Legacy DataGrid (Blazor)

This guide demonstrates how to use the legacy DataGrid component. For more info about our new DataGrid component with new improved rendering, frozen columns, virtualization, etc. please visit new DataGrid component demos.

DataGrid Properties

Name Type Default Description
TItem type null Item type.
Data array null DataGrid data.
Count integer null DataGrid number of all records.
PageSize integer 10 DataGrid number of records per page.
AllowPaging boolean false Is paging allowed.
AllowSorting boolean false Is sorting allowed.
AllowFiltering boolean false Is filtering allowed.
Visible boolean true Is DataGrid visible.
EmptyText string No records to display. DataGrid text on no records.
Columns array of GridColumn empty DataGrid columns.
Template string null DataGrid row details template.
FilterCaseSensitivity enum Default Default or CaseInsensitive.
FilterMode enum Simple Simple or Advanced.
FilterDelay integer 500 Number of milliseconds to wait before filter.
CurrentPage integer 0 Returns current page index.
ApplyFilterText string Apply DataGrid date column filter apply button text.
ClearFilterText string Clear DataGrid date column filter clear button text.
EqualsText string Equals DataGrid date column filter Equals function text.
NotEqualsText string Not equals DataGrid date column filter NotEqualsText function text.
LessThanText string Less than DataGrid date column filter LessThanText function text.
LessThanOrEqualsText string Less than or equals DataGrid date column filter LessThanOrEqualsText function text.
GreaterThanText string Greater than DataGrid date column filter clear GreaterThanText text.
GreaterThanOrEqualsText string Greater than or equals DataGrid date column filter GreaterThanOrEqualsText function text.
EndsWithText string Ends with DataGrid date column filter EndsWithText function text.
ContainsText string Contains DataGrid date column filter ContainsText function text.
StartsWithText string Starts with DataGrid date column filter StartsWithText function text.
EditMode enum DataGridEditMode.Multiple DataGrid edit mode Single or Multiple.
ExpandMode enum DataGridExpandMode.Multiple DataGrid expand mode Single or Multiple.
SelectionMode enum DataGridSelectionMode.Single DataGrid selection mode Single or Multiple.

DataGrid Events

Name Type Default Description
RowSelect event null Row select event of the DataGrid. Fired when row is selected. Row data as event arguments.
RowDeselect event null Row deselect event of the DataGrid. Fired when row is deselected. Row data as event arguments.
RowDoubleClick event null Row double click event of the DataGrid. Fired when row is double clicked. Row data as event arguments.
RowClick event null Row click event of the DataGrid. Fired when row is clicked. Row data as event arguments.
RowExpand event null Row expand event of the DataGrid. Fired when row is expanded. Row data as event arguments.
RowCollapse event null Row collapse event of the DataGrid. Fired when row is collapsed. Row data as event arguments.
LoadData event null Load data event of the DataGrid raised on page, sort and filter with info about the current page, page size, sorted columns and filter expressions
RowRender event null Row render event of the DataGrid.
CellRender event null Cell render event of the DataGrid.
Render event null Render event of the DataGrid.

DataGrid methods

Name Type Arguments Description
Reload() void N/A Reloads the data grid.
FirstPage() void N/A Sets paging to first page and reloads the data grid.
PrevPage() void N/A Sets paging to previous page and reloads the data grid.
NextPage() void N/A Sets paging to next page and reloads the data grid.
LastPage() void N/A Sets paging to last page and reloads the data grid.
GoToPage() void int page Sets paging to specified page and reloads the data grid.
EditRow() Task TItem item Sets specified row by data item in edit mode (EditTemplate column property will be rendered for the cell instead Template). RowEdit event will be raised with data item as argument.
UpdateRow() Task TItem item Sets specified row by data item in view mode (Template column property will be rendered for the cell instead EditTemplate). RowUpdate event will be raised with data item as argument.
CancelEditRow() void TItem item Sets specified row by data item in view mode.
IsRowInEditMode() bool N/A Gets if specified row by data item is in Edit mode.
ExpandRow() Task TItem item Expand/Collapse specified row by data item. RowExpand/RowCollapse event will be raised with data item as argument.

GridColumn Properties

Name Type Default Description
Type string string GridColumn type. string, integer, number or boolean.
Format string null GridColumn format. int32, int64, float, double, byte, binary, base64, date, date-time, date-time-offset or password.
Property string null GridColumn property name.
SortProperty string null GridColumn sort property name. If not set Property will be used for sorting.
FilterProperty string null GridColumn filter property name. If not set Property will be used for filtering.
Title string null GridColumn title.
Template string null GridColumn template.
HeaderTemplate string null GridColumn header template.
FooterTemplate string null GridColumn footer template.
FormatString string null GridColumn format string.
TextAlign string null GridColumn format text align. Default Left.
Width number null GridColumn width in pixels.
Sortable boolean true Is sorting allowed for this column.
Filterable boolean true Is filtering allowed for this column.

Customizing the column appearance

By default the DataGrid component displays the value of the Property in a column. Use the Template property to customize the appearance. The whole data item is available as data in the expression.

Template examples:

  • <strong>${data.FirstName}</strong> - display the FirstName property in a <strong></strong> element.
  • <strong>@(data.FirstName)</strong> - display the FirstName property in a <strong></strong> element.
  • Full Name: ${data.FirstName} ${data.LastName} - display two data item properties in the column.
  • Full Name: @(data.FirstName) @(data.LastName) - display two data item properties in the column.

Important: The ${} syntax is specific to Radzen. If you are using the Radzen Blazor components outside of Radzen you have to use the @() syntax.

Blazor declaration

  <RadzenGrid @ref="ordersGrid" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="3" AllowSorting="true" 
              Data="@orders" TItem="Order" Value="@order">
          <RadzenGridColumn Width="200px" TItem="Order" Property="OrderID" Title="Order ID">
                  Total orders: <b>@orders.Count()</b>
          <RadzenGridColumn Width="200px" TItem="Order" Property="Customer.CompanyName" Title="Customer" />
          <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Order" Property="Employee.LastName" Title="Employee">
              <Template Context="order">
                  <RadzenImage Path="@order.Employee?.Photo" Style="width:150px" />
          <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Order" Property="OrderDate" Title="Order Date" Format="date-time">
              <Template Context="order">
                  @String.Format("{0:d}", order.OrderDate)
                  Last order date: <b>@String.Format("{0:d}", orders.OrderByDescending(o => o.OrderDate).Last().OrderDate)</b>
          <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Order" Property="Freight" Title="Freight">
              <Template Context="order">
                  @String.Format(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"), "{0:C}", order.Freight)
                  Total amount: <b>@String.Format(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"), "{0:C}", orders.Sum(o => o.Freight))</b>
          <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Order" Property="ShipName" Title="Ship Name" />

Server-side operations

  • DataGrid component can perform server-side sorting, paging and filtering when bound to IQueryable (default) or using LoadData event. When generating pages from database, Radzen will create automatically IQueryable service and will set Data property for the DataGrid component.

  • For paging with LoadData event enable paging, add LoadData event handler, call your service with provided information in the event argument and set Data and Count properties to returned values.

Sorting and Filtering by lookup fields

DataGrid component can sort and filter by lookup fields by defining SortProperty and FilterProperty for desired column. When generating pages from database, Radzen will set automatically SortProperty and FilterProperty for all lookup columns based on data-source relations.

InLine edit

DataGrid component can edit and update records using EditRow() and UpdateRow() methods and EditTemplate property of the column. To know more about this feature please visit DataGrid InLine Editing demo.