets, export and security.
  • (Blazor) Default security service fixed.
  • (Blazor) Favicon fixed.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid filtering exception in some cases fixed.

2.32.3 - 2019-11-27


  • (Blazor) DataGrid Reset() method added.


  • (Blazor) Deploy to FTP and ZIP simplified without base href setting.
  • “Class” added to reserved words.
  • Deleting nested component from the Outline throws error.
  • (Blazor) Design time error “Security is not available”.
  • (Blazor) Code auto complete does not work in layouts.
  • (Blazor) Dialog centered.
  • (Angular) Nested DataGrid columns are misaligned.
  • (Blazor) Code generated for Execute C# is missing async modifier in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Checkbox, RadioButtonList and a few other components do not work on older iOS devices.

2.32.2 - 2019-11-25


  • (Blazor) Layout properties not generated properly in some cases.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid EmptyText property exposed.
  • (Angular) Prevent scrolling the main page when a dialog is open.
  • (Angular) Support custom content-type and default parameter values in REST data sources.

2.32.1 - 2019-11-22


  • (Blazor) TemplateForm OnInvalidSubmit event and IsValid property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid CurrentPage property added.


  • (Angular) Numeric does not autofocus consistently across different browsers.
  • QueryBuilder cannot edit properly actions with identical names.
  • (Blazor) Menu does not close when the user clicks an item.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid DateTime column filtering improved.

2.32.0 - 2019-11-21


  • (Blazor) Tree component added.
  • (Blazor) FilterDelay property added for components with filter support.
  • (Angular) Support CRUD operations for tables with date primary key.
  • (Blazor) Support for multiple dialogs added.


  • Postgre and MySQL data types will default to object instead error.
  • Blazor projects should be C# only.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid filter popup width fixed.
  • (Blazor) Master DataGrid should not reload data on expand.
  • (Blazor) DateTime() instead Convert.ToDateTime() used in filter expressions to support EF 6.x.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid filtering with GUID fixed.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid popup position fixed when used in dialogs or near the right edge.

2.31.4 - 2019-11-15


  • (Blazor) CustomComponent added.
  • Custom attributes support added for all components for Angular and Blazor.


  • Open dialog parameter editors are hidden in some cases.
  • (Blazor) The name “X” does not exist in the current context design time error.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid pager fixed when all items are removed on last page.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker will use DateTime.Today instead DateTime.Now.
  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid close popup on RowSelect if selection is single.
  • (Blazor) Master/Detail template literal in filter fixed.

2.31.3 - 2019-11-13


  • (Blazor) Navigate back action added.
  • Custom attributes support added for all components for Angular and Blazor.


  • (Angular) Saving custom theme fails if no code is generated yet.
  • (Angular) Non required fields created as required in in-line edit template.
  • PostgreSQL data source foreign keys infer fixed.

2.31.2 - 2019-11-11


  • (Blazor) Avoid setting TItem to all components in design time.
  • (Blazor) Security role authorization fixed.
  • (Blazor) Multiple selected DropDown cannot select items initially in some cases.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid will clear selected and expanded items on Data change.
  • (Blazor) RequiredValidator not working properly with string in some cases.
  • (Blazor) DropDown selected item not updated on value change in some cases.

2.31.1 - 2019-11-08


  • DataGrid filtering UI styling improvements.
  • (Angular) DataGrid AlwaysShowPager property added.
  • Deploy application menu to save and load deploy settings.


  • Dark theme has white backgrounds.
  • Humanistic and Software themes did not support customization.

2.31.0 - 2019-11-07


  • Theme customization from Radzen studio.
  • Display warning message if the login page does not allow anonymous access.


  • (Angular) Invoking custom methods that upload files fails if the ServerMethodsController.cs has compilation errors.
  • (Blazor) Invalid code generated for REST services with numeric query parameters.
  • (Blazor) FilterCaseSensitivity exposed for various components in the property grid.
  • Composite primary keys [Key] attribute fixed.
  • (Blazor) Single quotation mark generated when expression is interpolated as code.
  • (Angular) Prevent setting the chart colors to undefined values.

2.30.9 - 2019-11-04


  • Option to specify page name when creating pages with wizard.
  • (Blazor) Docker file added.
  • (Blazor) Page parameters now can be any type not only string.
  • (Blazor) Upload component added.


  • (Angular) DataGrid page size DropDown does not open.
  • (Angular) Setting the placeholder of lookup form fields with multiple selection does not work.

2.30.8 - 2019-10-28


  • (Blazor) Support running applications when .NET Core 3.1 Preview is installed.
  • Allow setting the Width and Height dialog options to expression.


  • (Blazor) Incorrect naming of variables in Submit and Load methods fixed.
  • (Blazor) Data source export controller deleted on data source delete.
  • Exporting of nullable columns fixed.
  • (Angular) Bar chart date labels are one day off in certain timezones.
  • Primary key cannot be configured as ‘ValueGeneratedOnUpdate’ or ‘ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate’ error fixed.
  • (Blazor) RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList item TValue fixed.

2.30.7 - 2019-10-24


  • (Blazor) Export controller fixed with REST data source.

2.30.6 - 2019-10-24


  • Support for complex foreign keys added for all SQL data sources
  • (Blazor) Keyless entities will be described with HasNoKey().
  • Exclude timestamp properties from CRUD pages.
  • Relationships with Fluent API only. ForeignKey and InverseProperty attributes removed.
  • (Blazor) Base href setting added to Deploy to ZIP.
  • Allow the CRUD page wizard to overwrite existing pages.
  • (Blazor) Export to Excel and CSV added.
  • (Angular) Inline edit support added.


  • Do not add FK with same relation if there is such already added.
  • Nullable fields infer fixed.

2.30.5 - 2019-10-22


  • (Blazor) Security migrations fixed for MySql and PostgreSQL data sources.

2.30.4 - 2019-10-21


  • (Blazor) Immediately generate code for pages created by the CRUD wizard.


  • Design time error TypeError: Cannot read property ‘pageType’ of undefined fixed.
  • (Blazor) Design time error “page.access.map is not a function”.
  • New pages have access set to Authenticated if security is enabled.
  • (Blazor) Renaming a page which does not have generated code files throws an error.
  • Exclude security models from CRUD page wizard.

2.30.3 - 2019-10-18


  • (Blazor) Design-time auto complete lists enumerable extension methods.


  • (Blazor) Security logout fixed in localized application.
  • (Blazor) Design time error when the ApplicationUser has a custom property of non-primitive type.
  • (Blazor) “The name does not exist in the current context” design time error.

2.30.2 - 2019-10-17


  • (Blazor) Cancel changes data service method added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Inline edit page template added.


  • DropDown and ListBox search icon missing.
  • (Blazor) Cannot call method split of undefined error with REST data sources.
  • (Blazor) Localization resx values will be wrapped in CDATA.
  • (Blazor) Language picker and cultures fixed.
  • (Blazor) Template app copyright symbol fixed.

2.30.1 - 2019-10-15


  • (Blazor) Cannot convert null to type design-time error fixed.
  • (Blazor) CRUD pages edit of floating point values fixed.
  • Property grid items that use the code editor remain empty in certain cases.
  • (Angular) DropDownDataGrid cannot select item if ValueProperty not set.
  • (Angular) OAuth support for REST data sources does not work.

2.30.0 - 2019-10-14


  • (Blazor) Support ${parameters} in component properties.
  • (Blazor) Service GET method will use single argument of type Query with properties for Filter, OrderBy, Expand, Skip and Top.
  • (Blazor) Always overwrite default culture resx values.
  • (Blazor) MySQL data source added.
  • (Blazor) Not needed refs removed.
  • (Blazor) Value added to form fields in CRUD Add pages.
  • (Blazor) Design time is aware of custom model properties.
  • (Blazor) Use @bind-Value when setting the Value property of an input component.
  • (Blazor) Set the current culture in design time.
  • (Blazor) Non-editable fields as labels for CRUD Add/Edit pages.


  • Fixed compilation error with database field name “Fixed”
  • Ignore case when checking for page name on add new page.
  • (Blazor) Application assets copy fixed.
  • (Blazor) Theme css not applied properly when app is deploy to a virtual folder fixed.
  • (Blazor) Duplicate component reference properties.
  • (Blazor) Auto complete does not list template properties in some cases.
  • (Blazor) Handle ${result} in design time.
  • Non nullable fields not saved properly in data source meta.
  • Confirmation dialog not visible on mobile devices.
  • (Angular) DataGrid columns misaligned when grouping and detail template are enabled.
  • (Blazor) Generate resx files only if there are more than one cultures.

2.25.6 - 2019-10-04


  • (Blazor) Render validators in design time.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid FilterCaseSensitivity property added.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column TextAlign property added.
  • (Blazor) SelectedItemsText added to DropDown and DropDownDataGrid
  • (Blazor) DataGrid inline edit and Column EditTemplate added.


  • Multi thread EF Core exception on user Add/Edit fixed.
  • Themes fixes for better Blazor support.
  • Blazor design-time fixes.

2.25.5 - 2019-09-30


  • Cannot start a build if the server process failed to boot.
  • (Angular) Setting the DefaultValue of a number form field to a page parameters does not work.
  • (Blazor) “Task is an ambiguous reference” compilation error when a database contains a table named Task.

2.25.4 - 2019-09-27


  • Making changes while the application is running does not regenerate the code.
  • (Blazor) Convert property value to string when setting Value property of TextBox, TextArea, Password and FileInput.
  • (Blazor) Full type name used for entities in auto-generated pages to avoid conflicts with page names.

2.25.3 - 2019-09-26


  • (Angular) AutoComplete value select fixed
  • Prevent code generation on every key stroke when setting the Name property of a component.
  • Prevent dotnet from spawning extra processes during build.
  • (Blazor) Types in data source service generated with full type name.
  • Register bearer authentication policy when using Active Directory in Visual Basic applications.
  • Error during page rename fixed.

2.25.2 - 2019-09-26


  • (Angular) Server methods dropdown is empty.

2.25.1 - 2019-09-25


  • Database infer performance improved.


  • (Angular) Cannot data-bind the Options of a CheckboxList component.
  • (Angular) Link component propagates click event to parent DataGrid.
  • Server methods dropdown is empty in some cases.

2.25.0 - 2019-09-24


  • (Blazor) Updated to .NET Core 3.0 and Radzen.Blazor 1.0.0.
  • Partial method added for single item get.


  • Crash when inferring a database in a Blazor application fixed.

2.24.0 - 2019-09-23


  • (Blazor) AutoComplete, CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList, SelectBar, SplitButton, Accordion, Rating and ProgressBar components added.
  • (Blazor) REST datasource added.


  • Cannot stop a running application in certain occasions.

2.23.0 - 2019-09-17


  • (Blazor) Updated to .NET Core 3.0 RC1.
  • (Blazor) Support invoking void C# methods.
  • (Blazor) Notification Message Severity property changed to enum.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid and DropDown filtering with delay.
  • (Angular) Execute DataGrid string column filter with delay.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid Column HeaderTemplate property added.
  • (Blazor) ListBox filtering and multiple selection with CheckBox added.


  • (Angular) Favicon.ico will be copied only once.
  • (Blazor) Notification position fixed.

2.22.0 - 2019-09-13


  • (Blazor) Localization added.


  • (Angular) VB compilation error fixed.

2.21.1 - 2019-09-11


  • (Angular) Tabs component supports visible and disabled properties at item level.


  • (Blazor) Email confirmation template does not display login errors.
  • (Angular) Upload in basic mode does not allow to upload a different file.
  • Prevent hanging during during infer of big databases.

2.21.0 - 2019-09-06


  • (Blazor) Support for ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 9.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker closes when a date is selected.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker has “OK” button when time picking is enabled.


  • (Blazor) ‘Cannot call method “replace” of undefined’ design time error in some Blazor applications.
  • (Blazor) Value of DropDownList not posted with form.
  • (Blazor) Tab does not refresh when the TabItem’s Visible property changes.

2.20.5 - 2019-09-04


  • New page template - DataGrid with Form
  • (Blazor) Visible property added for the TabItem


  • (Blazor) DropDown cannot scroll with mouse wheel.
  • (Blazor) Notification not shown sometimes.
  • (Blazor) Popups incorrectly position in DataGrid column template.
  • (Blazor) Login error messages not displayed in Blazor applications.
  • (Angular) Using lambda expressions in the expression editor causes Radzen to crash.
  • (Angular) OData filters that contain “any” are replaced with .
  • Oracle data-source infer error “Cannot set property ‘x-key’ of undefined”.

2.20.4 - 2019-08-30


  • (Blazor) Support for Error events added.


  • (Angular) Cache interceptor error “Property does not exists on type” fixed.

2.20.3 - 2019-08-29


  • (Angular) Compile error with AD security and REST data-source fixed.
  • (Blazor) PostgreSQL updated to .NET Core 3.0 Preview8.
  • (Blazor) Project references merge fixed.

2.20.2 - 2019-08-27


  • (Blazor) Use embedded assets for Blazor applications.


  • (Angular) Autocomplete input does not size properly.
  • (Blazor) Missing partial XXXCreated method added.
  • TemplatePath is not defined design-time security configuration error fixed.
  • (Blazor) DateFormat for auto-generated CRUD pages.
  • Avoid changing the access of a custom login page.

2.20.1 - 2019-08-21


  • (Blazor) Error in template autocomplete fixed.
  • (Blazor) Data expressions in string templates not interpolated.
  • (Angular) Invalid version error when running pre Angular 7 Radzen applications.
  • (Angular) TextAlign does not work for the Numeric component.
  • (Angular) Enable $select parameter for OData data sources.
  • (Angular) CRUD pages DataGrid not bound when paging, sorting or filtering not enabled.

2.20.0 - 2019-08-14


  • Auto-generated Form field titles casing improved.
  • (Angular) Preserve custom dependencies in package.json.
  • (Blazor) Invoke custom method support added.
  • (Blazor) Updated to .NET Core 3.0 Preview 8.

2.19.10 - 2019-08-09


  • (Blazor) DataGrid column filter as you type exception fixed.
  • (Blazor) Page fails to render property in some cases.

2.19.9 - 2019-08-09


  • (Blazor) Live reload enabled.
  • (Blazor) DatePicker component added.


  • (Blazor) Dialog dimension parameters set properly in pixels.
  • Design time error “Cannot read property field of undefined”.

2.19.8 - 2019-08-05


  • (Blazor) Add Form date-time fields default value set to current date.
  • (Blazor) DropDown Template property added.
  • (Blazor) SingnalR message size increased.
  • (Angular) Allow only one culture in the application settings.
  • (Angular) Client and meta projects removed from solution.
  • Default base href for Deploy to ZIP/FTP set to slash (/).
  • (Blazor) DataGrid column filter as you type added.


  • (Angular) Active directory is not shown in the security dropdown sometimes.
  • (Angular) Min and max form field values do not update if set after the form is created.
  • (Angular) Ignore list fixed for VB project.
  • (Blazor) DropDown and DropDownDataGrid popup position fixed.
  • (Blazor) Cannot convert from ‘decimal’ to ‘double?’ fixed.
  • (Angular) Support multiple data sources with Azure AD authentication.

2.19.7 - 2019-07-31


  • (Blazor) DropDownDataGrid added.
  • (Blazor) Favicon is now Radzen logo.


  • Foreign keys not infered properly when FK name normalized.
  • Active directory missing sometimes from the security dropdown.
  • (Blazor) DataGrid not reloaded after adding new record.
  • License check fixed when Radzen is used behind proxy.

2.19.6 - 2019-07-24


  • Blazor updated to ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview7.


  • (Angular) Compilation error “A local or parameter named entity cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter”.
  • Fixed property names starting with number VB project compilation error.

2.19.5 - 2019-07-18


  • (Angular) Added support for Oracle versions prior to 12.


  • (Angular) Check if password or email is null on user update/create.
  • (Blazor) Numeric type not initialized correctly if database field is nullable.

2.19.4 - 2019-07-15


  • (Blazor) Notifications then support added.
  • (Blazor) Lookup column filterProperty set for auto-generated pages.
  • (Blazor) Download latest .NET Core 3.0 version message added to create app screen.


  • DateTime properties described fully using DbContext Fluent API.
  • (Angular) VB compilation error fixed with complex MSSQL stored procedures.
  • (Blazor) Code generation will not look for <any>.
  • (Blazor) Solution project reference name fixed.
  • (Blazor) Rename page during code generation if the name is equal to schema name.

2.19.3 - 2019-07-12


  • (Blazor) Query builder sorting enabled.
  • (Blazor) Filter and sort parameters for data service implemented with dynamic Linq.


  • (Blazor) DataGrid properly identified item type when auto-generating columns.

2.19.2 - 2019-07-11


  • (Blazor) Notification action support added.
  • (Blazor) PanelMenu hierarchy support added.
  • OnSendEmail partial method added to AuthController/AccountController.


  • (Blazor) Query builder filtering fixed.
  • (Blazor) Query builder Sort limited for Angular only for now.
  • (Angular) Form submit only changed values fixed.

2.19.1 - 2019-07-11


  • (Blazor) Html component added. Can be used as placeholder for third party components.


  • (Angular) TreeGrid expand and selection fixed.

2.19.0 - 2019-07-10


  • Virtual dev admin now part of every role.
  • (Angular) Link component Target property added.
  • (Angular) Back navigation used after add/edit auto-generated pages.
  • (Blazor) Ability to add additional CSS without ignores.
  • (Blazor) SSRSViewer proxy support added.


  • (Angular) Cannot read property ‘toArray’ of undefined with DataGrid component fixed.
  • Tables/Views cannot be checked/unchecked properly on data-source infer.
  • (Blazor) Data source service deleted on data source delete.
  • (Blazor) Models namespace removed from partial layout and page classes to avoid compilation errors on data source remove.

2.18.9 - 2019-07-08


  • (Blazor) Filter parameter added for service get collection methods.
  • (Blazor) Master/Detail Hierarchy and DataGrid templates added.
  • (Angular) PATCH method added for MSGRAPH update operations.
  • (Angular) AutomaticDecompression added for the report proxy.


  • Edit page lookup fields excluded if part of page parameters.
  • (Angular) Custom server methods support DateTime parameters passed as a date string.
  • (Angular) Security pages TemplateForm restored to Form.
  • Auto-generated pages Form fields with default SQL value marked properly as non required.
  • (Angular) Form will not submit non required fields with null value.

2.18.8 - 2019-07-01


  • (Blazor) Security with email confirm support added.


  • (Angular) Login resetPasswordText property exposed in property grid.
  • View virtual key not set properly when property is renamed.
  • Auto updates fixed.

2.18.7 - 2019-06-28


  • Nullable parameters support added for stored procedures with MSSQL data-source.
  • Tooltip property added to Button component.


  • (Angular) Fixed attribute specifier is not a complete statement for models in VB projects.
  • (Blazor) Update user roles fixed.
  • (Angular) DropDown and ListBox template will use the original data item.
  • (Angular) Fixed redirect after email confirmation for deployed applications.
  • Wrong code generated when binding DataList without paging from new data wizard.
  • (Blazor) Generate code for Then event of Execute C#.

2.18.6 - 2019-06-25


  • (Blazor) Application security enabled.
  • (Blazor) Ignore list support added.
  • (Angular) Add support for “basic” upload mode - just a button.

2.18.5 - 2019-06-19


  • (Blazor) MSSQL data-source stored procedures support added.
  • (Angular) DataGrid column tooltip property added.


  • “Failed to register a ServiceWorker” runtime error.

2.18.4 - 2019-06-17


  • Named parameters used when executing stored procedure.

2.18.3 - 2019-06-14


  • (Blazor) Updated to .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6.
  • (Angular) Expose Collapsed property for the Panel component.
  • Ability to disable auto-update from Radzen main menu.


  • (Angular) Panel not collapsed properly.
  • (Blazor) The type or namespace name ‘Data’ does not exist compilation error fixed.
  • (Blazor) Inferring MSSQL database incorrectly requests .NET Core 1.x to be installed.
  • (Angular) Stored Procedures parameters are incorrectly mapped.

2.18.2 - 2019-06-12


  • Keyword not supported: ‘host’ exception fixed with security, Postgre and MSSQL data-sources.

2.18.1 - 2019-06-10


  • Blazor design-time fixes

2.18.0 - 2019-06-07


  • Blazor layouts support added
  • Creation of Blazor projects will check and download latest .NET Core 3.0 if not available.
  • Native Blazor designer added.


  • Disabled button fires click event sometimes.

2.17.7 - 2019-05-31


  • Received packet in the wrong sequence during MySql database infer fixed.

2.17.6 - 2019-05-30


  • Blazor app default launchSettings.json added.
  • Radzen.Blazor updated to latest.


  • Image from assets fixed for Blazor projects.
  • Missing Scheduler locales fixed.

2.17.5 - 2019-05-28


  • Popup dialog with result used for Blazor CRUD pages.


  • Stored procedures schema discovery during service code generation fixed.

2.17.4 - 2019-05-27


  • Open/Close dialog enabled for Blazor projects.
  • Blazor DataGrid columns FormatString property added.
  • DataPicker and DateTimeFormFIeld hourFormat property added.


  • Resize dialog when its content does not fit.
  • SplitButton icons, Tab icons and DataGrid sorting icons missing in certain themes.
  • The DarkBlue theme preview thumbnail is missing.
  • Runtime error Observable.throw is not a function.

2.17.3 - 2019-05-23


  • Calculate dialog size when it changes after initial display.
  • Themes support for Blazor applications.
  • Blazor database scaffolding now supports dialogs.


  • DataGrid confirm delete dialog is not visible in some themes.
  • Occasional error in design time “utcPipe cannot be found”.
  • DataGrid row expand/collapse icon not visible with BlueGrey theme.

2.17.2 - 2019-05-21


  • Scheduler triggers the LoadData event non-stop in certain cases.

2.17.1 - 2019-05-20


  • VB compilation error with MSSQL 2008.
  • Error TS2307: Cannot find module ‘@angular/http’.

2.17.0 - 2019-05-20


  • Upgraded to latest Angular and PrimeNG.
  • Blazor templates with .NET Core 3 Preview5.
  • PostgreSQL CITEXT datatype support added.
  • Deploy for Blazor applications added.


  • Mater/Detail template with GUID key fixed.

2.15.2 - 2019-05-14


  • Remove additional files (enabled by default) option added to IIS deploy.


  • Pages tree View label changed to List
  • ENOENT exception fixed during application read when application files are deleted.
  • Overwrite existing pages fixed.
  • Set latest version (2.2) for .NET Core when enabling from application settings.
  • Cannot read property ‘parameters’ of undefined fixed.

2.15.1 - 2019-05-10


  • Specify what tables to scaffold and what to skip.
  • Pick what pages to generate per table - list, edit, add etc.

2.15.0 - 2019-05-09


  • Allow setting the Title of the dialog to expression.
  • Signature component added for Angular applications.
  • Improved application build performance.
  • Watch for changes will work directly with watcher not only watcher notifications.

2.14.5 - 2019-05-06


  • Cannot read property ‘replace’ of null error with empty filters fixed.
  • Invalid column name exception for string columns with format and space in the name fixed.

2.14.4 - 2019-05-03


  • SQL XML type mapped to string with [Column(TypeName=”xml”)] attribute.
  • Enable the property binding editor for the Path property of the Link component.


  • (Blazor) Parameters types fixed.
  • Cancelling application import shows invalid application.
  • Namespaces for SP with output parameter fixed.

2.14.3 - 2019-05-01


  • Code generation error “Cannot read property click of undefined”

2.14.2 - 2019-05-01


  • MySQL driver updated to allow connecting to instances hosted on Azure
  • Improve the visual appearance of disabled checkboxes
  • Register bearer authentication policy when using Active Directory.
  • EmailValidator accepts empty values.


  • Property binding dialog crashes Radzen for certain expressions.
  • Allow changing the logout text of the ProfileMenu

2.14.1 - 2019-04-24


  • Property grid columns editor visual glitch fixed.
  • Wrong nullable properties generated for EF entity.

2.14.0 - 2019-04-23


  • Version mismatch of node_modules check added on run.
  • Add Humanistic and Software themes.
  • Change theme thumbnails to abstract illustrations.
  • LookupPopup Form field and DropDownDataGrid columns support added.


  • OData action with multiple parameters fixed.
  • Nullable not generated properly for identity, computed or properties with default value.
  • Download link to .NET Core 2.2 fixed.
  • DropDownDataGrid triggers its Change event in inconsistent manner with DropDown.

2.13.5 - 2019-04-15


  • Enable scrollbars in the expression code editor.
  • Query Builder date picker made bindable.
  • Oracle data-source added.
  • EmailValidatorComponent added.


  • Fixed cannot read property “name” of undefined exception with PieChart.
  • DataGrid LoadData Then code is not generated when paging is disabled.
  • OData action parameters not submitted correctly.

2.13.4 - 2019-04-08


  • Infer numeric values in design time.
  • Allow setting the locale of a DatePicker and date form field.
  • Allow hiding step items.


  • DataGrid confirm delete fixed under IE11.
  • Update sqlrunner to set command execution timeout.
  • Query Builder not updated when you change from one Invoke action to another in the events tree.
  • Incorrect code generated for OData PUT methods.

2.13.3 - 2019-04-04


  • Add an overload of the OnConfigure partial method that accepts IHostingEnvironment parameter.
  • Allow setting the default view of the Scheduler component.
  • MSSQL datasource timeout exposed as setting.


  • Navigation properties removed from OData update requests.
  • Increase scrollbar size in the IDE.
  • Opening the first application does not work work sometimes.
  • Pass stored procedure output parameters at the end.
  • Navigating from a SplitButton leaves its popup open.
  • Property picker shows incorrect parameters for the Change event of the form component.
  • Tabs allow more than one tab to be selected visually.

2.13.2 - 2019-04-01


  • Invoke custom method crashes the Radzen IDE.

2.13.1 - 2019-04-01


  • Operation parameter name not serialized to page action invoke.

2.13.0 - 2019-03-29


  • Property binding editor added.
  • Allow changing the FileInput button text.

2.12.2 - 2019-03-28


  • Support setting the DefaultDate of the Scheduler after initialization.


  • New applications are always using the default theme.
  • Undo/Redo menu fixed.
  • Output pane copy with keyboard fixed.
  • Navigation properties excluded from POST, PUT and PATCH requests.
  • Paste from context menu in Windows.

2.12.1 - 2019-03-22


  • Serve the application on all IP addresses during development.
  • Expose IHttpAccessor in the DBContext that Radzen generates. Decorate the Login action with AllowAnonymous.
  • PUT and PATCH will return object instead NoContentResult.


  • SplitButton click event raised twice is now fixed.
  • Seting the Data of a popup lookup form field throws cannot use concat of undefined.
  • Cannot read indexOf of undefined when converting Form to TemplateForm fixed.
  • Reset the scroll position when going in template edit mode.
  • Panel navigation sometimes collapses unexpectedly.

2.12.0 - 2019-03-18


  • Scheduler timeFormat property added.
  • New applications with server-side support will use .NET Core 2.2.x.


  • DropDownDataGrid LoadData event generated properly from new Data wizard.
  • Scheduler eventSelect suggestions from event object fixed.
  • Cancelling application import throws error.
  • (RazorComponents) Service name case and operation parameters type and format fixed.
  • Nullable property marked as non nullable incorrectly.

2.11.9 - 2019-03-14


  • Sorting and filtering by more than one level nested properties with dot fixed.

2.11.8 - 2019-03-13


  • Importing an application opens it in design time immediately.


  • Tables without primary keys are not listed in the treeview for MySQL and PostgreSQL data sources.
  • Blazor data source namespace fixed.
  • Data source and application name should not be valid with / or \ chars.
  • The REST data source incorrectly reports that the API does not support CORS.

2.11.7 - 2019-03-08


  • Clearing the custom method name crashes Radzen.
  • Cannot close the popup code editor of the SelectBar options property.
  • Design time crashes when expressions use certain methods.
  • Custom methods generate duplicate formData variable in some cases.

2.11.6 - 2019-03-07


  • Fixed an error while retrieving database schema in some cases with stored procedures.
  • Will not add Timestamp attribute to primary key properties.
  • Cannot login to IIS with space in password.
  • MySQL char(36) and tinytext column types fixed.
  • Multiple non unique relations with MySQL fixed.

2.11.5 - 2019-03-06


  • Custom methods support objects as parameters.


  • Stop watching for application changes on application exit.

2.11.4 - 2019-03-01


  • Do not override application.sln.

2.11.3 - 2019-03-01


  • Dates are off by one in certain timezones when using a TemplateForm.

2.11.2 - 2019-02-28


  • Auto-generated pages code for edit incorrectly adds $expand parameter fixed.

2.11.1 - 2019-02-28


  • Auto-generated pages code for insert incorrectly adds $expand parameter fixed.
  • SQL fields that are both PK and FK are not inferred correctly fixed.
  • Duplicate $expand parameter generated for DataGrid loadData from new data wizard fixed.

2.11.0 - 2019-02-25


  • Cordova related improvements.
  • Grid column FormatString property added.
  • Support for $expand parameter added to getByXXX, updateXXX and createXXX operations.

2.10.15 - 2019-02-20


  • ClassList property fails with certain expressions.
  • Input components show wrong value when put in a template of a component that is nested in a TemplateForm.

2.10.14 - 2019-02-19


  • Make the application settings option more prominent.
  • Link to application settings when the user tries to create a database data source and there is no server project.

2.10.13 - 2019-02-18


  • Property load does not exist on type DataListComponent fixed.

2.10.12 - 2019-02-16


  • Cannot specify dialog parameters.

2.10.11 - 2019-02-15


  • Complex DB schema causes delays in displaying pages in design time.
  • Removing a parameter from the event editor clears the selection.
  • Do not allow setting duplicate parameters.
  • ProfileMenu appears below other components sometimes.

2.10.10 - 2019-02-13


  • Reference properties are now part of the schema and intellisense for MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL data sources.
  • Improve design time rendering of empty columns.
  • Allow clearing horizontal and vertical alignment of row and column components.


  • Design time error when the user selects Page from the component picker dropdown.
  • Remove the d-flex class when alignment is set to none.
  • Avoid scroll position resetting in design time.

2.10.9 - 2019-02-12


  • Add ShowGridLines property to the Chart component.
  • Query builder filter logical operator and hierarchy support added.


  • Cannot add some files to ignore list.
  • Avoid exception in design time when certain Angular expressions in the HTML component.
  • Renaming a layout displays the external modification dialog.
  • Master/Detail and Hierarchy temlates child grid $filter parameter not set properly.
  • Avoid external modification warning when creating the first page of an application.

2.10.8 - 2019-02-04


  • Edit form popup picker value not generated properly for multiple foreign keys to same table.
  • Navigation item editor does not display property grid.

2.10.7 - 2019-02-01


  • Class list support for Button and Link components.
  • Multiple component selection in design-time.
  • Display component name in the component tree.
  • Allow users to disable external file change watching.


  • Wrong Add/Edit lookup popup code generated during data-source infer for multiple foreign keys to same table.
  • Area chart does not render in design time.
  • DatePicker reports wrong date in TemplateForms during editing.
  • Fixed DataGrid header/body column misalignment when column resizing is turned on.

2.10.6 - 2019-01-28


  • Disallow dropping components in containers defined in the layout.
  • Azure AD design-time login during data source creation fixed.
  • Radzen will no longer handle globally keys like F5.
  • Empty filters removed in OData client instead always true filter expression from DataGrid.

2.10.5 - 2019-01-25


  • NotificationService fixed when duration is not set.

2.10.4 - 2019-01-25


  • Duration option added to Notify action.
  • SSRSViewer component support added to Blazor projects.
  • Charts no longer render empty in design time.


  • Adding new content containers to layout will add them to existing pages.
  • Cannot drag and drop components in certain layout configurations.

2.10.3 - 2019-01-23


  • Radzen will watch for changes in the application meta folder and will reload the app.
  • Specify the text alignment in DataGrid columns.


  • Auto-generated pages with DropDownDataGrid requesting same tables for different properties named properly.
  • Steps previous and next buttons update when the Disabled property of a step changes.

2.10.2 - 2019-01-22


  • DataGrid new data wizard will use load() instead method invoke in case of OData.
  • The previous and next buttons of the Steps component are disabled accordingly.
  • “In” operation added to query builder operations.
  • Raw filter and sort expression add button added to query builder.


  • DatePicker is one day off in TemplateForm now fixed.
  • Create of RentalCars demo fixed.

2.10.1 - 2019-01-17


  • DataGrid confirm delete option added and enabled by default for auto-generated CRUD pages.
  • DataGrid load() method added and used by default in auto-generated CRUD pages for Page Load instead direct data source method invoke.
  • Support for CSS verticalAlign added.
  • EF Core updated to 2.0.3.
  • Added Template property for the lookup form field.
  • Ability to open the context menu from the selection toolbar in design-time.
  • Dark theme chart improvements.


  • SSRSViewer design-time error “Cannot read https of undefined” fixed.
  • SSRSViewer proxy url fixed to work properly with PWA.
  • Execute code actions that contain backticks now parsed properly.
  • OData complex type parse error fixed.

2.10.0 - 2019-01-15


  • Query builder added for invoke data source method action for MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL data sources. Available for GET requests only with collection returned as response.
  • ApplicationIdentityDbContext Database.Migrate() moved from Startup.cs/vb to ApplicationIdentityDbContext constructor for better extensibility.

2.9.4 - 2019-01-10


  • Support database tables that end with “Response”.


  • Inferring custom server-methods does not work.

2.9.3 - 2019-01-09


  • Exposed the current locale as an implicit page property.


  • (Blazor) Design-time expression parse errors fixed.

2.9.2 - 2019-01-09


  • (Blazor) DataList, ListBox, Password, LengthValidator, CompareValidator and NumericRangeValidator new components added.


  • Design time exception when the Scheduler DefaultDate property is set.
  • Wrong image value when image is bound to a property and Ok is clicked on Choose Image From Assets dialog.

2.9.1 - 2019-01-07


  • Property ‘getByXXX’ does not exist on type fixed.

2.9.0 - 2019-01-04


  • Implement invoke custom method.
  • Allow data-binding the DefaultValue property of the Scheduler.


  • Fixed invalid login code for data-source basic authorization.
  • Fixed wrong code generated for Master/Detail with Sample OData service.

2.8.13 - 2018-12 - 21


  • Upload buttons look consistent in all themes.
  • Sidebar distorts the page in certain themes.

2.8.12 - 2018-12-19


  • Upload component showUploadButton and showCancelButton properties added.


  • Blazor app compile error when grid bound from new data wizard fixed.

2.8.11 - 2018-12-14


  • Remove the column created for the ValueProperty in popup lookups.
  • Radzen.Blazor version updated in project template.


  • Sample CRUD app data source fixed.
  • Avoid sidebar CSS conflict with Blazor.

2.8.10 - 2018-12-11


  • Designer improvements.


  • VB project SDK fixed to refer Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web.
  • Fixed exception template editing when the template is a string.

2.8.9 - 2018-12-10


  • DataGrid skip property added.


  • MSSQL stored procedures output parameters populated properly.
  • Fixed VB project not installing npm dependencies.
  • Redirect to Angular app if accessing the root of OData in VB project.

2.8.8 - 2018-12-07


  • AzureAD authorization enabled for REST data-source.
  • LoadData event added for the Scheduler component.
  • EventInit event added for the Scheduler component that allows setting text and background color.
  • Property grid improvements.


  • Trigger the Change event of the FormInput only once.
  • MSSQL Stored procedure string output parameter size set properly.

2.8.7 - 2018-12-04


  • Allow only integers in the integer property editor.
  • Generate unique names for components that do not have one and are placed in a tab.
  • Option to enable/disable cascade delete.
  • Rental Car sample app improvements and fixes.
  • Allow setting the border of a component.
  • State property added to DataGrid loadData event argument with information about current sort, filter and paging.


  • Avoid design time exception with dropdown when converting a Form to TemplateForm.
  • Lookup popup value will be selected properly.

2.8.6 - 2018-11-30


  • (Angular) Running Radzen applications from Visual Studio ensures the node_modules directory exists.
  • (Angular) Avoid setting the width of images in components.


  • Prevent self-signed SSL certificate usage in production applications.

2.8.5 - 2018-11 - 29


  • (Angular) Disabled steps added.


  • (Blazor) Conversion between string and Guid fixed.

2.8.4 - 2018-11 - 27


  • Open Output pane on application run and deploy.
  • File, Build and Deploy menus added.
  • Getting started wizards added.
  • Selectbar, CheckBoxList and RadionButtonList options support data-binding.
  • Property grid and event list filter added.
  • Select event for the FileInput component.

2.8.3 - 2018-11 - 23


  • (Angular) Allow changing button sizes.
  • (Blazor) Set root to first page if no start page.
  • (Blazor) Pages generated with partial class.
  • (Blazor) File names changed to pascal case (delete client/Pages to avoid conflicts).
  • (Blazor) DataGrid context name change from item to data.
  • (Blazor) System.Dynamic.Runtime added for client project.
  • (Blazor) Set root to first page in no start page.


  • Radzen cannot open Blazor project after opening an Angular project.
  • SimpleSelect styling fixes and behavior improvements.
  • (Blazor) ODataService in Startup.cs only if there are data-sources.

2.8.2 - 2018-11 - 22


  • Value type added to Set action for Blazor projects.


  • Fixed sample crud application.

2.8.1 - 2018-11 - 22


  • Ignore list added.


  • Fixed duplicate invokes on Page load for lookup fields when generating edit/add pages.
  • Blazor Add New button should be available for tables with primary keys only.
  • Fixed ReferenceError: unwrap is not defined.

2.8.0 - 2018-11 - 20


  • Blazor (server-side) experimental support added.
  • Ability to specify the position of a dialog.
  • Allow setting the z-index of positioned components.

2.7.1 - 2018-11-16


  • Ability to set the placeholder of the DropDown when multiple selection is enabled.
  • Allow users to clear the DropDown value via the AllowClear property.


  • Support = in database connection passwords.

2.7.0 - 2018-11-07


  • Form design time support via new TemplateForm component
  • Validator components - RequiredValidator, CompareValidator, LengthValidator, NumericRangeValidator
  • New input components - Rating, FileInput, Password, DropDownDataGrid
  • Group the components in the toolbox by category


  • Setting the dropdown value before its data is set throws exception.
  • REST data source editor blows up when a response schema is not set.
  • Prevent form components from losing their value after changing other form components visibility.

2.6.12 - 2018-10-30


  • DropDown visual focus indication.


  • The event editor sometimes updates the wrong event handler property.
  • Gauge throws error when data-bound to a page property which is not initially set.
  • Fixed ReportController for SSRS v.12

2.6.11 - 2018-10 - 29


  • SSRSViewer HTTPS requests fixed.
  • ReportController code fixed for .NET Core 1.x.

2.6.10 - 2018-10 - 22


  • Invoke does not perform HTTP request unless Then or Error is handled.
  • SSRSViewer cannot load the report in some cases when useProxy is set to true.
  • Deploy to ZIP will work properly when SSRSViewer useProxy is set to true.

2.6.9 - 2018-10-19


  • DataGrid paging reset to first page on sort.
  • Scroll focused input elements in Android.
  • Fixed create of Sample database for MS SQL data source.

2.6.8 - 2018-10-11


  • Duplicate records returned from SQL view or SQL table without primary key is now fixed.

2.6.7 - 2018-10-09


  • Exposed min, max and autocomplete properties for the numeric form fields.
  • Optimized the performance of output console.
  • Show message on run if data source connection string is not set.

2.6.6 - 2018-10-03


  • Cannot reach license server message added in case of network error during license check.


  • Type ‘ApplicationUser’ is not defined VB project compilation error fixed.

2.6.5 - 2018-10-03


  • Chart select event exposed.


  • Invalid object name ‘SYS.IDENTITY_COLUMNS’ with MSSQL and Turkish collation fixed.

2.6.4 - 2018-10-01


  • Do not allow dots in a page name.


  • Prefix the page selector to avoid invalid tag names.

2.6.3 - 2018-09 - 28


  • MaxNodeCount set to 1000 for EnableQuery attribute in .NET Core controllers.
  • DataGrid column filterValue property exposed.
  • Generate .gitignore only once.

2.6.2 - 2018-09 - 27


  • Select master DataGrid first row on initial load in Master/Detail DataGrid template.


  • Nested DataGrid titles are hidden now fixed.

2.6.1 - 2018-09 - 25


  • Restrict editing certain CSS attributes of layout components.


  • Registration always activates in community edition fixed.

2.6.0 - 2018-09 - 25


  • Electron version updated to latest.

2.5.4 - 2018-09 - 24


  • Cannot read property ‘find’ of undefined fixed.

2.5.3 - 2018-09 - 24


  • The binary operator Equal is not defined exception when edit item with concurrency fixed.


  • Avoid bundling the entire rxjs and lodash.


  • The binary operator Equal is not defined exception when edit item with concurrency fixed.

2.5.2 - 2018-09 - 21


  • Generation of unauthorized page for Active Directory security fixed.

2.5.1 - 2018-09 - 20


  • Already registered users will be able to use Radzen in community mode.


  • Service operation string path parameters encoded properly.

2.5.0 - 2018-09-19


  • Radzen Community Edition added.


  • DataGrid component will reset paging on filter change.

2.4.3 - 2018-09-18


  • Design time data generation improved.


  • Could not parse appsettings.json.

2.4.2 - 2018-09-17


  • Parameters support added to the Link component.
  • PanelMenu property syncs with router.
  • Link styling in selected items improved.


  • Incorrect type inferring in design time fixed.
  • .NET Core appsettings.json is now properly merged on run.
  • Cannot read property ‘filter’ of undefined fixed.

2.4.1 - 2018-09-14


  • Property grid fixes.
  • Cannot read property ‘fields’ of undefined error fixed.

2.4.0 - 2018-09-14


  • Sparklines, Gauge and ProgressBar new components added.
  • Optimistic concurrency support added for MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL data-sources.
  • Open popup code editor via button.
  • Various Chart component improvements.
  • Reduce the number of code generations when the user changes a property in the property grid.
  • Ability to set the GoogleMap center and zoom after initialization.


  • Scrollable tabs look off in latest Google Chrome.

2.3.3 - 2018-09-10


  • Composite foreign key to composite primary key relation support added.
  • Pluralize or singularize database table/view names as page names during data-source infer option added.


  • Compilation error member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type fixed.
  • Quitting Radzen sometimes leaves running dotnet processes fixed.
  • Design time error “Cannot find a differ supporting object Expression” fixed.

2.3.2 - 2018-09-05


  • Multi-line code editor. Double-click a single-line property editor to open it.
  • Show image placeholder for images that cannot load in design time.
  • Auto-generation of pages from Swagger data-source improved.
  • Avoid showing the empty DataGrid message on initial load.


  • DataGrid filtering does not work when the LoadData event is not handled.
  • The ‘dependent’ property is already configured exception fixed.

2.3.1 - 2018-09-03


  • OData exception handling added.
  • Cut/Copy/Paste/Duplicate components added in design-time.
  • Support for custom server-side validation added.
  • Support canceling the changes from the event editor.


  • SSRS reports with parameters fixed.
  • Cannot set property ‘allowCRUD’ of undefined during swagger data-source create error fixed.
  • Tabs content not displayed in IE11 fixed.

2.3.0 - 2018-08 - 29


  • GoogleMap component.
  • Grid column footer template.
  • MSSQL Stored Procedures with Output parameters support added.


  • Fixed Upload component Url in production mode.
  • C# and VB.NET reserved words separated.

2.2.2 - 2018-08 - 22


  • Image component exposes click event.


  • Dates move by one day during edit fixed.
  • Date added to reserved names for types and properties.
  • Fixed VB project cannot be compiled with active directory security enabled.
  • Export does not support Then event.

2.2.1 - 2018-08-16


  • .NET version and language chooser added to edit application screen.


  • PostgreSQL $format and$select data-source migration fixed.

2.2.0 - 2018-08-15


  • Export to Excel and CSV.

2.1.7 - 2018-08-14


  • Support for Azure AD 1 authentication needed by Microsoft Dynamics.


  • Chart component display fixed for IE11.
  • Fix profile menu item color.
  • Fix SSRSViewer styling in Default and Dark themes.
  • Improve the paginator appearance on mobile devices.
  • Fixed ApplicationIdentityDbContext cannot be found compilation error.
  • Fix form field visibility changes at runtime.
  • Prevent design time from hanging when the user clears the width or height of an Image whose Path is not set.

2.1.6 - 2018-08-08


  • Allow custom application security similar to http://demos.radzen.com without server project.


  • Logout is not working if user has not access to both Application Roles and Application Users pages.
  • Roles controller add/remove logic fixed.

2.1.5 - 2018-08-07


  • Server-side exception when trying to set user roles fixed.

2.1.4 - 2018-08-06


  • Improve legibility of disabled component text.
  • PrmenNG DataTable exposed as dataTable property in DataGrid component.


  • Fixed Tab icon alignment.
  • Fixed cannot contain a parameter named ‘{action}’ compilation error.

2.1.3 - 2018-08-03


  • Improve hover and clicked button state appearance.
  • Allow setting the margin of a component.
  • Empty app hint added.


  • Fix missing icons in design time.
  • Fixed PickList component does not size properly.
  • Column type for lookup columns fixed.

2.1.2 - 2018-08-02


  • .NET Core install messages improved.


  • Cannot read type of undefined error when creating master/detail from OData fixed.
  • Fix button, file and popup lookup field disabled state.
  • Numeric submits form when the user clicks its buttons.

2.1.1 - 2018-08-01


  • Responsive behavior improvements.


  • Fixed exception when dotnet CLI is not in system path or application serverVersion is not set.

2.1.0 - 2018-07-31


  • New Default and Dark application themes.
  • Windows authentication and LocalDB suppport for Microsoft SQL Server data-sources.
  • OnChangePassword partial method added to AuthController.
  • Add reference in project.csproj/vbproj to MySQL and PostgreSQL only when needed.
  • Ability to specify the default DataGrid column width.
  • Improved DataGrid filtering UX.


  • Fixed HTTPS ASP.NET Core 2.x server-side support.
  • OData primary keys respected properly during page generation.
  • Fixed cannot read entityType of undefined error during infer of Microsoft Dinamics365 OData.
  • Delete expanded properties when patching or posting OData entities.
  • Removed ‘@odata.context’ property from get responses.
  • Use case sensitive path in the license file.

2.0.9 - 2018-07-18


  • Multiple schemas support added for PostgreSQL.
  • OnConfirmResetPassword partial method added to AuthController.
  • Form field lookup popup picker added with ability to page, sort and filter lookup data.


  • Fixed infer of same table name in different MSSQL database schema.
  • Fixed FK property naming during infer.
  • Fix error when the Rentacar DB already exists.

2.0.8 - 2018-07-05


  • .NET Core OData reference updated to 7.0.0.
  • Lookup columns added for child DataGrid components in master/detail and hierarchy templates.


  • Value of invisible form fields is again submitted.

2.0.7 - 2018-07-04


  • New page dialog “No data source message added”.


  • Fixed “Cannot read property ‘find’ of undefined at findDataSourceByOperation”.

2.0.6 - 2018-07-03


  • Fix form fields after invisible fields getting wrong control type.

2.0.5 - 2018-07-02


  • Allow adding foreign key properties to ApplicationUser.


  • Showing 01/01/1970 for dates that are NULL.

2.0.4 - 2018-06 - 27


  • Form fields maxLength from database added.
  • Master detail templates added.


  • Fixed whitespace left from invisible form fields.

2.0.3 - 2018-06 - 21


  • PostgreSQL SSL connection support added.
  • Analytics added.
  • Allow the user to pick the month and year from a dropdown in the DatePicker component.


  • PostgreSQL primary keys discovery fixed.

2.0.2 - 2018-06-18


  • ProfileMenu items will be based on security provider - default or Active Directory.
  • Do not generate Add/Edit Form fields for primary keys with default sql value.
  • New page dialog improved.


  • Fixed missing Button disabled property.
  • Fixed “No executable found matching command “dotnet-ef”” error when triyng to add migration.
  • Avoid split of undefined error during code generation.
  • Fixed design-time exception cannot read name of undefined on Page list context menu.

2.0.1 - 2018-06-14


  • Ability to set dialog title implemented.
  • Support assets and images as navigation item icons.


  • Checkboxes in the navigation items editor not checkable.
  • Checkboxes are displayed on a new line in multi-column Form scenarios.
  • Properly redirected to login page after session expire.
  • Sorted database tables and pages by name alphabetically during infer and auto-generation of pages.
  • Check if error message is defined to avoid “Cannot read property ‘split’ of undefined” exception.
  • Fix IE11 caching HTTP responses.

2.0.0 - 2018-06-12


  • Layouts and layout components (Body, Header, Footer, ContentContainer, Menus, etc.).
  • Multi-column Form component.
  • Application assets and Image component.
  • Icon, Link, Heading and Gravatar components.


  • Fix issue with opening the directory picker dialog not working.
  • Fix error when using “data” in event handler editor inside a template.
  • Fix DbContext circular reference compilation error.
  • Fix issue that does not allow changing the field type when it is lookup.
  • Fix security url not generated properly for data-sources with allcaps and space

1.34.2 - 2018-05 - 22


  • MaxExpansionDepth set to 10 by default for EnableQuery attribute in server-side projects.


  • Parse the Angular template before instantiating a component to avoid caching template parse errors.

1.34.1 - 2018-05-11


  • Visual Basic support added for .NET Core 2.x applications.


  • Form component dates not submitted in correct format when utc is set to false.

1.34.0 - 2018-05-08


  • Fixed invalid custom method generation error.
  • Fixed circular references in entities when serializing in .NET Core app.
  • Fixed computed fields not properly identified in some cases for MS SQL Server.

1.33.10 - 2018-04-30


  • Create page copy added in design-time.


  • Fixed infer of MS SQL table names with dots.
  • Fixed invalid code generation when binding DataGrid using wizard inside template.
  • Fixed Numeric SelectOnFocus not working when numeric inside dialog.
  • Fixed properties not included for expand when creating pages from wizard.

1.33.9 - 2018-04 - 26


  • SelectOnFocus and Autofocus properties added for Numeric component.


  • Fix active directory build error in .NET Core 2 applications.
  • Fixed DataGrid pager not visible in design time when paging is on.
  • Fixed scrollable DataGrid in a tab displays as empty.
  • Fixed tri-state for boolean form fields.

1.33.8 - 2018-04 - 25


  • SplitButton component added.
  • Numeric component improved.
  • Visual Studio Code settings file (.vs) added to .gitignore.
  • Stored procedure date-time parameters support added.


  • Navigating to pages that contain umlaut fixed.

1.33.7 - 2018-04 - 23


  • Password reset implemented.
  • HTTP Basic authorization enabled for all data source types.


  • Fix readOnly=false for the numeric component.
  • Fixed unchecked tables properties are ignored during data-source infer.
  • Fix error when creating the “Rent a Car” example.
  • “Rent a Car” example will respect selected .NET Core version when created.
  • Internationalization support fixed for DataGrid Add button.
  • Fixed invalid OData route template with .NET Core 2.x and stored procedures.
  • Encode path parameters as JSON if they are not of primitive type.

1.33.6 - 2018-04-19


  • Utc property exposed to DateFormFieldComponent.
  • New data-source screen server input now will accept “:” for server/port separator as well.
  • Design time exception handling improved.


  • Fixed multiple entries Register Application User in app pages.
  • Fixed “The property cannot be configured as ‘ValueGeneratedOnUpdate’ or ‘ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate’ because the key value” exception.
  • Numeric component cannot be edited with keyboard.

1.33.5 - 2018-04-16


  • Fixed auto-update.
  • Fixed report in SSRSViewerComponent reloaded on every click when security is enabled.

1.33.4 - 2018-04-13


  • No overload method Created error in .NET Core 1 application fixed.

1.33.3 - 2018-04-13


  • Angular apps are now PWA ready.
  • Autocomplete property added to TextBox and StringFormField components.
  • Popup code editor added for HTML component.


  • Fixed UseHttps build error in .NET Core 2 application.
  • Fixed compilation error when second service invoke is initiated from first service then.
  • Fixed foreign key properties not populated after add new record and record update.
  • Fixed “Cannot find method split of undefined” error when updating a data source.
  • Fixed report parameters initialized in Page load.

1.33.2 - 2018-04-10


  • Select event added to AutoComplete component.
  • DataGrid pager will be shown only in case of more than one page.


  • Fix white form label color when a form is inside a panel header.
  • Fixed connection strings for data-sources with underscore in the name.

1.33.1 - 2018-04-09


  • Ability to register license key on first start signup dialog.


  • Upgrade PrimeNG to address expression has been checked errors.
  • Prevent too aggressive caching of OData service requests.
  • Filtering by sub properties fixed (no longer defaults to string filtering).
  • Component reference in code of the Angular page fixed.

1.33.0 - 2018-04-04


  • Add ability to specify service endpoints at runtime.
  • Users/Roles pages renamed to avoid conflicts.


  • ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json with multiple data-sources fixed.
  • Fix insert / update error of MSSQL tables that have a timestamp column.

1.32.9 - 2018-03-30


  • Visible and Disabled property grid editor now uses a checkbox.
  • .NET Core 2 Visual Studio run limited to .NET CLI only.
  • DataList scrolling will be automatically enabled if height is set.


  • Check if email is confirmed only when email confirmation enabled.

1.32.8 - 2018-03 - 29


  • Resolve ., (.) and (local) to localhost when connecting to MySQL and PostgreSQL in design-time.
  • Allow disabling the Button component.
  • Browser will be opened when starting project from Visual Studio.


  • Default SQL values properly escaped when generating .NET Core project.
  • Fix design time error when trying to format date-time-offset DataGrid columns.
  • Fix empty property editor of nested DataGrid columns.

1.32.7 - 2018-03 - 28


  • Nested expressions in design time fixed.
  • Unable to retrieve security roles in design-time for PostgreSQL fixed.
  • Fix empty property editor of nested DataGrid columns.

1.32.6 - 2018-03 - 27


  • Not showing DataGrid in design-time fixed.

1.32.5 - 2018-03 - 27


  • OnConfigureOData(ODataConventionModelBuilder builder) partial method added to Startup.cs
  • Add support to run Radzen applications seamlessly from Visual Studio
  • Support design time expressions that invoke nested methods.


  • Fix issues with missing application pages in design time and * is not part of a module build-time errors.
  • Exclude data-related component properties from localization.

1.32.4 - 2018-03 - 26


  • Generate sample data for nested object properties in design time.
  • Composite primary key support for .NET Core 2.x projects.


  • Avoid showing proxy properties in design time.
  • Fix regression with dashes and whitespace in page names.

1.32.3 - 2018-03 - 23


  • Default SQL values support added.
  • Use tri-state checkbox for boolean column filtering UI.


  • Avoid removing tabs when setting properties of child components.
  • .NET Core 2.x database relations implemented with Fluent API to avoid EF Core 2.x regressions with Data Annotations.

1.32.2 - 2018-03 - 22


  • Relation with principal key not primary key support added.
  • Set max log file size.


  • .NET download text on Linux fixed.
  • Connection string escaped when saved to appsettings.json.
  • Avoid exception when security is enabled and no pages are generated.
  • Avoid design time errors when component templates invoke functions.
  • Application startPage will be set to first page in navigation if invalid.
  • Load pages with available files only.
  • Page rename with umaluts fixed.

1.32.1 - 2018-03 - 20


  • ENOENT: no such file or directory error fixed when no .env file
  • .NET discovery fixed for Linux

1.32.0 - 2018-03-16


  • Optional email confirmation during user registration.


  • .NET Core 2 server project deploy fixed.
  • Show Form fields in design time unless their Visible property is false.
  • Show DataGrid columns in design time unless their Visible property is false.
  • Escape { and } in design time expressions.

1.31.0 - 2018-03-14


  • .NET Core 2.x support added.

1.30.0 - 2018-03-12


  • DataGrid column Visible property added.
  • ListBox metaKeySelection property added.
  • DropDown template property added.
  • Trial registration moved from web site to product.

1.29.3 - 2018-03-06


  • UI to download and install .NET Core from Radzen.


  • Fixed base href when deployed app with cultures to root.
  • Set default culture in production when the URL does not contain one.

1.29.2 - 2018-03-05


  • Fixed IIS deployment to site root and paths without host.
  • Fixed events handling code for components defined in header and footer.

1.29.1 - 2018-03-01


  • Support multiple data sources with OAuth security.


  • Fix “Cannot read property filter of undefined” code generation error.
  • Fix missing interpolation in Execute JavaScript code conditions.
  • Fix IIS deployment to site root.

1.29.0 - 2018-02 - 28


  • Deploy supports paths without host.
  • Code generation errors are displayed in a a separate dialog instead of unexpected errors.
  • Dialog changes - then event for open dialog and return result in close dialog.
  • The Visible property does no longer hide components in design time.


  • PickList moveToSource event fixed.
  • ListBox height fixed.

1.28.6 - 2018-02 - 23


  • Picklist component added.
  • DataList wrapItems mode added.
  • Panel footer template added.


  • DataList emptyMessage fixed.
  • DataList style binding fixed.

1.28.5 - 2018-02-19


  • Built-in CRUD sample improved and added as default to applications screen.

1.28.4 - 2018-02-15


  • Еrrors during OData infer fixed
  • Fix “Cannot read property events of undefined” error in design time.

1.28.3 - 2018-02-14


  • TypeError: Cannot read property ‘replace’ of null fixed

1.28.2 - 2018-02-14


  • ListBox template support added.


  • Fixed multiple repeating forward slashes in OData url.
  • Duplicate identifier error TS2300 in service.ts during build fixed.
  • Prevent design-time errors when a property setter could not be found.
  • Cannot convert undefined or null to object error during infer fixed

1.28.1 - 2018-02-12


  • Prevent unnecessary ListBox change events.
  • Replace only known path parameters in data source operation URL.
  • Allow adding and configuring .NET Core services in Startup.cs.
  • Add <div class=”logo”></div> to app.component.html.


  • Fixed 404 error in Angular app when browsing generated page to SQL View with no non nullable properties found.
  • Deploy to ZIP OData data-source path fixed.

1.28.0 - 2018-02-09


  • OAuth Facebook login support added.
  • Merge the .NET Core projects in order to allow custom Nuget dependencies.
  • Angular 5 support added.


  • Ensure the DataGrid value changes when the user selects a record. Fixes DataGrid event order in iOS.
  • Fix out of memory error during deploy builds.
  • Double precision and timestamp with time zone PostgreSQL types support fixed.
  • Cannot read property ‘charAt’ of null” build error in service.ts.ejs fixed.

1.27.3 - 2018-02-05


  • Allow percentage-based DataGrid column width.
  • Allow the developer to customize the session duration.
  • Expose DataGrid date filter format property.
  • Expose column resize mode property of the DataGrid.
  • Implement Steps (wizard) component.
  • Support for Google OAuth.

1.27.2 - 2018-01-31


  • Filter applications whose directory no longer exists.
  • Added DefaultValue for Text form fields.
  • DataGrid columns date-time and date filter enabled
  • Avoid setting 0 as DataGrid column width.
  • Log main process errors in the main process to preserve the stacktrace.


  • Exception ‘info’ is undefined fixed.

1.27.1 - 2018-01-30


  • Support for pipes in ternary expressions.
  • Fieldset header templated added.
  • Show autocomplete of error schema.
  • Add support for Then and Error for Execute JavaScript action.


  • Fix issues causing changes to REST data sources to not be persisted.
  • Login refresh of deployed app with security fixed.

1.27.0 - 2018-01 - 29


  • Support for multiple expressions in a property value.
  • Panel header template.
  • New UI for event handling.


  • Fix design time error while editing data-bound template.
  • Fix schedular runtime error.

1.26.2 - 2018-01 - 27


  • Security data-source excluded when searching for duplicate table names.

1.26.1 - 2018-01 - 26


  • Support for tables with the same name in different databases added.


  • Fix error when refreshing deployed applications.
  • Fix manual build of the client application by specifying exact package versions.
  • DataGrid component shows loading indicator forever when you click on the same page is now fixed.
  • Fix DataGrid not respecting page size setting during sort.
  • Duplicate Edit and Add pages are now fixed.

1.26.0 - 2018-01 - 24


  • Built-in car rental sample app added.
  • Windows authentication support for service data-sources added.
  • PostgreSQL support added.
  • DataGrid grouping support added.


  • Security pages no longer overwrite existing pages with the same name.
  • Update navigate and open dialog actions after a page is renamed.
  • Avoid security conflicts with existing User or Role entities.

1.25.1 - 2018-01-18


  • Expose barPadding property for the bar and column charts.


  • Cannot find operation by setter in some cases is now fixed.
  • mail.com changed to example.com in sample data.
  • Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined design-time exception fixed.

1.25.0 - 2018-01-16


  • New data dialog and new CRUD page improved with settings for paging, sorting, filtering, etc.
  • Login link added to Angular application if security is enabled and not authenticated.


  • Form component support for sub properties fixed.
  • Design-time exception “string.split is not a function” is now fixed.
  • Design-time exception “Cannot read items of undefined” is now fixed.

1.24.11 - 2018-01-12


  • Show drop-down property when the Data property is empty.

1.24.10 - 2018-01-12


  • Show dropdown editor for the Data property.
  • Changing the property of a data grid column updates its type, format and title.
  • DataGrid default column type is now string.


  • Runtime exception when triyng to navigate or open dialog from component inside Tab is now fixed.
  • Design-time exception “Cannot read properties of undefined” when editing events in property grid is now fixed.
  • Design-time exception while reading nested Then actions of Success notification is now fixed.

1.24.9 - 2018-01-10


  • Allow expressions for enum properties in the property grid.
  • Implement RowDoubleClick event for the DataGrid component.
  • Allow expressions for integer properties in the property grid.
  • Allow the developer to specify page size options in the DataGrid.
  • Allow expressions for data source properties in the property grid.


  • Avoid design-time errors when a property has invalid value.
  • Pager dropdown does not display properly inside scrollable parents.
  • Runtime error in Scheduler if an event does not have a “start”.
  • Server project Models and Controllers folders amd Context file not deleted after data-source delete.
  • Foreign key text property will be set to first string property with no format.
  • Wrong connection string when data-source name contains a dash.

1.24.8 - 2018-01-03


  • Tab component content is now scrollable.


  • Fix incorrect type inferring of nested array schemas.
  • Fix sporadic “Expression has been changed after it was checked” Angular error.
  • Fix runtime error when setting defaultValue of date form field.
  • Fix wrong data source path if the name contains a dash.
  • Fix error when deleting a page.
  • New data sources do not pick custom server port is now fixed.
  • Namespace added for ComplexType and EntityType while infering data-source schema from OData
  • MSGraph beta singleton support fixed

1.24.7 - 2017-12 - 29


  • Fixed bug that caused removing of form fields when the user sets the data property of a lookup field.
  • Fixed HTTPS build errors.

1.24.6 - 2017-12 - 21


  • Application create dialog change theme error fixed.

1.24.5 - 2017-12 - 21


  • Expose DataGrid isLoading property.


  • Fix form field disabling not working in some occasions.

1.24.4 - 2017-12 - 20


  • List page property in possible data-source values created from set action with ${event} value.


  • Fix error with setting parameter value to method invoke.
  • Vertical scroll added to new data-source includes.

1.24.3 - 2017-12-19


  • Ability to expand related collections on new data-source for all data components (DataGrid, DataList, DropDown, etc.).
  • List page property in new data-source from component event set actions.


  • Update the disabled property of form fields.
  • Duplicate client-side service method parameter names compilation error fixed.

1.24.2 - 2017-12-14


  • Form auto-generation of fields improved to work when inside template.
  • Set textbox and textarea default value to empty string.


  • Fixed application cannot be compiled because of invalid char in property name.
  • Fixed exception while checking property name during infer of existing data-source when database column was removed.
  • Fix cache invalidation issue with stored procedures.

1.24.1 - 2017-12-13


  • Fix runtime error when testing Active Directory connection.
  • Fix compilation error in production builds that have security enabled.
  • Generate unauthorized page for applications that have security enabled but do not have one.
  • Fixed compilation errors caused by not removed reference properties if the referenced type is excluded.

1.24.0 - 2017-12-12


  • Multiple roles can access a page.
  • Admin users can create users, assign roles and change passwords.
  • Users can change their password.
  • Support design time in multiple expanded accordion items.
  • DataGrid Value property implemented.
  • Auto-generate columns for grid in template.


  • Expand of collection properties fixed
  • Avoid error when dragging a component from the toolbox when no page is selected.
  • Connection strings and endpoints loaded properly from deploy settings.
  • Fixes in user management.

1.23.0 - 2017-12-08


  • Deploy to ZIP.

1.22.2 - 2017-12-06


  • Report component code generation when using proxy fixed.

1.22.1 - 2017-12-05


  • Form change event added.
  • Panel, Accordion, Fieldset and Tabs icon added.

1.22.0 - 2017-12-04


  • Template designer.
  • DataGrid row detail template.
  • Selected property for Accordion and Tabs items.


  • Design-time exception while editing page with security enabled is now fixed.

1.21.0 - 2017-11-30


  • Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services support added.
  • Explicitly enable application server-side project from create application/application settings.


  • DataGrid loading indicator will be shown only for server-side operations.

1.20.0 - 2017-11 - 27


  • Built-in loading indicator added for DataGrid component.
  • Allow checkbox properties to be set to expression in design-time.
  • Https support for the .NET Core application.
  • Nested component designer.
  • Tabs, Accordion, Panel and Fieldset components added.


  • .NET Core application cannot be compiled due to class name conflicts with System classes.

1.19.3 - 2017-11 - 22


  • Bottom navigation menu items in Angular application not visible fixed.
  • Mask component mask property set to empty string by default.
  • Compilation error when casts are used in code blocks fixed.
  • Angular application baseHref set to null when deploying to IIS root is now fixed.
  • Exception on nullable foreign key while serializing OData now fixed.

1.19.2 - 2017-11 - 20


  • Support TypeScript any casts in design-time property grid values.
  • Required Form field will be created for non identity primary keys.


  • Page properties cleaned if invalid on data-source update/delete.
  • Primary keys are now always non nullable in server-side project.
  • OData definitions for multiple EntitySets with same EnityType fixed.
  • Form field not required when property renamed due to name conflicts is now fixed.
  • Original property name used for title in DataGrid columns and Form fields if property is renamed.

1.19.1 - 2017-11-15


  • RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList components added.
  • Login, Form, Grid and DataList localization improved.


  • Cannot read property ‘indexOf’ of undefined error during MSSQL/MySQL data-source infer fixed.

1.19.0 - 2017-11-14


  • Angular Internationalization (i18n) support added.
  • TextArea component added.
  • Mask component added.
  • ListBox component added.
  • Slider component added.
  • DataList component added.
  • DropDown multi-select implmented
  • Disabled property added for all input components
  • Extend Radzen trial link added to trial/license dialog

1.18.3 - 2017-11-09


  • AllowFiltering property added for DropDown component and LookupFormField.
  • Selectbar component added.
  • CheckBox component added.


  • Fixed cannot set property ‘checked’ of undefined error during infer of MSSQL or MySQL data-source.

1.18.2 - 2017-11-07


  • Check already infered definitions on MSSQL and MySQL data-sources edit.
  • Ability to set Bootstrap column text alignment.
  • DataGrid column sortable and filterable properties added.
  • Filtering, sorting and paging support for MSSQL stored procedures result.
  • Expose the showTime, showSeconds and selectionMode properties of the DatePicker component.
  • Angular application notifications improvements.
  • Latest PrimeNG used.


  • Disable in-memory DataGrid sorting if allowSorting is false

1.18.1 - 2017-11-02


  • Level property added to Tree and TreeGrid nodeLoaded event argument.
  • Default route for server application with info how to browse the client application.
  • Design-time components drag and drop improvements.


  • Fixed security roles starting with number.
  • Corrupted/empty page now fixed.
  • Delete old generated code when a MS SQL data source updates.
  • Fix build error with automatically generated login form with Active Directory security.

1.18.0 - 2017-10-30


  • Label component added.
  • Visible property for all components implemented.
  • OData Function, Action, ComplexType, Annotations, Singleton and Containment support added
  • Nested code expressions support added.


  • Invisible fields no longer participate in form validation.
  • Avoid deleting custom controllers and models when a MSSQL or MySQL data-source is updated.

1.17.3 - 2017-10 - 25


  • Tree component nodeLoaded event added.
  • Level added to TreeGrid nodeSelect argument.
  • Form showSeconds and dateFormat properties for the date form field.
  • Allow event action reordering.


  • Tree component will use the last level if no level is defined for current level index.
  • Design-time exception when closing data, security or deploy screens now fixed.
  • Row css class not applied if horizontal or vertical alignment is set.
  • Interceptor removed if not needed on data-source delete and update.
  • New data-source name will be restricted to alphanumeric characters only.
  • File browse dialog no longer appears twice.
  • Fix cannot read property getFullYear of null.
  • Tree component set children and nodeExpand errors fixed.

1.17.2 - 2018-10-18


  • Security token sent properly when using MySQL and MSSQL data sources.
  • Design-time exception when closing data, security or deploy screens now fixed.

1.17.1 - 2017-10-17


  • Autocomplete component added.


  • Form component will convert defaultValue to the target field type.
  • Application cannot be compiled because of table name “Program” is now fixed.
  • Adding of new records with auto-increment MSSQL/MySQL fields fixed.

1.17.0 - 2017-10-12


  • Azure AD authentication support.


  • Fixed naming of types from table names starting with number.
  • Code generation from MySQL will handle properly ‘tinyint(1) unsigned’.
  • Server port application setting fixed to be available for MySQL data-sources.

1.16.8 - 2017-10-10


  • Tree node templates.
  • Provide files as base64 in the upload event of the upload component.


  • Array property types are now excluded from code generation.

1.16.7 - 2017-10-06


  • MSGraph design-time OData support
  • Resolve multiple expressions
  • Tree component nodeSelect event argument changed from data item to { level, data }


  • Button width in percentage is properly set in design time
  • Hide the grid loading indicator in design time

1.16.6 - 2017-10-05


  • Avoid serializing the name property of components to HTML.


  • Row CSS class properly serialized during code generation.

1.16.5 - 2017-10-03


  • Export pages separately to allow navigation overriding
  • Navigation links extracted as NavigationMenuComponent
  • Allow the user to view the application directory
  • Use HttpClient instead of Http

1.16.4 - 2017-09 - 29


  • Data-source editor better array recognition


  • OData exception when filtering on lookup property together with paging

1.16.3 - 2017-09 - 28


  • DataGrid will be able to sort and filter by lookup (sortProperty, filterProperty)


  • Last deploy settings will be filtered to available data-sources
  • Properly resolve “security” property usage in action conditions

1.16.2 - 2017-09 - 27


  • Allow the user to select a component from a dropdown in design-time
  • Lookup form field defaultValue implemented


  • Deploy for data-source with space in name fixed
  • Check if the connection string is available before using it

1.16.1 - 2017-09 - 26


  • Additional message to turn-on SQL Browser service added to MSSQL connection error in case of port or instanceName connection fail
  • DataGrid in-memory sorting and paging support added
  • Update the form value if the control that changes is valid


  • Wrong excluded MySQL relation warning fixed
  • REST data source schema editor fixed
  • Events with no actions will be filtered
  • Creating page properties from operation names with space fixed

1.16.0 - 2017-09 - 25


  • Support for active directory subdomains
  • TreeGrid component added
  • Allow the user to specify custom OAuth query parameters
  • Added condition property for all event actions
  • Generate code for custom OAuth query parameters. Allow overriding scope and response_type
  • Reverse the priority of id_token and access_token params.


  • Multiple securityUrl in case of MySQL data-source fixed
  • Fixed code generation exception when last page is deleted
  • MySQL connection to different port fixed
  • Form field auto-generation will filter array and object properties
  • Wrong relation exclude warning fixed
  • Set property and invoke data-source method code generation errors fixed

1.15.0 - 2017-09 - 20


  • Tree component added
  • Condition property added to Invoke event action
  • Added support for MS SQL tables without primary keys

1.14.1 - 2017-09-19


  • Auto-update fixed

1.14.0 - 2017-09-19


  • Design time improvements (bootstrap rows and columns, component resizing)
  • Numeric component added
  • DatePicker dateFormat property added

1.13.0 - 2017-09-13


  • Separate page, login and popup routes to allow customization
  • Show username and password in the autocomplete for the login event
  • Swagger wizard will use paths instead entities


  • Check if authentication is not null before using it
  • Fix “cannot access security of undefined” error when setting the value of an event parameter

1.12.2 - 2017-09-05


  • Basic authorization support for OData services


  • Wrong principal key name after property unique name set (lookup DropDown not populated properly)

1.12.1 - 2017-09-01


  • Download .NET Core 1.1 link updated
  • Wrong service default argument fixed
  • Wrong end slash for Swagger data-source url removed
  • API Key authorization as query string not set properly to request in some cases

1.12.0 - 2017-08-31


  • Upgrade to Angular 4.3 and Angular CLI 1.3
  • API Key authorization for Swagger services
  • Ability to delete security scope from the data-source wizard
  • Application will be opened directly after create
  • Active Directory security will no longer require MSSQL or MySQL data-source


  • Wrong relation exclude warning fixed during MSSQL data-source infer
  • Data source name with spaces or underscores fixed
  • Application cannot compile (server-side project namespace equal to type name) fixed
  • MSSQL and MySQL nullable fields not mapped properly in generated JSON and C#
  • DropDown component now will provide the current data item as the change event argument

1.11.1 - 2017-08-14


  • Avoid design time error for empty object properties.
  • ‘If-Match’, ‘*’ added for DELETE method and removed from POST method in OData V3.

1.11.0 - 2017-08-10


  • Active Directory support added
  • Controllers data read partial method added
  • Stored procedures partial read and default params methods added
  • IIS logging enabled by default to .\radzen###############.log
  • ASP.NET Identity tables exposed
  • Remove auth files when authentication is disabled
  • IIS WebDAVModule removed by default for applications built with Radzen
  • Scheduler component locale and firstDayOfWeek properties exposed
  • Exposed valueProperty for the DropDown component
  • Support for array literal properties added
  • If-Match * added for OData V3


  • OData UTC filtering fixed
  • Build stop fixed
  • Area chart fixed

1.10.0 - 2017-07-31


  • Scheduler component added


  • Fix dialog overlaying everything on Chrome.
  • OData operations with GUID parameters fixed
  • OData V4 GUID filtering fixed to use equal
  • OData V1-3 filtering of string, GUID and DateTime fixed
  • Typing in the Name component property no longer blurs it
  • SQL Server 2008 infer fixed

1.9.0 - 2017-07-12


  • MS SQL Server stored procedures support added
  • Ability to modify data-source endpoints before deploy
  • Last deploy settings saved in .settings file under deploy key


  • Form converts dates to UTC even if they are not changed
  • REST data source fixed

1.8.2 - 2017-07-04


  • MacOS FTP deploy fixed

1.8.1 - 2017-07-03


  • showTime property added to DateFormFieldComponent


  • Use strict not equal in order not to filter out “false” property values.
  • ng-cli error reporting during deploy fixed
  • Generate only “List” page for tables with multiple primary keys

1.8.0 - 2017-06 - 29


  • Deploy Radzen applications via FTP

1.7.0 - 2017-06 - 26


  • Deploy Radzen applications to IIS
  • DatePicker component

1.6.1 - 2017-06-12


  • CRUD for Swagger pages.


  • MySQL char(36) type is excluded from infer.
  • Computed properties will be displayed in the grid but excluded on update.

1.6.0 - 2017-06-07


  • MySQL support.


  • Methods must be unique validation error.

1.5.0 - 2017-06-05


  • Swagger (OpenAPI) data sources support.
  • Update pages when the user deletes a data source or filters out tables/entities.
  • Support changing the port of the .NET application.
  • Ensure operation id is unique in a REST data source.


  • Fix one day off issue when UTC is enabled and the user timezone is earlier than UTC.

1.4.0 - 2017-05-30


  • OData entities filtering on infer using treeview witch checkboxes.
  • New page dialog now can create CRUD pages for the specified data-source schema.
  • User management customization

1.3.1 - 2017-05 - 26


  • Support 200 as OData PATCH response code..
  • Support UTC dates.
  • Tables and Views in the data-source infer treeview are sorted alphabetically.
  • Form submit changes only option.
  • Auto scroll the content of a popup dialog.


  • Naming relation properties will ignore case when search for existing property
  • Excluded relations warning will not show if you exclude tables and then include excluded tables again
  • Computed columns excluded
  • Use input type number instead of p-spinner in order to handle decimal

1.3.0 - 2017-05 - 25


  • Pick SQL Server tables
  • Support for SQL Server views


  • CRUD with tables that have GUID keys does not work.

1.2.2 - 2017-05-19


  • Ability to set color and icon properties as expressions.
  • Add visible and empty text data grid properties.
  • Add icon property to the data grid.
  • Add data grid column width property.
  • Add ability to register custom components and services.


  • MS SQL Column name with spaces fixed
  • MS SQL Table name equal to app name fixed
  • MS SQL Relations with composite and multiple keys fixed

1.2.1 - 2017-05-17


  • Fix the casing of the components (button, grid, dropdown) and their properties.

1.2.0 - 2017-05-17


  • Custom styles support.
  • Add support for button icons.
  • New sample OData service.
  • Add card component.


  • Set default form field type to string. Fixes the rz-undefined-form-field runtime error.
  • Tables with reserved names renamed.
  • Entity type used if no x-foreignKey.name and foreignKey.parentEntityType.
  • Avoid output pane button scrolling out of view.
  • Initialize the selectbar option value to text if not set.
  • Fix the navigation height so all items are visible.

1.1.6 - 2017-05-11


  • Text form field.
  • Rating form field.
  • Selectbar form field.
  • Form can update data on change (updateDataOnChange property false by default).
  • Form buttonPosition none option added.
  • Ability to set a form field default value from route parameters.


  • Adding a form field has default string type.
  • Handling OData Edm.Binary type.
  • DataGrid new data-source code generation will respect count parameter for OData V3.
  • Server (C#) relations and property naming fixed (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name XXX).
  • Form fields and grid column reordering is not persisted.
  • OAuth login redirects twice to login page.

1.1.5 - 2017-05-09


  • TypeError: page.generated.ts.ejs:92 args.find is not a function

1.1.4 - 2017-05-09


  • Improved foreign key inferring from OData service
  • Auto-generated edit form will now submit ${event}


  • TypeError: Cannot read property of undefined when setting form field or data grid column properties

1.1.3 - 2017-05-08


  • Reorder forum fields and grid columns.
  • Easier way to specify a form field type.


  • Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable ‘result’.
  • Validation error about duplicate data source name when editing a data source.
  • TypeError: Cannot read property ‘operationId’ of null when inferring OData service.

1.1.2 - 2017-05-05


  • Empty DataGrid design-time ‘hasOwnProperty()’ error fixed.

1.1.1 - 2017-05-05


  • Generation of OData CRUD pages undefined or null object error fixed.

1.1.0 - 2017-05-04


  • Upgrade PrimeNG and ngx-charts.
  • Filtering UI for date DataGrid columns.
  • Enable DataGrid responsive mode.
  • Prevent the output pane from blocking the design canvas and property grid.
  • Ability to specify the position of the form buttons.
  • Page generation uses Angular date pipe to format date columns.
  • Upload component and upload form fields. Enable by setting the format of a string form field to base64.
  • Sample SQL Server database has images.
  • Ability to specify default form field values.
  • Cache the response of OData services.
  • Page generation displays dates in DataGrid columns as UTC by default.


  • Popups don’t always appear centered.
  • Boolean component properties are serialized as strings.
  • OData response code for POST is fixed.
  • Remove webpack build warnings.

1.0.5 - 2017-04 - 27


  • Expose the Count property of the DataGrid component.
  • Support OData v3 in the new DataGrid data source dialog.


  • Compilation error when a table has a column named after the table itself.
  • Code generation error when a table name contains underscore.
  • Compilation error when the TextBox or DropDownList components are used.
  • Cannot select a data source method in the new DataGrid data source dialog.

1.0.4 - 2017-04 - 25


  • Compatibility with SQL Server 2008 and dynamic ports.
  • Hide pages based on the current user role.


  • Runtime error when creating ASP.NET Core Identity tables.
  • Cannot delete entities after inferring the schema from SQL Server.
  • Avoid generating duplicate properties for relationships.
  • Disable filtering of date properties until proper filtering UI is implemented.
  • Endless HTTP calls during filtering.

1.0.3 - 2017-04 - 22


  • Trial version expires after upgrade to 1.0.2.
  • Error while saving a page

1.0.2 - 2017-04 - 21


  • Support for SQL Server dynamic ports and named instances.
  • OData v3 support.
  • Logging unhandled exceptions. The log file is called log.txt and can be found in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Radzen on Windows and ~/Library/Application Support/Radzen on macOS.


  • SQL Azure schema inferring hangs.
  • Sporadic ‘Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory’ when creating a page.

1.0.1 - 2017-04-19


  • Inject services in ngOnInit in order to support service replacement via dependency injection.
  • Warn if a database already exists when creating sample MS SQL schema.
  • Help / About menu item in Windows


  • Bug when deleting entities from an OData schema.
  • Inferring SQL Azure database schema hangs.
  • Compilation error during production build due to a property being private.

1.0.0 - 2017-04-18


  • Generate CRUD pages for OData services
  • Build output window
  • Component names
  • Display foreign keys in automatically generated pages
  • Regenerate code on property changes
  • Upgrade to Angular 4 and Angular CLI 1.0
  • Remove build indicator overlay
  • Stop auto-hiding unexpected errors
  • Allow the user to quickly find pages and components

1.0.0-beta.1 - 2017-03-30


  • Use Angular CLI for building
  • Built-in user management for SQL Server data sources
  • Generate CRUD pages for SQL Server data sources
  • Generate user management pages
  • Ability to open pages in dialogs
  • Twelve new themes
  • Lookup form fields - ability to pick a value from a dropdown
  • Form fields for boolean properties
  • Live rebuild and reload

Breaking changes

  • Old themes are removed. You have to change the current theme.
  • Angular application is generated in the client directory.

1.0.0-alpha.13 - 2017-02 - 21


  • DataGrid paging, sorting and filtering support
  • MSSQL paging sorting and filtering support
  • Two-way data-binding support for DropDownList and TextBox components
  • Placeholder option for DropDownList

1.0.0-alpha.12 - 2017-02-15


  • MSSQL Server CRUD support
  • MSSQL Server TrustServerCertificate configuration option


  • The property grid displays old values for certain properties

1.0.0-alpha.11 - 2017-02-09


  • Build error when the user hasn’t specified a logo
  • Error when the user cancels application import

1.0.0-alpha.10 - 2017-02-06


  • No longer require a log when creating a new application.
  • No longer require the target directory to be empty.
  • Create the target directory if it does not exist.
  • Support for 64bit Windows.
  • Support for 64bit Ubuntu.

1.0.0-alpha.9 - 2017-01 - 20


  • A lot faster way to data-bind components. Automatically creates page properties and invokes data source methods.
  • DropDown component.

1.0.0-alpha.8 - 2016-11-30


  • MS SQL Server support.


  • Design-time error when the user changes the invoke method.

1.0.0-alpha.7 - 2016-11-14


  • Allow the user to pick the navigation path from a drop down.


  • Design-time error if the user types too quickly.

1.0.0-alpha.6 - 2016-11-03


  • Upgrade to Angular 2.1.2.
  • Ubuntu support


  • Dialogs go behind Radzen window in Ubuntu

1.0.0-alpha.5 - 2016-10 - 29


  • Improved production build.
  • Help menu item.
  • Upgrade to TypeScript 2.

1.0.0-alpha.4 - 2016-10 - 27


  • Grid column templates.
  • Action that allows code execution.

1.0.0-alpha.3 - 2016-10 - 24


  • Improve autocomplete behaviour.
  • Delete data items from the grid.


  • Moving components via drag and drop sometimes fails.
  • Generator outputs invalid TypeScript if a property value starts with expression.
  • Code generation fails if a notify action doesn’t have the detail or summary set.
  • The submit event of the form component has wrong event argument.

1.0.0-alpha.2 - 2016-10-18


  • OAuth doesn’t really work. The client_id parameter was missing from the login URL.
  • Cannot tab out of certain property editors in the property grid.
  • Crashes when the run button is clicked in a newly created application.

1.0.0-alpha.1 - 2016-10-18

First release!